>Gen Z will be redpi-
Survivor Slams GOP Politicians For Thoughts And Prayers
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Children shouldn't be allowed to speak
at that age pussy is more important
Not the children of happy merchants. We are hoping for the majority to be redpilled.
>we don't want your thoughts or prayers
good because I already sent those in the form of hot lead.
Eat shit and die faggots.
That's correct. The praying types are usually the ones against gay weddings. What's the point?
3000+ children in the school, let's cherry-pick two or three that support our narrative of Drumpf being responsible.
There's also a segment of society that will shrug this off and send their thoughts and prayers, but will march for hours if a bakery decides not to bake a cake for someone and ruin the business through court and doxxing.
But you never hear about them, do you
The mainstream news is so shit now they want us to listen to a bunch of fucking teenagers. LOL
Maybe if your school wasn't full of so many assholes it would have been different.
looking at this cunt, no wonder they've been shot up
Too bad they missed this one.
Twas a jewish school
Nah. Fuck you instead. I think Ill just tell my elected officials that they wont be getting my vote if they vote for anything on the 2nd amendment.
Take responsibility for urself instead of blaming the other side
What is there for us to "take responsibility" for? If anything, the people crying for gun control should be the ones responsible.
I don't remember anyone marching for wedding cakes you little fucking retard
I really wish Cruz had better aim you little cuntbag
I could just present you with a mirror for your statement and ask you to do the same, but that would acknowledge we're in a bout of circular reasoning where nobody will be wrong and nobody will be right, which leads us nowhere.
There was a court case against a bakery for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple on grounds of personal differences.
The left absolutely hounded the entrepreneur and he lost the case, forcing him to bake the cake.
Meanwhile everyone shouts "freedom of enterprise" and gets ignored.
Ironically, these are the same faggots that say "#ThoughtsAndPrayersFor" after a terrorist attack.
What about the thoughts and prayers from Democrats when some sand nigger kills a bunch of people
fucking white cuck
i though prayers are enough when muslims bombs someone. lol.
I know the history of the case but I don't remember any marches. The conservatives simply expressed their disdain for the court decisions online, I don't remember anyone marching in the streets.
Wanting gun control is red pilled though. Europe doesn’t have these problems like America does.
Jesus christ. Seems like she missed a few days of school herself.
>Trusting young people on politics
Nobody younger than 45 should be allowed to vote.
These(the students) are the same people that send
Without actually doing the action they promote.
It was you fags who marched for hours because someone wouldn't.
>A few thousand murders using guns
>A few million murders via abortion
You going to sit and watch 3000+ students get interviewed, just so You know there is one you like. He bashed on gays. I've noticed this board dive into what seems to be this narrative "you see" happening sounds like an Alex Jones acid induced fever dream.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are School Shootings Real Hahahaha Nigga There Are Like 50 Exits Nigga Run Out The Door Haha
If you didn't have a problem with some people at school, then I'm guessing you gave others crap not realizing what you are doing. Its seen a lot
How does anyone actually believe these kids are saying all this shit naturally? That bald lesbian shitskin they've been shilling has clearly been trained to speak and what to say. Same with all of these teens they've been parading about. I'm not saying they are crisis actors, but that they are fucking OBVIOUSLY being coached.
This kid is a fuckboy, why should anyone care what he says?
This shooting is a psyop
So what, thoughts and prayers are good enough for the victims in Europe when ever there's a truck of peace/acid attack/concert shooting, but not for Americans?
When the fuck has the right ever marched about cakes? It's the left that does it everytime to shut shit down
>I could just present you with a mirror for your statement and ask you to do the same, but that would acknowledge we're in a bout of circular reasoning where nobody will be wrong and nobody will be right, which leads us nowhere.
Wrong. The left does not understand what responsibility we're talking about, here. They don't understand that it's not about being a scaredy cat, or being pathologically over protective. It's about assuming your responsibility, as the head of your household, to protect your family. The left wants everyone to surrender that responsibility to "the authorities". You can't tell me to "do the same", when you're literally telling me to do the exact opposite. Going to the voting booth and protesting in the streets for gun control is NOT assuming responsibility.
oh look there is a coward hiding behind a piece of paper
Post your face brave soul
>they think it's christians sending "thoughts and prayers"
god sent the shooter, faggot liberal.
thank god for school shootings
>what one dumb cunt says its what a whole generation thinks
Its CNN, if i'd gone up there and said "I don't blame guns, I blame the FBI and mental heath challenges" I would have been fucking crucified for something that probably wouldn't have made it onto TV.
I miss sage.
>bake a rainbow cake
Couldn't those literal faggots just go to another cake shop? There's never only one good one unless you're in the middle of nowhere or a western ghost town.
They are redpilled on guns, just not in the direction you want.
There's not going to be policy change kikes. We'll do what you always do.
Done, now fuck off.
side note why are Florida kids acting so faggy? Even the rural kids of Canada believe in gun rights.
Children don’t speak like that, scripted.
Several kids were fed scripts before interviews. It stands out dramatically and out of sync with an emotional situation. These prepared responses lack empathy.
Shit has nothing to do with faggots and he brings in the subject.
You first
This kid is dumb/brainwashed as fuck. Heard him doing an interview on NPR. He immediately blames everything on guns, nra, Rubio, and Scott.
Furthermore, the teen has plans to take his activism for stricter gun control laws far beyond social media. "This feels like a calling," he declared. "I'm trying to spread as much awareness about this as I can, and I hope to continue doing that as long as it takes."
>survivor spouts basic bitch Democrat line
He's a jew
Check out his Facebook will tell you everything you need to know.
Because it's southern Florida, they're mostly full of liberal fags in those parts. North Florida is based af.
Facebook screen cap
What a retarded nation, there is litteraly not a single reason for a civilian to own an AR-15 or any other automatic rifle.
That kid is 100% right, thoughts are prayers won't do shit.
the faggots sought him out because they knew he didn't make custom cakes for gays. They still could have bought any other wedding cake there, he just wasn't gonna do a custom one with two guys on it
The shooter didnt kill nearly enough. Well I understand they are all jews down there so itd only be natural for them to parrot noguz bs.
Theyt dont give a shit about the murdered kids, they just wanna push their GODDAMNED KIKE AGENDA
The civilian population should have equal and opposite access to purchase the same weaponry as a government. Government is created for and by the people, the only way to keep a control group at bay or in check is through armed opposition. It’s the ultimate checks and balance. Although you are probably a good person and don’t support violence. Not everyone has the same values or motivations as you and never will. Snowflake faggots like you wouldn’t understand bc you try to push your point of view on others as a claim for morale superiority but Leftist faggotry is constantly contradictory and self defeating.
On the wall before, now after seeing this I whole heartedly support abortion.
This guy gets it.
Promotes faggotry and degenerate behavior.
Denigrates morality/religion.
Denigrates physical fitness; marching is great exercise.
>the hook in that nose
Every fucking comments section is going full fucking 1488.
Jews man, they love black people
Commies will shun God and then decry him when he doesnt prevent them from being smote. They get what they ask for.
If it is such a tragedy to them why are they smiling?
Prayers obviously fucking word leaf nigger. Why does everyone #PrayForX after a terror attack?
This nigger knows what's up. Don lemon interviewed a group of these kids a few nights back and during their bullshit monologue the kids purposefully said this wasn't scripted at least twice
Where did this thoughts and prayers bullshit come from? I've wanted to see real changes to address mental health for years and I don't think armed security or armed teachers is a ridiculous request.
Sauce on them cheeks
He's a Jew.
that's funny because thoughts and prayers was started by liberals during terrorist attacks. who doesn't remember all the cucks changing their Facebook pics to the French flag?
the school shooting false flags are getting out of hand. normies to stupid to connect the dots. shills shilling 24/7 on the news, now even using high schoolers as props, or perhaps the kids are just THAT brainwashed.
plz god, plz let the purge begin. race war, rapture, nuke, earthquake.... just something. it's time lord, the world needs another purge from these faggots.
Their narrative collapses when you ask them to name one school shooting in a private school.
Maybe the problem is the public school system.
High school Floridian logic, this child had the same education as the shooter ... hence cannot be trusted
>using Amerimutts to judge an entire generation
Yep, same shit.
The problem is non-whites. America didn't use to have a problem with school shootings. We have been importing non-whites for three generations and this is what we get. Then the non-whites kvetch and demand the natives give up their rights because the non-whites can't handle freedom.
Thoughts and prayers only work when the religion of peace is involved, eh?
Is this suppoesed to be a joke? That statement IS redpilled.
neither should anyone over 65.