ITT: anime only you watched

ITT: anime only you watched

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I've read the books.

Was it any good?



I read all the books because the covers were cool as shit, the artist came and signed my book too. Anime disappointed me since it was much cooler in my imagination.

>they made big man Gorl with CGI

>65 episodes and a video game

Did nips really like it that much?

What the fuck are you talking about the entirety of Australia watched this. Season 2 and 3 when?

Every thread

My nigga

I remember watching it on TV years ago

From start to finish?

Kiba. Heroic Age. Xam'd.

That one with the hammer girl in stone age forgot the name

Pretty sure I'm the only person on Sup Forums to have watched this.


Wait what? I thiught this was a wedtern show.

Still waiting for subs. One day, one day...


God I want to fuck dains ool ass

My first anime.

Season 2 never unless they make an original villain. The Shadow Lord died in the Anime's Del arc. So the question is who is keeping the slaves over there if the Shadow Lord is gone?

Dragons of Deltora arc is an easier adaptation since it's set in Deltora and about a famine-causing stone left behind by the Shadow Lord.

Three Doors Trilogy and Star of Deltora are also an option since they either don't involve the original characters, aren't set in Deltora for the most part or both.



Watched it bcause I like the sport.
The show is decent.

I remember seeing that on Cartoon Network a decade ago


The delicious brown girl was delicious

PLEASE be isekai


Ay yo, this was the one with the shadow monsters right?

Yeah, shounen JoJo.


Holy shit people remember this shit?

That was actually good.

jojo is shounen