How do we prevent another crazed white kid from shooting up a school? Do you think some of the potential ones lurk here?
How do we prevent another crazed white kid from shooting up a school? Do you think some of the potential ones lurk here?
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The school system itself seems to be designed for triggering mental illness. Classrooms are jam packed with people, no natural lighting and zero tolerance policies that punish victims more than perpetrators. (Combine this with problems outside of school as well. broken families, parents that refuse to accept responsibility etc..)
Education Has become an unnatural system that does not reflect the real world. It places inhumane expectations on the students well being and its a wonder why this doesn't happen more often.
not to sound trollish but banning guns would help lower the harm they can cause
why prevent?
encourage them and help them take as many retards with them as possible
Why prevent it?
Ban schools
ohhhhhhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he accidentally said the W word!
time for 10 doses of 2017s crrrrrrrrrrrreamiest meme!!
oh my its so funny, oh my oh my its very good its a VERY GOOD meme!
>heh, not b8 but... *posts b8*
enjoy your (You) faggot
t. angry mutt
i was being sincere, perhaps you have something to get off of your chest?
How do we stop niggers from killing each other in gang violence?
Just because you don't hear about all the killings in major cities, that have gun control, does not make a single white kid comparable.
Have they even released the weapons he used? From the videos it sounds barely semi-auto.
amerimut rage at it again :^) why use a meme flag if you just make it easy to see through it?
n a h
he isn't white
>b-but w-what about niggers
No one cares. Niggers killing each other in droves is a good thing. Whites on the other hand should stop pulling out their AR-15s and shooting up public schools where kids are there to fucking learn, not get shot to death
Having the FBI actually do it's job would be a start.
Wait, so they haven't actually confirmed Cruz's weapons??
It happens dramatically less in private schools, shootings that is.
Maybe it's because there are less niggers. Figure that.
What race is that thing even?
No one has the money to send the children to private schools, you fucking tard
What the fuck is wrong with white people?
You're obviously fucking retarded that you fell for their bait lol.
Shut the fuck up. I've seen your stupid ass in almost every thread.
Oh not another "muh school shooting is a hoax" retard. Just light yourself on fire desu
Cry more bitch
Stop SSRI's for gods sake
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers then thrown acid in the face by a mudslime and shot by a white at a nearby school
Americans never change.
An inmate that shoots up a prison (school) is displaying intelligence.
A animal that's too stupid to know that it's being herded, prodded, and confined, will not attempt to escape.
Ban guns? How about school reform.
I don't live in the usa, so chances of that happening are almost non existent
Raise the age for owning firearms, drinking, sexual consent, driving etc...
Kids aren’t psychologically mature until much later in life these days. Time to make some changes to the laws.
Sup Forums isn't responsible for what happened in Florida OP.
It's also true that fatherless mutts are more likely to be delinquent.
America has so many social problems, but the only thing leftists can identify is "muh guns"
He was one of us you stupid nip
>tfw the media and many people here consider that mutt "white"
I thought it was just a burger thing or maybe they are pushing the narrative so hard we are believing it like with Trayvon
Lol saved
Stop prescribing boys psychoactive, chemically castrating drugs for expressing masculinity. Stop telling boys that if they don’t have a 10 inch dick they should crawl into a hole and die because they will never have love, family or respect. Stop telling boys that if they are white they should kill themselves. Stop allowing women to be whores so that boys grow up without fathers.
Basically stop feminism.
Your race and IQ is showing.
Your faggotry and HIV ridden self is showing
la aberración....
What a nice self-portrait to share with us
End government-run education. Can you think of any private business that would do nothing if there were rumors going around that some employee or customer might shoot up the company?
Go back to testing and institutionalization just like we use to.
Fuck off both you
Legalise prostitution literally the only way
Reminder that the Mutt meme is literally projection.
el mutto
>How do we prevent another
Kill all feminists.
Legalize prostitution.
Legalze marihuana (alternative to drugs of the pharmaceutical mafia complex ).
its called abortion or euthanasia or even condoms
Something like school shooting happens every 2-3 months in Mudland?
Let's solve this problem.... give more guns to younger people and let them eat steroids or meth. Go!
>Something like school shooting happens every 2-3 months in Mudland?
Kek, more like once every 2 days
Have a properly functioning FBI
not plastering the names and faces of the perpetrators on the news like a fucking eulogy would be a good start
Both are black
Amerimutt is real