Is Sup Forums aware of the epidemic of soyboys that are dying while fighting for the communist Kurds?
Is Sup Forums aware of the epidemic of soyboys that are dying while fighting for the communist Kurds?
for fucks sake somebody get those Kurds some whey
The kurds must be really desperate to take this garbage.
I thought they only took vets out there?
my bets
Nah, those there are Europeans
>let me tell you about masculinity
They fight for christians yazidies, against globalist elite and all sort of things. If Sup Forums blame then, then Sup Forums is full of kekistanie retards.
Why is Sup Forums so anti-Kurdish? They are White, and fight with mongolian turks and arab shitskins...
Show your true face sven
Then scurry off to your apt via public transportation
Im going to drive my truck to the gunshow
They're pro Israel Arab commies
Fuck em. They gonna die.
They are Iranized Armenians, so Caucasian Indo-European people, not Arabs...
fuck off soyboy faggot
>be commie
>die fighting for puppet of capitalist-imperialist US
The Dutch one was a manlet.
Correct on the dutch one but dunno where pic number three for spain is.
Woops its the other way around you were wrong froppy.
The communist memes are real
Somebody with the guts to fight in a war is not a soyboy.
Fuck the Kurds
This must be the Dutch guy. I can see it.
Darwin Award or indirect eugenics?
Why do these soyboys try to larp as if they're part of some tough militia when they themselves must know how laughably not intimidating they are
Holy shit I'm dying
>Kurds and Armenians are white
Maybe 1000 years ago
Fucking stupid burgers in this post. Calling a soyboy to someone who goes other country for fighting ISIS, HTS and all globalists puppets. What are you going to do? Staying in your homes, eating snacks and tendies with your lack of self-steem, only covering that hole with "muh AR-15". None of the ones in images is the spanish one btw, he was with other spanish volunteers fighting for God and christian church, protecting christian kurds from yihadists scums. Fucking burgers for real, you're the scour of the revolution against globalist world
>cockroaches fighting commies
Love it.
Less roaches and less commies.
Logic is not a strongsuit of the communist
>WTF, I love communist Kurds now
How about no
How are they not White?
Wars are the most cucked thing you can do(especially forigen ones)
>Go fight for modern nations who have a abundance of wealth regardless
>Go fight for forigeners who won't even fight for themselves, and hate your guts and will turn on you the moment the war is over
>Leave wife and family who are completely unaffected regardless of the outcome of said war
>Wife will probably cheat on you
>If you die, wife will fuck another dude who'll treat your kids like shit
>Nations gonna implode anyways since Wars and wealth don't make them great, but the day to day actions of the populace who are currently shit
Dying for Commies who want your heroics to be EQUAL* to some nobody faggot is especially cucked.
Leave k*rds to me.
>not a puppet of usa and israel
the sole purpose of the kurds is to create a pro us state in the middle East in order of us to have a base to conduct offensive operations against iran, the enemy of us and israel in middle east. they are puppets of the globalists just like hts and daesh. the true enemies of the globalists are iran russia and the legitimate syrian government.
i've been aware of it for years but Sup Forums at large probably hasn't been, i hope the roaches kill all of them
Mfw kebab owner ahmed in germany complains about a militia. If they were the nationalsocialist party of Syria or the lebanese falange would you complain too? PKK is not the only "group" which is fighting against ISIS or HTS or Nusra. They only worry about turkey indeed, those crusade heroes weren't fighting for commies. Yeah, of course in your head they're commies but, would commies support their helpers to wear this as "detente bala"
>that look on his face
El goblino de las masqueradas?
Fighting with communists is stupid and anyone who does is a fool or an enemy. You don't make deals with marxists
all memes are real
>Making leftists die in the Middle East like nationalists died in the World Wars
Of course.
"It's funny because it's true".
Golden rule of comedy.
So would you side with globalist kikes and SA arabs scum because "PKK" (Not PKK in Syria but YPD) are commies and bad?
the kurds vs turkey is a major fracture point for the commies. No matter which side is supported the argument invariably comes down to supporting ethnic cleansing. They literally cant even, yet they are compelled to support one of the sides. We really need to take advantage of that.
niga are u stupid as a motherfucker
>he believes that pkk are not tools of the globalist us and israel.
who are they fighting?
I suppose at this point they'll just take in anyone
shut up Turkish piece of shit
you people don't deserve to live
why would the commies support the roaches and king roach at all?
The SAA is preferable over the YPG or PKK. And its the globalists who want to bring down Assad. I'll take Arab nationalists over "white" marxists any fucking day
Turkey-backed rebels. Probably Assad and SAA in the future
welp at least the Turks are doing something good.
Thing about average burger is they can't look far than PKK=all kurds=all kurds are commies and deserve death. Yezidies don't give a fuck about politics, as well as many of other groups in Shinjal or other areas. You only see PKK but they're not fighting for the, they're fighting for assyirian, yezidies... christian ones. I know about the spanish ones in the YBS and I can assure you they are far far away of being commies. I know other spanish volunteers who went to support PKK and don't give a fuck about yezidies or other groups. They only want to "smash" capitalism.
gotta give Turks credit - to call the operation the Olive branch is freaking hilarious.
Id say its more its true because its funny. Life is the greatest game. And from a meta perspective, anyone who sits down trying to create something for the enjoyment of others, something that will make many people smile, somehow channels the fabric of the memes and whether they know it or not at the time what they create is going to be true.
Ancient Europeans had a very peculiar culture. They would make intricate threads and with those threads they would weave beautiful baskets that were said to always tell the truth of history. They had a god of memory whom they worshipped as Mimir. They were Meme Weavers who used threads to weave baskets that would be displayed on the forum. Nothing is accidental. No coincidences.
Remind me why does it matter ?
Race War:
soy wh*Tes=000.000
HTS Rebels, Nusra before them and ISIS too. Now roaches are butthurt when their rebels were expelled from Raqqa and other areas and in the middle of their butthurt cry they want to revenge
doesnt matter if the pkk is inherently communist, what matters is targetting communists who support them. I noticed it a couple weeks ago on /leftypol/ they were really going at each other over supporting ethnic cleansing. Any avenue that causes infighting among them needs to be covered in shit.
You know natural selection and darwinism?
For years it's been theorised that we used to lose loads of unwanted traits in war and that resulting prosperity was because the fittest didn't die, and that due to a lack of war we don't have that natural culling going on.
Now it seems as though life found a way to end itself after all.
Nature is resuming its course to our benefit.
because they are brown and the kurds have the support of evangelicucks and cryptokikes whome the commies identify as evil capitalists. The whole turk vs kurd issue is a shroedingers commie.
>Three weeks ago
ISIS hasn't been shit since November of last
bro I'd say close to 70% of the YPG casualties have been young teenagers closer to 10 years old than 17.
i don't get it
i know what whey protein is but, is there a deeper joke here?
şehit namirin
to expound upon this. To support the kurds is to advocate for, or participate in, the killing of shitskins "who are only bad because of the ebul white man" but to support the turkroaches, who are shitskins who are opposing forces who are indirectly backed by the special forces of the ebul white man and opposing the forces of the evil russian hackers, you are supporting or participating in the kinging of shitskins who are only bad because of le ebul yt.
Some targetting memeing could make them lose their minds over this.
also is there a way I can fund this?
your point?
French from Britanny, nickname 'kendal breizh' firstname 'Olivier'
Baran Sason from Netherlands
Not ISIS but Nusra, HTS, rebels whatever now
curds and whey you fucking shart
>because they are brown
kek i forgot, cockroaches are in fact brown, i forgot commies are the biggest racists
everyone is a puppet of someone else, if ypg is a puppet of USA in your mind then surely Syrian govt is puppet of Russia and so is Iran, Hez etc. personally I don't judge every single organization by where they happen to stand in the international proxy war. some things are more important than sticking a finger in the eye of Zionists
Kurds are shitskins commie trash and should be treated like all other shitskins.
>implying those arent soyboys
>implying running off to give your life for shitskins isnt about the most cucked thing you can do
>implying there is a single cause for which fighting along side communists isnt treason
I am pro kurd for the sole fact it makes turks mad.
Talks about Turks that way again and your anus will be stretched by a tank turret. Your kind is dying in droves in Afrin. Hope you join them soon whitoid!
>being pro any shitskins
fix your shit lowlander
>muh christ
>muh subhumans
I hope you all die
nuke what ever gay state you are in fucking idiot
2 reasons
brainlet racists who say 'shitskin shitskin shitskin'
brainlet lolbertarians and Nazi LARPers who say 'commie commie commie' as if DemConFed is the second coming of the USSR
Not sure what this has to do with a Mongolian basking weaving forum
I want you to call this guy a soyboy in his face. Implying serving with your life without any fear fighting against globalist puppets and their plans to flood europe with mudslimes is cucked.
Implying the cause I said before to protect europe about floods, killing the most jihadist you can, protecting middle-east christian people.