Meta Thread back from the dead

>Start a meta thread
>despite 1 meta thread being allowed, mods still delete the allowed meta thread
sasuga Sup Forums




what is your goal?

How am I shitposting exactly?
I am upset the waifu wednesday thread got deleted for absolutely no justifiable reason.

Holy shit, Sage, these threads are just a bunch of huge circlejerk that can be boiled down to "I hate shonenshit generals! I hate generals! I hate these threads! They are huge circlejerks!" while being a general, a circlejerk, and worse: off-topic; so basically even worse than the things they "criticize" ("Criticism": The words some people like to hide behind as an excuse)
Go back after you realize how ironic this is

Ban all mobile posters and streamfags

I just looked it up and that post was made almost exactly 11 months ago. Can anybody tell me what changes have been made as a direct result of these threads or if nothing then explain what the point of them even is?

The mods rule this place. hiro couldn't give a shit about what happens here.

They're just a free excuse to have shitpost containment. Hiro just did it so people don't fucking spam meta threads all over.

/qa/ is useless after /jp/ /mlp/ and /leftypol/ got into a huge fight invading the board and now it's a worse /jp/. Also those who browse their boards don't actually go to /qa/ nor do the people that moderate it. These threads are the only way any meta discussion can occur, otherwise (or regardless) everything is just going to stay the fucking same forever


>Complains that these threads contain nothing but "I hate ___ threads"
>Is itself a post that boils down to "I hate ___ threads"
>Then complains about anons failing to recognize irony
Wow, this is like a super-special, ultra-advanced form of irony unlike anything I've ever seen.

>off by one

Forever a baka.

You could go to Sup Forums's twitter or use the feedback feature. These threads are literally useless.

Nice thread

what do you want to accomplish with this, OP? these threads do nothing and it only generates shitposting


to crash the anime industry with no survivors


We need /ag/ anime general to save Sup Forums just like Sup Forums was saved by /vg/

I don't mind, but he needs to autosage them, not prune them.

And the ryona threads need to get banned.

>Sup Forums saved by /vg/


Mods have no understanding of board culture and do not care. Their philosophy is that Sup Forums should consist exclusively of discussion pertaining directly to anime or manga, and which does not in any way fall under the reach of any other board. Stuff like waifu wednesdays, /djt/, sadpanda threads, etc are all out because they violate this principle and nothing more, with no consideration to their place within board culture or how long they've been around.
Unfortunately it's unlikely we'll be able to do much about any of this, since a big part of Sup Forums culture is being skeptical, pessimistic by default, and highly self-critical. See and for example.

Not anymore!

>I hate it here.
>I'm gonna make everyone act how I like or leave.


Nice. It's on autosage.

Get fucked.



Ban this shit mods, here easy

Go get a tan. Maybe it'll work.

>complains about cancer
>DBS general untouched
I'm confused

Dragon ball has been around longer than your ass bitch.

Check' em

Wow this meta thread doesn't even have a purpose now except to fill some arbitrary diversity limit. The only change Sup Forums needs is zero meta threads.

I think we should trash Megumeme for either Bonedaddy or O MY RUBBER NEN in our 4chancup team



>board culture
No, I refuse.

Anyone who accuses people to be samefagging and "bumping their shit thread" should be banned immediately.

Ryona threads are great, fuck you.

Fuck off.




Please fuck off with your shit.

You need to know that some asshole wants the Cyclone doujins to be prohibited because he is a asshole.