Is it even worth saving?

In 2018 even “””””conservative”””” women:

>wear pants
>dress immodestly (bikinis, yoga pants etc)
>have premarital sex
>don’t believe in obeying their husband
>believe in the modernist idea of gender equality

I mean what’s the point if the Overton Window has shifted this far left? Take pic related; those women are dressed like whores but because immodesty has been so entrenched in western society you have no idea of their political leanings.

Other urls found in this thread:

They all wear black in my book

Islam is like kryptonite to the leftist

* Super conservative religion
* Faggotry, degeneracy and debauchery completely banned
* Women does not dress like whores.

Yet, leftists can't find the balls to criticize any aspect of their religion. It's quite remarkable.

Designer bags. It's not about the outside it's the inside you can't hide. That said even in nature opposite sexes will put on dances and haughty rituals that are hardcoded in their DNA so all this religious modesty might be man made by a group of men that would benefit from their made up rules?????????????????????????

Yup, pretty much this. The left survives from virtue signalling about Islam and anything related, even tho it is the straight opposite in terms of ideology. It's the most fucked up paradox in my opinion.

hahahaa why do you care brah just use post structuralist tactics to deconstruct every idea from american libtards and see them cry.
haha like grab a book.

"Post-modernism is defined by the rejection of all grand meta-narrative claims. Teleology is fully abounded and the very notion of progress as a universial (rather than a subjective) reality is discarded.

You'd figure that people Sup Forumstards that want to challenge proggresivism (which is basically this generations grand meta-narrative) would be jumping up and down in praise of post-modernism: Focaulst, Bauildrillard, and Derrida already gave you guys all the tools to "deconstruct", the "power relationships" of progressiveness, and their plot to redefine "human nature" by controlling "power/knowledge" and setting up "simulcra" to "seduce" those that oppose them...but that would actually requiring reading and knowing what those quoted words mean. These are silver-bullets to destroy any meta-narrative!"

Moths are always drawn to the flames that inevitably destroy them.

You fucking incel.

It's very simple really. Leftist men and Muslim men have "sexual emergencies", Leftist men want people to ignore this like they do with Muslims. Leftists hate the conservative Right. Islam is very oppressive regardless of gender. Leftists are making a point by telling conservatives that Islam is not far from their behaviors.

...and yet all of the things I said were commonplace beliefs 100 years ago

You want to limit their freedoms and dominate. It more looks like you have some personal problems with relations.

I don't think it is. The only solution is to burn it all down and restart from scratch.

>women do not dress like whores


Every single point was a commonly held belief 100 years ago. Did society arbitrarily limit their freedom then?

Typical retard interpretation.
"if you support conservative values you have some mental illness or psychological problem"
I would say it's the other way around.

>wear pants

What's wrong with women wearing pants?

You are embarrassing Francis with this cisgender-normative, hateful rhetoric.

go to asia
only people you see wearing bikinis on the beach are degenerate white women or other foreigners from the west

What’s wrong with men wearing dresses or skirts?

The non westernized traditional korean girls either are wearing shorts and tee shirt or full body suits

Nothing. Ever.

>What's wrong with women wearing pants?

Nothing. I prefer a woman who wears pants to a woman who wears mini-skirts.


Why does it bother you all so much what other people wear?

It seems a little perverse to have so much concern for what other people wear.

As for the other stuff,
How would you like to give up your right to :
dress freely
have sex on your own terms

Doesn't sound like a happy existence to me

>this one exception that’s so famous precisely because it’s so rare

Disgusting modernist; but women shouldn’t be wearing mini skirts either

Shoo roastie

Interestingly enough women didn’t really do any of the things you described 100 years ago.

You can't ask women to be submissive they'll obviously say what the fuck for! Be a man, demand and never back down and they will follow. Kill all other alternatives for them to crawl to and they'll have no other option but to turn back to us.

Roastie white whore detected

White women are whores and every race knows it.

Interesante, user. Sugerime algún artículo para iniciarme en esos temas.

I'm a dude.

actually islam is very in tune with a communist dictatorship, they have this centralized thing called the umma, the global islamic community which the muslims should serve, it's perfectly in line with a global central dictatorship, and this is why commies love islam, it's a great way to instill a push for a dictatorship with a facade of spirituality from islam

oh and also, I remember watching one Bill Warner's video, and he says slavs, who had experienced both the rule of communism and islam, say that islam is just "communism with a god"

Death approaches.

The left and Islam share the same primary goal- the destruction of the west. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The left thinks it can sniff out Islam once the western patriarchy is totally crushed. This, and feminism is partially a shit test from women, who would rather be gang raped by Muzzies than submit to western men who are so weak they are able to walk all over them on a daily basis.

Islam is no more a useful counter to immodesty than burning your house down is a useful counter to a stain on the carpet.

It’s not supposed to be logical. You are dealing with the emotions of the left and liberal women. Logic has nothing to with it. Leftist women hate their weak fathers, husbands, and own children more than they hate Muzzies who they don’t have much contact with. Simple when you stop trying to understand their position from a point of logic.

t. pathetic 56% boomer who can't get laid (pic related)

so essentially what we have here is a soft thread for pedophilia by men,beatings against women,polygamy,religious monocultralism,theocracy,incest and rape.
sure.lets go islam.

Hi, fundamentalist Islam is oppressive, especially to women. I don't want to see a spread of islam, or any religion. Islamic theocratic regimes are fascistic in nature and I oppose them wholeheartedly

Lol a Swede promoting Islam what are the odds

They're either utterly masculine, or so skintight that they draw sexual attention.
Big dresses and wide skirts prevent sexual attention while accentuating the feminine shape with a high waistband and can actually work miracles for a woman's physical attractiveness if done tastefully.

true happiness.islam.

Well said

How degenerate/out of touch do you have to be to not agree with OP?

A woman who doesn't work for money works to ensure the children are raised properly.
A woman who does that doesn't need the right to vote, because she's part of a family unit that itself has the right to vote already and to vote herself would potentially undermine that family unit (and in our past, it has).
Now women are free to dress as they please, and nothing is more comfy than dresses and skirts I've been told, because they don't constrict the thighs when moving about. Instead they wear jeans because "they're more durable out at work".
And of course, a happily married couple is a couple that has magnificently good sex often enough to please both.

You know what women tell me whenever I list it out like this?
When I tell them what it'd be like if they weren't forced to work for a living, if they didn't have to worry about money, if they could devote their efforts to the things they instinctively want to do for the family?
"Sounds wonderful".
The problem starts with getting them into a family unit in the first place.

Damn she gets smug around the 2 minute mark. Telling me young women in the islamic countries don't get insecure or sad, the fuck

Feminism is oppressive, especially to men. I don't want to see a spread of feminism, or any fanatic egalitarian ideology. Feminism is fanatic egalitarian in nature and I oppose them wholeheartedly

In 2018 even “””””conservative”””” men:

>poor hygene
>dress like adolescents
>don't have sex at all
>believe that they are superior to women
>believe in memefied standards of a bygone time

Literally nothing wrong with bikinis. Only those driven out of their mind by lust would rage about it. Because they see women in bikinis but can't have them.

>dressed like whores
Your mother should've aborted you, you absolute waste of oxygen.

Impressive analogy.

>Only those driven out of their mind by lust would rage about it.
>ad hominem

Yeah it's repulsive, they can fuck off to the shitholes Muhammed designed for them.

Lol, next you'll tell me white people are oppressed. Oh wait.

>caring about how women feel
Women don't like this, they don't like nice guys and they want to be oppressed

Yeah so send them back.
"They want to be oppressed"
No these mudslimes only care about gibs and Islam. Nothing else.

They are only discriminated by law. Kek. Ever heard of affirmative action?

His bare taint is riding on that commie bike

Yeah...I'm pretty sure that is a proxy. I really hope it is.

Day of the kitchen soon.

Everything leftists hate = Mudslimes embrace
Everything muslims hate = Leftists embrace

Yet, leftists won't criticize them openly at all. Meanwhile, a right wing westerner might just express something that they disagree with and all of a sudden they get crucified by both them and the kike media for wrongthink.

Hypocrisy much?

>is it even worth saving?

Depends. You can find a good wife, obviously you aren’t going to agree with all of their views but that doesn’t mean that you have to accept of a shitty liberal whore.

But, is our current civilization, as a whole worth saving?

Honestly no. It’s going to keep getting worse and worse until it just collapses into itself. There’s no chance of this working itself out and turning into some lovely right wing utopia. If you thought Weimar Germany was bad, just wait for pre-collapse USA and EU.

The best you can do is live 50% in this system and 50% completely out of the system. If that means driving 2 hours from your homestead to your job in the city then so be it. I

>You know what women tell me whenever I list it out like this?
So much this. Our women really aren't that retarded and they figure out the scam pretty early on, but at this point they can't do much about it. Pretty sure they hate feminists as much as we do at this point desu.

Still, we need to take a torch to the EU cunts telling us our women aren't emancipated enough because they aren't all working fulltime. Because arbeit macht frei, right?

>we need to take a torch to the EU
No, they'd just put their slave women against us and play the game as usual. Nothing would change.
Now if women were taking the torches against feminism, that'd work wonders.
After all women may not be very good at productive work, but by God are they good at organising revolts.
Read up on the Aardappeloproer. Many men died following women who protested the rationing of potatoes because "our husbands may not like rice".

If we can get them to fight feminism, the white knights will follow and make it happen.