This girl is actually full retard

This girl is actually full retard.

Other urls found in this thread:バカとアホ/

Thou ought to be capable of solving this conundrum

What is wrong with that?

psh, too easy

what is "X"?

X = Y?

She is not retard
She is aho

I forgot multiplication table.

What is the difference between aho and bakaバカとアホ/

>he needs a multiplication table to multiply

I only have 10 fingers

The worksheet is stupid. You can't take the cross product of two scalars like that.

From what has been shown it's that she isn't really that dumb - possibly average intelligence. She just has a really short attention span since in OP it seems she know division and subtraction.

>using x instead of ∧ for Cross Products

Enjoy needless confusion


Aho is made for breeding
oyakodon doujins when?

Wait, this was a Clamp anime?

>This girl is actually full retard.
Mordred from Fate/Apocrypha too.

Banana is an IQ giveaway.

Wouldn't ∧ come with it's own set of baggage though? I'm not really convinced it'd be any easier.

Anyway, x is fine for cross products since you really shouldn't be using it for multiplication anyway. Simply dropping it works fine, or using a dot in unusual cases like that worksheet. There's a more legitimate point about confusing . and a dot product, but even then you should be able to tell them apart.

I like the author's other works but reading Aho Girl just makes me uncomfortable.
The girl is genuinely mentally challenged.

x tends to be a common variable so it might bring small confusion. Of course most of the times it's obvious but still, the less ambiguity the better.

That's a good point. I'm so used to automatically using a curly x for variables that it didn't occur to me that one could mix them up. I still don't particularly like ∧, but I can see the logic behind it. And I suppose you're not going to run into situations with both cross products and set theory very often, all things considered.

yes, see

That was just a careless mistake, I'm sure you're intelligent.

Go get a bf you worthless virgin cake

Aho-mom keeps her dad drugged out and tied up doesn't she?

I am sure the dad has since fled to Patagonia.

or a genius?


I have a theory about that.

I think she is a genius.

they have been friends for ever and has always been clingy. Now to get zero on a test is hard work as we all know so why would she do it?

When they went to kinder garden she beat him on a test and he stopped taking to her for a week. ever since she has fail every test and acted stupid round him as it gets her attention.


Has the manga shown any past? The mother seems far too worried and desperate for it to be a joke.

That's the point of the series.

If nothing else she can run circles around pretty much anyone with her tard logic.

what's the difference between idiot and moron

MC is gay for not wanting to marry her

My kind of people. I find the fact that Sailor Moon went to Tokyo U bull shit.

>Has the manga shown any past?
Chapter 67. It's how A-kun and Yoshiko met

I can't read it either. Maybe it's because I see people with actual cognitive and learning disabilities in my life.
Sure, it's played for comedy. No one is mentally deficient in the way she is, but I can't derive enjoyment out of it.



>Dad is normal businessman
>Mum is cunning femdom
>Daugther is retarded

Gotta love genetics

There actually is one. It leads back to early 20th century classification of intellectual disabilities.
Idiot was the most severe form. Moron was only somewhat retarded. This nomenclature has long since been abandoned though, and as derogatory words few make a distinction of severity between them anymore.
Absolutely disgusting

And to think Yoshiko's obsession with bananas is partially A-kun's fault

Yoshiko being retarded is probably divine punishment for the mom for raping the dad

I would have thought it was the other way around, Idiot sounds better than Moron.

It's so fun to look at.

Dad was shown. He's a really genuinely nice guy who is totally oblivious to how messed up his wife is or how stupid his daughter is. Even Akkun seems to like him. He works a lot and the mom basically abducts him into the bedroom when he's actually home. In the chapter Both the mom and Yoshiko want to monopolize him for the evening and the mom tries to give Yoshiko the drugged juice. He accidently gives the juice to both of them and gets a quiet evening alone as a result. Also brings Akkun over a gift as he's worried his daughter might be bothering him.

She's been Aho from the day they met.

>open thread expecting pics of boob prez
>see none



You actually took your time to do it

You doctorate


That's almost too cute for my liking.

In context, she's desperate and pleading, but without that, it just looks like she's being smug and bragging.

Don't put your dick in aho


To get all the questions wrong you need to know all the right answers to purposefully not choose them.

Are you an aho?

We are all aho.

He's not accidentally doing anything. It's pretty obvious he got himself transferred to a position where he is only home for 1 day a month, and considering that exact scenario has played itself out many many times he was too smooth in getting them both to drink it.

It'd be pretty fucking hilarious if we find out in the end Yoshiko was playing 6D chess in regards to getting Akkun, and dealing with her mom, but it'd be pretty far fetched to attempt that type of ending as of now,.

>She has almost infinite stamina
I want to fuck this monkey

You'd die before she'd say you can stop

But what a way to go.

>Being fucked to death
Sign me up

I'd prefer Aho mother with aho's stamina tbqh

>tfw no femdom milf gf

the term moron is discriminatory against boron. boron did nothing wrong.

Is everyone on Sup Forums predetermined as gay ?
Not that I dislike it ofc


Would you give the the Aho the indecent banana?

i will give it to her mom


As long as she doesn't bite it

>not giving it to both of them

in 11+3, she thought it's 1+1+3, hence 5
in 3 x 3, she divided 3/3, hence 1

if you made Modred a human girl would they get along?

They're both animals already, aren't they?

Are you saying she might need glasses

>You just graduated from teaching academy
>You defended your thesis on special needs education with top marks
>You can't wait to get out and make a difference for the unfortunate
>You are assigned as teacher/wrangler for Mordred and Aho
How do you approach this situation?




she would break them sooner or later
lenses more like

A-kun would break them

Why is Dog so best

>Unzips pants
One job.

They get even larger when she's wearing a bikini.

Reminder A-kun is a bully and Yoshiko is the only reason he has any friends.

He doesn't want friends though, he's too good for them.
He just wants to get 100 points on an exam and these "friends" prevent him from doing so

Did I win yet?

That's just normal. Bikinis do accentuate breasts because they aren't meant to support as much as bras, and thus do not constrict. Obviously they reveal more too.

How does A-kun "help" Aho-mom?

in various ways


How did she make into the same highschool than A-kun?

Aren't Japanese highschools suposed to have an access exam? How did she pased it?

You son of a bitch.

I guess it's a shit-tier school so aho was forced to go there. Akkun went there because it was closer to his home

The way she manipulates everyone so handily is a dead giveaway. Even a-kun.

Only the desirable ones have serious exams. Elsewhere it's pretty much a formality.
High-school attendance is very high in Japan, despite being completely obligatory. This means that even those that do not like school or to study still most likely go through it.
A-kun stated that he goes to the school because it's close.