Here is my list of Big Problems: climate change, mass extinction, inequality, nationalism. Can we solve these problems in a way that’s not “leftist”, i.e. without social investment in public goods and intervention?
Let’s take the simple example of energy grids. Grids are going to have go green, to use renewable energy, or else nations will a) stagnate b) grow isolated c) give up on the future. That’s all simple self interest. Now even if we assign carbon prices and pay people to install solar panels, it’s still determined, sparked, managed, by investment and intervention. There is no non leftist way out of climate change, sorry.
And the same is true for all our big problems in the world today. Reality is leftist.
Lets do another example. How are we to solve inequality? If we can’t, more and worse Trumps will emerge. Inequality is fixed simply by investments in public goods – healthcare, media, education, and so on. Why? They prevent wages from falling, they create jobs, and they give people ways to invest in themselves. Can inequality be solved by more Googles and Goldmans? How could it be?
Reality is leftist today. The world’s big problems can only be solved through better institutions – social and public ones – that genuinely invest in people, the planet, and the future again. That’s not to say capitalism shouldn’t or doesn’t have a role. Solar panels are made by companies – but the incentive to use them is set by societies. So capitalism and socialism are going to have work hand in hand if the world wants to prosper.
Work together how, in what way? That doesn’t mean privatisation and financialization. Often, society, not capital, is going up have to take the drivers seat. It’s going to have to set the agenda, create the incentives, and manage and allocate the investments – in healthcare, energy, etc – all the stuff that fixes my four big problems. Reality is leftist. Naked aggressive capitalism can’t fix the world it broke.
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Now let's zoom out.
Our politics, like any other belief, should fit reality. They shouldn’t be fixed forever – then we’re ideologues, not people of moral reason and genuine self interest. Reality isn’t always leftist. When societies overinvest, when they deny people self determination and autonomy, when society subsumes our humanity, then reality has gone too far to the left. But today reality is precisely the opposite. The world and its societies must cooperate to solve their great existential problems – and so must the cities, states, towns, and countries in that world. Shared interest must precede, define, govern, and manage self interest – especially in an age where genuine self interest appears to have vanished into delusion.
Reality is leftist. It might be hard for you to accept, especially if you’re American. But reality doesn’t care about your cognitive and emotional limitations, your ideology, your cherished beliefs. It just chews you up and spits you out to try to reach the part of you that loves.
>climate change,
>mass extinction
A good thing.
>Grids are going to have go green, to use renewable energy, or else nations will a) stagnate b) grow isolated c) give up on the future.
Bullshit. But I am all for efficient energy when the market demands it.
>healthcare, media, education, and so on
All best solved by voluntary participation of consumers in a private market. Central Planning and bureaucracy fucks everything up. Every time.
Government is the problem.
Stop trying to control other people.
why do blue birds fly with blue birds?
That is honestly the best description of ideal politics today. I've always thought that the only way to get past our current issues and truly advance as a society was to have a perfect mix of leftist ideology and capitalism, I just never could phrase it as well as you did. Especially in America, we think that pure capitalism solves everything. This is simply not the case.
>Can we solve these problems in a way that’s not “leftist”, i.e. without social investment in public goods and intervention?
yes by killing all the jews
>climate change
not a thing.
>mass extinction
not a thing.
an inevitable thing
a great thing.
>Reality is leftist.
>But reality doesn’t care about your cognitive and emotional limitations, your ideology, your cherished beliefs.
This truly is the leftist way - the conviction that your opinion is 100% truth and ridiculing all others that would disagree or challenge it.
If you think inequality is something bad, study Darwinian evolution.
Reality is naturalistic and tribal in nature. I really dislike to admit it, but the only way we can survive as a species is to go back to tribalism. We wont do it voluntarily, so nature will eventually force us to. I hate to admit it, but the varg pill is real
Real Capitalism has never been tried.
>still believing in "muh climate change" propaganda
Leftist (((scientists))) have been wrong with their climate predictions so many times that they don't even bother to make predictions with a set end date anymore. They just say hey trust us guys, we're all gonna die someday soon if you don't let us tax the shit out of you.
>Reality is leftist today. The world’s big problems can only be solved through better institutions
You seriously are retarded. All our core institutions have been completely destroyed by the leftist take over and are not even functioning properly.
>Big Problems: climate change, mass extinction, inequality, nationalism.
Nationalism is a cure for climate change, mass extinction, inequality you fucking dumb cunt because populations in the west are collapsing and the nationalist alt right want borders, shut down immigration and careful management of our nations in the interest of its citizens and not some elite.
Mass immigration is just a release valve for a 3rd world out of control and a money maker for the elite and the main reason for wealth inequality in the west.
Didnt read your other posts because you are obviously dumb as a rock.
Ive gotten a hole-in-one just took several tries
>It might be hard for you to accept, especially if you’re American
The truth is that many Americans politics are left of center.
Sup Forums is just a bunch of edgy teenagers attempting to promote fascism.
the bottom line is this, when theres a Democrat in the office, we make money. When theres a republican? everything gets deregulated until the stock market takes a massive shit and almost destroys the country. look it up.
>varg pill
you mean the bowden pill
>a problem
Sounds like to me you are the problem.
I came here to post this.
>reality doesn’t care about your cognitive and emotional limitations, your ideology, your cherished beliefs. It just chews you up and spits you out to try to reach the part of you that loves.
Right, which is the precise reason your false hope in collectivism needs to stop.
The jews taught us this, you have yet to learn.
The "___" pill. The saddest part of this really played out meme is the suggestion that developing actual beliefs from something you read online is a) possible and b) recommended.
Fucking shameful.
You want an exact date for when the undrinkable water sloshes against your front door? ...because your NOT a self-entitled, zero-work-ethic, millenial piece of shit who needs to be led by the hand everywhere he goes?
Let me guess, youre considering joing the "flat Earth" movement as well?
> dude from central Europe doesnt understand what's so bad about Nationalism
You didnt do your homework,
I liked it better when you SA commies had no power and finally got a taste of the collectivist utopia you crave
What kind of degenerate right-winger isn't an environmentalist? Reactionaries recognize the importance of considering their posterity in every action, and recognize that the destruction of God's creation by the materialist demons of Progress and Industry must end.
reality is individual
confirmation bias always creates the appearance that "you are right"
everything is just someone else's opinion
The kind that isn't a faggot, you fucking forest dryad.
Think about the world you're leaving for your descendants. The creations of God beat the creations of man anyday.