How can whites every justify this?
Slavery was terrible
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But slavery has existed as long as civilization has.
maybe if that nigger didnt have they habit of spitting
Slavery > Africa >>> Slavery under the Ottomans.
If I take that mask off, will you die
>it would be very painful
you're a big guy
>for DINDU
I am against slavery. Its fucking awful that the USA is now left with a bunch of niggers.
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe he did something to deserve that?
Why should Whites justify something the Jews have done?
Even assuming Whites did this centuries ago, why should we justify something our forefathers supposed to have done.
Can you even prove that?
I learnt that it was a common thing, + there is nothing wrong with eating food YOU make.
>pancreas denial
you're probably a spleen-goy
Whites? You mean blacks don't you? They are the ones who sold their own people into slavery and still practice slavery to this day. There are more slaves alive in the world today than in the entire 400 years of the trans-atlantic slave trade combined.
Slavery was not wrong in itself, by white people are stupid.
The superior Arabs use niggers as slave, but they castrate (ball cut off) them.
White are pussies
>casually scrolling
>skin is a parasite
How can Indian/ancient mezo american/african tribes that took women and children and land from after a battle ever justify this?
28% of freed blacks had slaves. ya its a white thang,
Prove what? that niggers are unhygienic, disrespectful, stupid and have low impulse control, which combined could result on them spitting upon their master?
Have you ever been near niggers?
Whites are far from the only ones to own slaves. Africans enslave their own people.
slavery was the only time in history when niggers were economically productive
can blacks and arabs, as they mostly catch and sell the slaves, and afaik there are still 6mil+ slaves in africa atm
You mean iberians and anglo saxons. France for exemple never practiced slavery.
No, unfortunately my state is very white
>How can whites every justify this?
Jews imported nearly all of the "slaves". They should be billed to return all of the "slaves" to Africa.
BDSM is based
It was terrible, but only because it resulted in millions of niggers being deposited in white countries. Without black slaves being part of the american colonies there probably would still have an aversion to shitskins. Not to mentions shitholes like haiti wouldn't exist either.
but you also colonized large parts of Africa.
this is NOT ok
Islam enslaved and cut black balls of for 500 years before evil white man enslaved them.
Mohammad said you would go to hell for saying he inst white. traded several slaves and called ethiopians raisin heads. Yet every single nigger runs to islam like its the undergound railroad and shit. WTF damn niggers are dumb
I don't because me and my ancestors had nothing to do with it.
Frenchmen were too weak and cowardly to even herd niggers.
Found the reason you love niggers, it's always those who haven't been in contact with them who preach about tolerance.
Come back when you have lived in Detroit.
have you ever lived in Detroit?
as a Danish, how many blacks have you seen so far?
Tier 4 image sauce?
>this is not OK
Yeah, how fucking inhumane it was to build roads, schools, infrastructures, actual towns made of something else than mud.
>t. lost against zulus
Have you ever lived around blacks, the hooting and hollering gets to you
The niggers can bite so it's justified.
eternal slaves, they'd rather have a darker master than the whites...
>sells brethren and sistren off to the white devil at the first sight of a wad of cash and promises of influence and power
1. Yes, it is. Africans were living in the stone age and eating eachother. We had better uses for Africa than they did/do.
2. Google it. Something like 99% of slave ships were owned by jews.
You don't have the right to dictate your way of life on others. Perhaps they are better off without our western-Christian schools?
Or perhaps any other city / state with more "diversity", Detroit was an example.
But yes I live in Aarhus, our second largest city and traditionally commie / socialist. I live near the most "enriched" part of the city and I was very anti-racist before moving here. Now I can't wait to get away to a more white city when finished education.
And it is always the same, those in Denmark who wants more refugees and diversity always live in the most white parts of Denmark.
Why do we need to? We had the ability to do this to millions and it only ended when we decided it would end. If anything we should feel pride we were able to exert this amount of power without even trying, despite the foolishness of bringing millions of subsaharans to a previously innocent new world, that could've been made a New Europe.
Its the fucking niggers that should feel shame for being this weak and helpless, as they still are to this day.
do you know that slavery was pratised by black tribes in africa right?
you do know that in history whites were also enslaved, right?
>1.6% of whites in america owned slaves
>40% of jews in america owned slaves
big if true
Then why are they asking us to solve their problems for them? We are currently engaged in multiple conflicts in africa because niggers asked us to solve problems they can't solve. When french people come to their former colonies, africans act like we still rule them because it's more convenient for them. Former prime minister of togo said on french TV that his citizens told him that "it was better during white's rule".
so, how is the most diverse city the second biggest if diversity is bad?
why are the "white" towns are small, irrelevant villages?
We put muzzles on all kinds of animals.
Actually most niggers were sold to white people by others niggers after they had defeated them in tribal warfare.
Europe never had the manpower to take as many slaves as was sold and during the trans-atlantic slave-trade we only had few coastal colonies on the west coast of Africa.
When France and Britain colonized Africa in wide-scale we had already abolished slavery and enforced abolition on the known world except in Africa, because it would cause too massive social upheaval to simply ban it. Instead blacks were allowed to continue slavery among themselves but not sell to foreigners,.
This pic was posted a few days ago by a Brazilian about Brazil’s gold mines and keeping slaves from swallowing gold. This shit happened over a hundred years ago and there was a good chance the slave owner want white.
But that’s not the point. The meme flag here is too lazy to get original thread material and instead sits in his echo chamber rehashing images from other threads with no context. What a waste.
Putting locks on your farming equipment, Smart.
Some things about slavery:
- Every population group was enslaved at some point.
- The word comes from Slavs.
- Arab slave raids were a main reason for the development of castles and fortifications in medieval Europe.
- Arabs castrate male slaves, so there is no pure ex-slave population in the middle east,
but we know that the rulers of Islamic Spain imported enough female Slavs as sex-slave that the ruling class eventually turned blond.
- As slavery and banking is closely related (indebted servitude) (((they))) were the main sellers and traders, both in the middle east, the US and Europe.
- Irish imported to the US had a lower survival rate than black slaves in the US.
- Except for Japan making it illegal to sell Japanese to foreigners, only Europeans/Americans thought slavery was immoral, eventually forcing the rest of the world to abolish it (at least officially, it's still a thing in parts of Africa).
You dumb nigger, foreigners was a relative rare sight in Denmark until the 1970'ies.
This city was the second-largest long before that.
And in each city with a signifant shitskin population are experiencing massive social problems, gang wars, extortion etc.
Problems that was unheard of in Denmark before.
I'm sure they would be better off without any western influence
You know what, you're right if we didn't colonize them they'd still be living in tribal societies killing eachother on a daily basis with pointy sticks and sharp influece, would breed and reproduce far less.
By spending five minutes near a black woman.
How can BLACKS every justify this? Who da fuk do you think would capture slaves in Africa ? Other tribes of niggas. That right. No European would venture past the coastal outposts and cities till pretty much later in History.
Tired of the same niggatry day and night. These ppl need an Uncle Ruckus to show them the truth.
>Be me
>Ignit colored person
>Never paid attention in school (staying ignit)
>Blame all my issues on the white man
>Only listen to what I want to
>Don't realize that there was black slave owners that were just as cruel.
Learn your history, get wok, and stop being so petty. Learn from history to better the future, not condemn it and blaming your issues on everything but yourself.
Post of the day.
*sharp stones
stupid phone
I’m Jewish and have grandparents who made it through the holocaust so I know all about the cruelty of man. My grand father was even supposed to have been tossed in a gas chamber but it was packed so full they couldn’t get the door closed. So they sent him into the camp without even getting tattooed.
European/Christian Slavery is related to indebted servitude, which is part of banking. (And only Jews were able to lend money at interest)
In the slave trades, Jews were the main group able to buy and sell in both sides, as they had a clearly defined neutral status both in the Christian and the Islamic world.
Are you retarded ?
Niggers didn't build the cities, they just go where it's the most easy to get free money.
White reperations now pleez
Wasn't the first slave owner in the US black?
my ancestors owned African slaves in Barbados.
I hope they treated them very badly.
By letting blacks fuck our women.
Regardless the only people that should be ashamed are niggers for either being descended from these criminal classes or weak tribes that were sold to the Europeans and then lived under their whip for centuries, only to be freed by the white man because they were too lazy and fearful to do it themselves.
No reason to feel shameful about owning another man lmao.
The funny thing about slavery is the same rich Anglos and jews who controlled the slave trade because they didn't want to pay a livable wage for white men to pick cotton now import new slaves to the United States to work in agriculture and other manual labor jobs they don't want to pay a white man a livable wage to do.
Good that thing is ugly. Next time use a bigger muzzle plox
A free black was the one that won the lawsuit to keep owning a black indebted serf.
We're still slaves you ignorant cunt. Nothing had changed. In fact things have probably got worse. You're either a troll or literal sub 80 iq.
French got actually assfucked by zulus for entertainment.
>How can whites every justify this?
Why does he wear the mask?
Slavery was good.
African-American Literacy Rate was 20% in 1870, to compare, literacy rate in the Russian Empire was 15%.
Slavery was profitable? Just barely. There was a very small profit margin for slaves (12% profit margin which means 88% was profits)
Plus, slaves in America would have been slaves in Africa anyway.
I have no intention of feeling guilty about it, it helped them go from shithole countries to the prosperous american continent and they still consistantly whine and bitch about muh slavery.
>How can whites ever justify this?
How can blacks? How can Asians? How can mudslimes? How can Jews?
All of them had slaves. Some of them still do.
there were still white slaves after fucking niggers were freed you dumb shit
how fucking stupid you are
Every race has held slaves, or has been slaves
Blacks should stop playing the victim
ah, just noticed I kept inserting indebted servitude when it should have been indentured servitude in the posts ...
please ignore the mistake.
If was hot out and blacks were on sale. Clear everything up?
Why would they need to? It was practiced around the world well before America existed, and persists to this day across Africa and the Arab peninsula. I don't know of any movements to end slavery that were headed by anyone other than white people. Why are white people held to so much of a higher standard than anyone else? Doesn't that fly in the face of racial equality?
Slavery was part of every civilization throughout history. European nations were the first to abolish slavery. It was bad but why to blame only whites for something that was used by everybody, took at Libya today, they are still selling slaves.
Whites fought to end slavery. Many brother vs brother killings to free niggers. Now niggers blame whitey. Hindsite, should have never freed them or just return purchase. Whitey needs reporations from govt since whitey bought nigger, then govt took away purchased equipment.
"Arguments" so far:
>every culture had slaves
>slaves were punished because did something wrong (not realizing they are FORCED to be slaves"
>muh we superior( Might makes right)
>you never lived with blacks
Come on, i expected better. Now simply justify this morally, or don't - accept it was a bad thing and whites were wrong.
Of course slavery is wrong. That's why we got rid of it, and forced the rest of the world to get rid of it as well. We don't do it anymore. Arabs and asians still do.
Yes were
Not is
>every culture had slaves
That's true. Why are you blaming whites only for slavery?
Why do whites have to justify something they forced everyone else to abolish?
Aren't you asking the wrong people?
If you're basing the question on a race having to defend itself (like you did in the OP), go ask some Blacks how they can justify Africans currently enslaving Africans in Africa.
>accept it was a bad thing
It still IS a bad thing. It exists today.
>whites were wrong
Yes. And so were blacks, asians, mudslimes, jews, etc.
whites? first slaves was used by other blacks, than muslims, than jews, than some american whites. then these american whites decided they will start civil war to abolish slavery. so. who is actualy guilty of slavery?
Wh*te b0is will pay for this
Arabs literally chopped your dicks off but wypipo are the bad guys lmao
Niggers spoke too much, a drawn picture isn't proof
Why should 'whites' justify it you absolutely racist hypocrite.
Whites to date are the only ones that banned it and it and enforced that ban onto other people's (not races let's be correct, a colour isn't a race).
Every non white people I can think of would probably still be doing it otherwise.
When people say things like OP has wrote we need to be physical with them in the most dramatic and wide scale possible. They should be taken for justice, their property should be forfeit and they should explain whether their crap has come from the media, miseducation or from home and those institutions should be forced to explain.
(Picture: Africans castrating African slaves. Tyrone be all like sheeeeiiiiitt)
Whltes will be conquered with the magical seed we carry
>How can whites every justify this?
I can't stand ignorant faggots like you, op. slavery was/is practiced by every race on the planet and still exists today. we were among the first to completely outlaw it. millions of europeans were taken as slaves and this is almost never discussed nor do you hear them crying about it. this is jew tier identity politics. fuck off and kys.
We cannot. And we don't. But for every negroe that suffered pre 1864 We have been paid back in full with extra helpings in the death and misery that the negroe now afflicts us with.....
Seriously, it was a really bad deal. The whites and hispanics have been killed and raped in droves by these animals......
Ugh.... 0/10, would not enslave again....
>Aren't you asking the wrong people?
Because I am not white, and I know whites had first international type of slavery, with the greatest numbers.
Slavery within the nation is no comparison to slavery blacks endured under white slave owners. They simply saw them as different, inferior and worst of all- not so human.
But a black person owning another black understands he is a human just like him.
black Power
You jelly? U mad whiteboi?
Media and miseducation slander will not be tolerated and should not be tolerated nor should it be tolerated from any secondary source.
Whit3s have no culture