Why did he invade the Soviet Union instead of the UK? This is where everything went wrong.
Why did he invade the Soviet Union instead of the UK? This is where everything went wrong
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Because of lebensraum.
And he really thought that UK would join him fighting against communism.
Must have became full of himself after many successful campaigns.
He saw slavs as sub humans.
Russia had been hinting strongly that they were preparing to annex oil fields in Romania that were critical to Germany's war efforts.
Bcs of lebensraum. It is explained in Mein Kampf or any decent book/documentary about WW2
he needed to attack the military industry in russia, at the time of barbarossa the soviet union had somethin like 12-15k tanks
listen to hitler explaining it himself
so many shills today
can someone tell me about da germans da joos and nuclear fission leading up to ww2 please
I'm gay btw
also a nice song just because
UK wasn't a threat to germany in ww2, russia was
hence why he was trying to stop their illegal war
So many black people today.
He still respected the English, there lies his major fault.
''Illegal''? You dumb fucktard, Germniggers had to be stoped by British Empire from conquering the entire continent.
The only ''illegal'' thing was Krautniggers General plan Ost, and murder of 30 million Slavic people.
>Generalplan Ost
Literal fake news. Show me any one of the seven versions of this plan that had Himmler's or Hitler's approval and then maybe we can talk. Until then stay mad Polack.
That was Poland, the rest were to be Reichcommissariats/serf states, newly formed states to be a part of the Greater German Reich.
commies posed a bigger danger, the kriegsmarine had no way to properly invade the mainland, and he Hitler was convinced that the west front was under control.
If he attacked later then the SU would have invaded Germany anyway.
Planned demolition of Warsaw (lebensraum) and denotion of Tallinn and Vilnius (ostland) as capitals.
because he wasn't able to invade the UK and was confident due to his armies victories he decided invading the Soviet Union was the best idea because of its poor performance against Finland and Stalins purges.
Because of jewish bolsheviks. Read some history, dammit.
You're that one Latvian who always talks about German imperialism being as bad as Russian imperialism aren't you? In any case, I'll need documentation for this. I'm sure you'll understand. Although I am aware that Riga was the capital of Reichskommissariat Ostland.
>why didn't he invade the country filled with fellow civilized white men, which he never intended to go to war with, instead of the uncivilized country, controlled by the most evil Jewish regime in history which threatened the destruction of the very Earth itself, the country which he had always intended to liberate and subjugate for himself right from the very get-go
The real question is:
Why did America and England SUPPORT the Soviet Union only to realize that Hitler was right all along and spend the next 50 odd years fighting a series of proxy wars against them which nearly caused the destruction of the entire planet?
Seems to me like thats "where everything went wrong".
You are the same Aus who "Hitler/Nazis dindu nuffin"s all the time? Thanks for the heads up, I won't be wasting time arguing with you then, all you ever do is cry "FAKE!" whenever something paints the Nazis anything other than literal angels.
Because Germany had no fleet to support invasion, and Battle for Britain in air was lost.
Because one was an immediate threat and the other wasn't realized till right after ww2.
The Soviets were pushing further and further west every single day. It was only a matter of time before one of them broke the non aggression pact. From a militaristic standpoint it makes more sense for Germany to invade because Germany didn't have lots of land to fall back to if they had to play defensively. This was the German strategy/mindset throughout the entire war. Plus, destroying communism was always the goal in the first place.
Because they were wrong and Hitler was right.
I don't think I am who you think I am. I just happen to recognise a lot of personalities on Sup Forums after a while.
because only the ussr was a real threat and also with a shitload of resources
UK was the bigger threat, because it was the best way for a counter attack into Europe. If he took over the UK, it basically shuts out the USA and Canada from helping. Maybe he underestimated the USA just like Japan did.
He hates commies more than Jews.
typical far rightists
Because even though Hitler could conquer nations of a few million people over water, invading an island nation of 50 million people was a lot fucking harder since Germany’s navy was vastly inferior
So Germany would have had to use a shitload of paratroopers to invade the UK and rely mostly on air support to keep their troops supplied
The army Hitler would have sent would have all died, they just didn’t have the tech at the time to launch an aerial invasion of the UK, and Hitler thought that any boat he would send to supply his troops would have been destroyed by the Royal Navy even though any Royal Navy ship entering the English Channel would eventually being sunk by the Luftwaffe
Hitler just couldn’t bet that big of a portion of his army on invading the UK and having a huge chance of failure with Stalin standing behind him
>only the ussr was a real threat
>cities and factories get BOMBED.COM from British land
And they say G*rmans are smart
Just after soviets rushed in lithuania(we had border with Prussia) they starded to build airfields, full with bombers and fighters, that germans came they took tons of ammo, fuel and other resources ready to transport in stations near border like up to 50km away from it, also russian german vocabularys and gemanys maps explains a lot
He was an idiot who grossly overestimated his nation's strength. He thought he was a badass because he conquered Norway, Poland, Greece, Belgium and the Netherlands. Big fucking deal. The Nazis got their shit pushed in every time they went up against a real opponent.
He wanted to invade Britain.
In fact he said Britain and Gobbels thought he said Barbarossa.