Episode 7 Preview
Best guy is back
Vlad doesn't look very happy.
he was more drunk than usual.
Sieg fight!
What would sex with Fiore be like?
Aww. The cripple wanted to go horse riding. In every way.
Is horse cock big enough for her to feel it?
15 inch horse cock is the only thing she'll feel anything from. It'll replace the numbness with the tingly sensation of being filled.
She can't move her legs during sex.
Could she feel it if you gently tasted her toes?
>sieg in frame
it's shit
yeah, glad they finally showed more Shakespeare
I guess the episode will end with the red team preparing for the battle at the end of vol 2
Would Frank be useful if Illya summoned her?
>Mordred's master didn't rape this when he had the chance
Why did he have such shit taste?
So she's teaching him how to suck the strong and thick dragon dick?
I'm always surprised by how big and full Fiore's tits are. Makes me want to squeeze them.
It's Europe. Everyone is drunk. Everyone. All the time.
Would Fran be useful if Caules summoned her as a Saber?
>Mordred's master didn't rape this when he had the chance
What did you expect?
Both Apo Kirito and Apo Naruto are 100% gay.
Who will get the most screentime in this episode LNfags?
This underage meme needs to stop.
is Mordred an Aho Girl?
Quite normal, but you'd have to work on your balance while changing positions, perhaps use some props, and you'd have to be in charge.
Or, try mecha sex. I don't take responsibility for any broken furniture or flooring in your room in the process of mecha sexing with her.
Fucking kek
Literally these
>Apo trailer comes out
>"Oh cool wonder what we will see?"
Golden. Every time.
>strong and thick dragon dick
Caules is such a sweetheart. I keep wanting him to hug Fran and tell her everything will be alright.
What's your fucking problem?
Fuck off to your general narutard.
>More Go-lion and Catalanta
>Shakes gets screentime
t. narutotard, get out
>Muh Booygman
How to spot a redditor.
I can get equating Mo-san to Naruto, but how's Go-lion Kirito?
What did he mean by this?
speed this up every time she loops around
very fast retard chases cat at incredible hihg speed
100% retarded. I'd rather die without an heir than have this autistic sperglord succeed me too.
Why is smug Vlad so based?
Why are generic stereotypical shounen characters in action series always so damn stupid?
Best girl
Banana is an IQ giveaway.
So next episode ends with the start of the big battle.
Also more Shakespear which is nice
Why are these threads so shit and dead? Zero and UBW at least had fun threads.
He's not very happy in general
Achilles is best boy(male)
Because Apocrypha is shit. And not shit in a fun way, shit in a boring way.
Cool opinion, senpai.
Apo is awful
Is that the volume 3 big battle?
>Zero and UBW
>fun threads
No. Also the only thing for the last 2 years has been a fucking mobage which completly ruined whatever was left of the fanbase
Vol 2
F/GO was a mistake
Because the fun discussion happens in /fgog/
Is this the one where fran dies?
Anime opening monologue
>Zero threads
>Not fun
They were god-tier. UBW threads were a mistake though.
>Also the only thing for the last 2 years has been a fucking mobage which completly ruined whatever was left of the fanbase
Or maybe it is you are bitter for being left behind while FGOfags are still having fun and enjoying the franchise unlike you who keep being a whiny bitch.
>Jeanne going around and slutting it up in an innocent girl's body
very unsaintly behavior
I'm gonna kill myself before I set a foot into that hellhole
But I'm enjoying Apo.
I don't enjoy a virtual gambling simulator without returns.
And don't even start with Extella
It doesn't seems that bad from what I seen.
>Pls make me king
>I was happy just being in your shadow
Morgan's design is great.
Cant wait for her FGO release. 5 star Casters are great.
>Top 3 Seibaface
Hell yeah, Shakespeare!
Who is sixth?
Why is he constantly drinking wine? Jannu said that servants don't need food. Is it some allegory to blood?
Posting cute Jack
Why's this nigger have a fidget spinner on his chest?
Good to know the artist is sticking to the canon.
He won't stay smug for long.
Servants don't need food to live, yes. But nothing is stopping them from indulgances of the living.
Very canon
Astolfo(rider of black) and Serval
I want to fuck this serial killer.
She'll kill you though.
>Sieg-kun... I hope he's not off into trouble again.
Worth it
Why is this even an Anime? Should have been adapted into a VN.