>Nationalist economics
Nationalist economics
Other urls found in this thread:
>save the economy
>by deporting untaxed illegal workers
>deporting the labor force
>what is automation
>what is per capita
>force innovation
>by releasing the slaves
But they do pay taxes you fucking idiot. Majority of those workers pay into the systems as not to look suspicious, for programs they know they'll never get to use.
Save the economy by deporting cheap, slave-like labor that doesn't pay taxes and leeches off of the system
>deport illegal workers
>apply tariffs on overseas slave labor
>domestic companies raise prices to just below imports
>middle class BTFO again
You're talking to someone who knows that social benefits come mainly from income taxes. If you work under the table, guess what you aren't paying? That is right, INCOME TAXES.
They pay a sales tax but meanwhile the 10 family members that are here illegally are on welfare and get a free education at the expense of the taxpayer. Fucking dumb nigger you are
Also fiscal =/= economic impact
>Automation is always cheaper than labour
you fucking moron.
Someone gets it. Everyone gets sales tax though it is a small percentage of what goes towards social welfare.
Does anyone here know how much debt is caused by social welfare abuse?
>Australian shitposting
So you're admitting you're dumb?
What do you think it is?
By this rationale anything that makes employment harder is a good policy because it will assist labour saving innovations. You should only innovate when innovation actually saves you money.
A shit ton
From healthcare to education to family assistance, it's a substantial amount for Dem's free votes.
We’ve got plenty of people on the sidelines collecting benefits and fucking off in their parents basement. Time to grow up.
I should also say for Repubican/capitalist cheap labor/profits
They are living off of their parents not the government dipshit
>rounded up statistics
>things change in 10 years.
Having to resort to buzzwords to make yourself sound at all educated is pathetic.
Income tax makes up for majority of welfare. Welfare abuse makes up for majority of America's debt. Think I'm joking, research this yourself if you have half a brain.
It’s not some economic principle you clown. It’s a cost/benefit thing that’s entirely being manipulated by corporations with access to cheap humans.
when your so uneducated, surburban or rural (retard) that you think this is shitposting and not a valid argument against drumphy
Demand for unskilled labor needs to be increased and we need a national jobs program for all of he unemployed or low earning millennials
the way to increase demand is to reduce supply, basic economics
"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year. They pay their taxes."
In b4
>I don't like the source so you're wrong
Most of the sources you read don't mention that they can abuse tax credits through the social security number that they use.
gotta invest in the future, user. can't have progress without that
Could you explain how can you leech on wellfare illegaley when you have no papers to proove that you are elgibile for wellfare ?
ur such a dumb cunt
Post some sources for you moronic claims or you're talking shit.
I can claim whatever I want to and just wave my arms around and say "RESEARCH IT ITS TRUE"
Could be either or both you tool. People are under all kinds of different circumstances in which they might work if forced to but it’s more comfortable to just not bother. Those are just two examples.
People who retire early also fall into this if you really want to get autistic.
the very same article you just posted said that 3.1 of an estimated (and probably low balled) 11 million pay into social security
what about the other 8+ million?
Nice argument brah, what are you, from meat cove?
>12 billion
>versus the billions and trillions
>Social Security: 992.5 billion
>Other Welfare: 436.8 billion
Get educated, moron.
>according to the head of a Latino civic engagement organization.
I don't believe u
see Seek help, moron.
There were some stars floating around that they also cost $110+ billion per year. The “they pay taxes” thing is a meme pushed by retards.
They are living off of their parents not the government dipshit
Cheap 3rd world labor has been used so that major businesses don't have to raise the price of labor when nobody wants to take their shit job for a shit price. This is one of the main reasons for the stagnation of wages. By flooding the marketplace with cheap labor you saturate the market and keep prices artificially low.
The whole fucking concept of the free market was that if you didn't want that job for that price you could leave. And likewise, if nobody lined up to take the job, you as an employer must raise your price. Instead, they bought politicians and flooded the marketplace with 3rd worlders, who are used to living off of 3$ a day.
If you need proof for this, see
Sorry, sales tax and fuel excise
And address the point, economic impact isn't solely how much one person owes the government.
I know you think this makes you look smart but it really doesn't. The study goes over decades of economic data.
>rounded up statistics
Completely aesthetic, not a real criticism of the underlying science. The studies are sourced if you want a more detailed view go read them.
>things change in 10 years.
>Income tax makes up for majority of welfare. Welfare abuse makes up for majority of America's debt
Illegal immigrants don't receive welfare
>Automation is always cheaper than labour
Why would a big machine be more expensive than many little ones?
You dont need "papers" to get family assistance or health services. Social worker here.
more like
remove the illegals
and get rid of the massive labor surplus, wages for American workers will therefore go up
Deporting the ((labour force))
Are you fucking new here? Identity theft.
>Could be either or both you tool.
It's primarily not the government.
>Sorry, sales tax and fuel excise
I did, it makes up for a small portion.
>Q: What are the sources of income to the Social Security Administration?
>A: The Social Security Administration has three basic sources of income: payroll taxes, federal income taxes on a small portion of SSA benefits and interest paid to the SSA trust funds.
>The study goes over decades of economic data.
It clearly states one year, and how it is rounded up. I posted information the us government shares with everyone. Get help, you moron.
>Tfw you have an already over abundant supply of low-skilled labor.
>Tfw the supply is actually so excessive you have a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, meaning market forces alone might allow for quite a bit less.
>Tfw liberals want to import more low-skilled labor while simultaneously raising the minimum wage, precisely when low-skilled jobs are being automated.
It's called living in a sanctuary city with a shitton of illegal immigrants who illegally elect city council members via voter fraud who will support paying for your family so long as you continue voting for them. It's literally government officials "buying" votes by enacting welfare for illegals and their crotch dropling children that are considered citizens by the 14th amendment. They should all be hung via garrote from every lamp post and light pole in the country.
Identity theft and through their US born children.
good point sir
There is no thinking about it. The expression itself is descriptive. It literally means "by head"
>implying it isn't slowly but surely becoming cheaper and better
You're like a retard arguing for slavery in the US in the 20th century saying that slaves aren't irrelevant yet because muh free labor.
It's fox news it's not true.
Fox news is about as true as politifact nowadays.
So you mean there is free healthcare in United States and you can walk in and receive the service and Family Assistance is just given by not filling out any papers (social security number etc). Does not sound accurate annon.
>This is one of the main reasons for the stagnation of wages. By flooding the marketplace with cheap labor you saturate the market and keep prices artificially low.
Wages haven't remained stagnant. Also its fundamentally flawed to view immigrants solely as an inflow of labour supply, immigrants also demand labour. Even immigration sceptic economists like Borjas won't deny that on the net immigrants increase real wages.
>The whole fucking concept of the free market was that if you didn't want that job for that price you could leave
And how about the people that aren't within your borders and want to work at these jobs? Does the market not apply to them?
I refuse to believe there's more NEETs than welfare queens without some kind of citation my dude.
>Immigrant don't receive welfare
So the majority of illegals nearly live in a slave state to America.
>Pay taxes even thought you don' receive anything
Common fucking sense.
I've already seen it in my former industry, hospitality, less Mexicans means the kitchen staffs are getting $ 3-4 more per hour. It's super competitive getting BOH labor in restaurants now.
Christ almighty get a grip on your agenda and try to write down your points before posting so you can come back and review how stupid you sound.
>muh 12 billion dollars
That's a little over $1,000 taxed per person. That rate means on average the (reported wage) income level of illegals sits around $28k per household. They have something like 2.5 children per household. Those families qualify for welfare and benefits because children born on US soil are covered under the 14th amendment. Effectively all illegal households are eligible to use welfare, SNAP, TANF, cash benefits, and medical coverage.
At that income level (using only reported tax income - and assuming that >$100 is federal taxes alone), those families cost the taxpayer greater than $7,000 per year. That's not even counting the cost to public schools, the crime rate, the artificial wage suppression for the rest of Americans who have to work shitty jobs, the list goes on.
Basically, this
You make the election froud sound so easy. Can anyone give this question a decent logaical answer please ?
There's no world labor market dude deal with it. If there were every white country would be turned into mud central within 48 hours.
Not enough information
Do you think illegal immigrants receive social security? How do they do this without a SS number?
>It clearly states one year, and how it is rounded up. I posted information the us government shares with everyone. Get help, you moron.
You can't be serious...
The format for a studies title is Author(s) Name (Year of publish)
Jesus christ
It is. Low cost Healthcare providers bill the government so they get paid. All of these illegals have fake socials under other names. Ask any low cost HC provider, especially in liberal areas
Well if you have an American kid it makes you American indirectly. Therefore you gotto pay taxes for your shit.
>Wages haven't remained stagnant. Also its fundamentally flawed to view immigrants solely as an inflow of labour supply, immigrants also demand labour. Even immigration sceptic economists like Borjas won't deny that on the net immigrants increase real wages.
But my dude, you leave out labor participation. We have our own people who aren't capable of doing anything more than low-skilled labor, but who are not willing to live (and rightfully so) packed in an apartment with six other adults like the illegals do.
This is the same thought I had when we got rid of slavery. Why would we get rid of our labor force?
Pretty much. The only thing that matters is the median buying power of citizen workers. GDP really doesn't matter much compared to that.
This cannot possibly have a significant effect on economy.
Australia, I can't speak for your country, but wages have flatlined in this country after the immigration act of 1965. There was an initial short term boom up until the 80's due to the excess of cheap labor, but after Paco and his 20 cousins started invading, wages flatlined.
> Majority of those workers pay into the systems
Citation needed, niggerfaggot.
>deport illegal workers
how exactly?
>apply tariffs on overseas slave labor
Other Countries could apply tariffs on your goods too. Also a lot of companies who manufacture in US, import raw materials or Intermediate products,If you those things have tariffs on them, then the manufacturing costs skyrocket making US companies uncompetitive.
>domestic companies raise prices to just below imports
how exactly? you will make them ? You want the state to dictate the prices ?
>middle class BTFO again
No it won't
If you want to be part of the middle class in 2018 learn programming , get a high tech job.
In some parts of our country it is very easy. You can register same day and vote without showing any kind of identification. Theoretically you could fly in to some areas of CA from Spain and cast a vote while on vacation.
I mean just look at this shit
>two ICE groups, one that can endorse a president and one that can't
>trump says that he was endorsed by ICE
>politifact calls him a liar, assumes the group that can't endorse
Also look how they manipulate his wording in this one
>"We are going to restore the rule of law in the United States," Trump said Jan. 25 at the Department of Homeland Security. "Before we go any further, I want to recognize the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and border patrol officers in this room today and to honor their service and not just because they unanimously endorsed me for president. That helps, but that's not the only reason."
>hurr trump said ICE unanimously endorsed him
Uh. Go in and vote. Liberal election places have no ID check.
This is well documented
>Wages haven't remained stagnant.
Labors in what sectors haven't remained stagnant. One would certainly expect that without an oversupply of low-skilled labor market forces alone would have brought the minimum wage over $7.25 per horam.
Now that makes sense. Deport all the fuckers. And burn down all these privatized healthcare companies.
>Well if you have an American kid it makes you American indirectly.
It shouldn't. The kids shouldn't even be considered American.
Here's my source. Wages literally flatined after the 80's in relation to inflation and the general cost of goods. To claim otherwise is 100% false, and absolute deception or ignorance. Full stop.
I don't want a minimum wage
Do you have evidence that real wages decrease due to immigration?
I don't have a problem with automation, I'm simply stating the fact that automation is only a good idea when it actually saves time and money.
yes it is faggot
> not willing to live
And therein lies the problem.
Deport the illegals and put a work requirement to receive any federally-supported benefit.
I don't care if your labor participation is zero, so long as you're not using roads or schools or receiving benefits.
What 'are so many of them doing?' 95 million not in US labor force
There's a big difference between the numbers and perception: Kelly Big difference between the job numbers and perception: Kelly
10:44 AM ET Fri, 2 Dec 2016 | 04:34
The November jobs report looked pretty good on the surface except for one number that popped off the page: 95 million.
That's the number of Americans now counted as not in the labor force, a historic high that has confounded economists and policymakers. The total — 95.06 million to be more exact — has been rising consistently but surged by a gaudy 446,000 last month.
Tell us some more BULLSHIT
Send this Trap lookin statue back to France
Are youyou retarded?
Id theft costs this economy billions every year. Guess what happens when companies have to write off theft and refund stolen money?
>thinking we don't have 8 year old kids to mow our lawns
A meme
Counties do it too. They bill the feds who happily pay it to help move their open borders BS
>Do you think illegal immigrants receive social security? How do they do this without a SS number?
You're asking good hard hitting questions. I'm beginning to suspect you're redpilling everyone with them by having me answer them? If so, why?
>Eligibility for a Social Security Number
Temporary workers and those in non-immigrant visa status who are authorized to work in the United States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can get a Social Security number (SSN).
How illegals obtain social security numbers is scandalous. Illegals can get these SSN with work visas that expire. There are reports of stolen social security numbers but they make up for the minority under 2 million or so.
>The format for a studies title is Author(s) Name (Year of publish)
There's more text in your image? What is going on here?
I'd rather have Americans (specifically, white) doing the jobs over Mexicans. Hell, if there was a semblance of a unified culture (meaning, vast majority of whites) social programs might even be more effective and beneficial to the health of the country.
Millions of SSN#'s to work. The IRS knows too.
>doesn't understand payback
Is it slavery if they choose to go work for compensation and eventually leave?
There is its just not a very liberal market given people tend to only apply the principle that if two persons agree on a price and a job they can privately go about their business to those within their borders.
>Wages haven't remained stagnant
It takes two parents to bring in the same joint income as it used to take one (in real terms). What do you call this? On top of that, they can still only afford 1-2 kids with BOTH parents working, whereas before they could afford 6-7, with only the father working.
>Also its fundamentally flawed to view immigrants solely as an inflow of labour supply, immigrants also demand labour.
3rd world savages are entrepreneurs now? Give me a break. I'm not talking about the 120 IQ Chinese man. Im talking about cheap, low IQ, 3rd world savages flooding into our countries and undermining our cost of labor, at behest of corporations that want cheap labor and leftist politicians that want votes.
>And how about the people that aren't within your borders and want to work at these jobs? Does the market not apply to them?
No. That is the responsibility of their govts. Our govts. are meant to act in the best interest of us, not every 3rd world savage that hops off a boat. This is globalism in a nutshell. Our youth should be working these jobs, not Pedro. Who will be sending his check back to Mexico.
That was 14 months ago, I don't know what you're saying...
> (You)
>I don't want a minimum wage
Who cares what you want. My point was simply that illegal immigrant labor lowers the labor participation rate among citizens and dampens wage pressure among the low-skilled (with whom illegal aliens) compete. Fundamentally however we have different views of a nation, with yours being a merely theoretical entity to whom no one would have any loyalty.
Answered your question, kiwi. Why are you farming for red pills?