"-live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
This kills the racist
"-live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
This kills the racist
the end result is the same though
Yup, and they knew that when they wrote it.
maybe but still take it case by case.
If POC had character, there would be no problem.
if you are able to judge that without the bias of their skin, then there is no problem.
Biological realities trump your appeal to mindless fell-good platitudes.
most racists on pol are just pretend racists.
Kind of a chicken/egg thing
best streaky bacon?
oven on 400 degrees f
8 minutes each side on a tray or rack
I get it, but to put a whole group of people into assumption and judgement based off of the actions of others it asinine.
no its not, its a make a judgement based on your interaction with someone. Not on the actions of others.
Faggo... Go pet a pit bull for me.
I owned one for many years. Put her down 4 months ago. Good dog
>case by case
>without the bias
Not using previous experience and wisdom.
This is the literal definition of stupid
Niggers have shitty character content though. Honestly they were getting off easy just being judged by the color of their skin.
The color of their skin is just ugly, not the main problem for me.
If you want to assume the nigger coming down the street is one of the 10% that wouldn't murder you for your phone and shoes, by all means...
I'll assume he is one of the 90% you should never relax around
Get blacked, hippie
The colour of someone's skin is almost always a good way to get an approximation of someone's character.
#Fuck niggers 4 Life
A nigger is a nigger is a goddamn nigger.
>the color of their skin
This is the problem.
They assume it's just the pigments on their skin.
Its ok, I believe in Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole. Here we have every opinion unfiltered. It's up to you to form your own, and that the beauty. Never change. Freedom of speech above all.
good point. I think past experiences are the best way to learn.
I guess i would say that if you close everything out because of the past you wont learn anything new. That goes back to my point learn the content then judge. (I didn't express my point as well as I wanted, i'm drunk and on 2 hours of sleep)
you are all saying the same thing.
I will cross the street for sure, because its being smart and avoiding situations. To see the random back buy at the gas station and assume he is a shit stain on the country and hate him for no reason is ignorant.
its not, they are different, just like the eskimos are different. different does not always equal bad
>I will cross the street for sure
That's bigotry, defined.
This faggot has never actually seen a nigger.
What about if you (used your fucking head and) judged people by the colour of their skin AND the content of their character?
Surely a fellow white with good character would be more desirable than a black with good character?
Who’s the sexy man?
At some point an intelligent person begins to see patterns and figures out it's just not worth the time and effort.
but also remember that every time nogs do wrong, it's not because of their character, it's because of their victimization.
dependent on welfare? they just victims of circumstance, they can't be judged for that
high crime rate? you can't judge them for that come on
didn't get high enough test scores? you have to pretend the score was higher, if you don't you a racist
maybe, but if its 2 am and i'm walking home and see a group of any young punk kids i'm crossing the street. I'm not going to lie if they are black I will be more weary. i'm not going to make it effect how I interact with the next person, Or have it make me flat out hate a group of people.
I live in a big city and have employed many. Here is your (You)
based japan
>if its 2 am and i'm walking home and see a group of any young punk kids
So you are a bigot and and ageist, with a hint of classist, profiling based on race, age, and social status. Fuck you, Nazi.
More like this kills the anti racist. They judge based on skin more than any racist. Only an anti racist would hire black man based purely on skin colour rather than the content of his character.
Luckily that nation is not mine
Except that before he was killed MLK started suggesting he was against integration
>I can't help but feel we are integrating into a burning building
-in reference to the Vietnam war era America
>usa whites are below balkan tier
"-live in a nation where non-whites will not be judged by the color of their skin because they are all victims, regardless of the content of their character"
What actually happened
MLK was nothing but a Jewish house nigger. They quickly killed their pet monkey when he stepped out of line and of course blamed it on 'racist white people' as usual.
lol, these are not arguments to my point. one if a affirmative action argument (AA is the stupidest thing and is inherently racist) and the other is a troll.
interesting, I dont really know shit about MLK i just like the quote and think it is how we should try to live. instead we more further and further away from it.
content of THEIR character.
>Don't judge people based on skin color
>Judge people based on color, age and social status
>Eats Oprah "Oh, That's Good" butternut squash soup
Typical libtard
Be honest with me, do you believe white people have freedom in any tangible sense if they can't freely associate with who they want, conduct business with who they want, live in a society they desire, while at the same time african americans and Jewish people and all other races decide what is allowable for whites to discuss. How are we as a race supposed to function without being able to have an internal dialogue moderated by ourselves? I'm going to assume you're well meaning, but do you realise with that little proposal you're stripping us of freedom as living , sentient beings?
> literally being retarded
Their can be plural or singular. Did you never get taught about context clues?
I agree with what you are saying. We mostly have the freedom to do so. The fact we can't discuss these things without being labeled saddens me. It doesn't mean I should pass judgement on every person that doesn't share my skin color.
in that content he was talking about his daughters. That each one should be judged on their character. So I would say we are both half right. Even though you add nothing to the conversation, and are arguing semantics
>implying I have to be a libtard to have these opinions
People who dont share the same views as me are bad/evil/discredited
you are basically doing what the left does
you also contradict yourself in your first two sentences, and imply I said you should judge them on their age and social status. All I said is content of character. That's something that you decide for yourself. I dont know where you get the oprah shit from
Oi dickhead you still haven't explained why you consider the two to be mutually exclusive:
>Cannot you judge people by the colour of their skin AND the content of their character?
you can, but you shouldn't pass that judgement on to someone you have never met/interacted with before.
Emma Watson has no character.
Change that to genes you moron
Are you implying that acknowledging our differences and inequalities is racism, OP?
Why the fuck not you retard cunt?
>"This guy is black so I should be cautious of him but I'll see if he's a nigger or not"
>"This guy has a similar identity to my own so he is probably trustworthy but he might prove otherwise"
That is judging someone on their skin colour AND their character.
That is the logical thing to do.
That is "racism".
MLK wrote this you tard
Race IS character.
Are you implying having mandatory IQ tests for job interviews wouldn't end up being racially discriminating?