On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
The Sweden Democrats are the third largest party in the Riksdag. They aren’t perfect, but they’re anti-migrant, anti-handout and pro-justice for rapefugee victims.
If we can get them into office, it’s not going to fix all of Sweden’s problems overnight- but the only other option is the NMR, a street movement set to get about 2% of the vote.
That’s not enough for this time around, and anyway, NMR is more effective on the streets. But if we can get enough Svens Redpilled enough to vote for SD, that’s going to have a knock-on effect after the election.
We need the SD to start putting Sweden right and push the overton window. And we have just under 9 months to make this possible.
/SWEG/- Swedish Election General- PHASE 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Welcome to phase 2. Who’s up for some data gathering?
.We need a list of Swedish laws concerning immigration from 1970-now. It doesn’t have to be comprehensive, but it does need the breakdown of votes from the 2 major parties.
.We need a list of European mandates & regulations that Sweden has passed into law.
.We need a list of contact information for Swedish news outlets. DO NOT put it in the thread. Send them to me on twitter via DM’s or drop them off in the discord.
In the meantime, we’re going to need to format the information we already have.
.If you have a reddit/flashback account, we need to start mining information. Specifically, we need to create & bump threads asking people’s opinions on the EU. We’re going to need that data, and you’re going to need the practise.
.We also need to start trying to grab Pewdiepie’s attention. We’ve built up quite a collection of Skurt memes, & we know where to spam them. Keep tuned to these threads for more material!
Will still vote NMR though
SD is controlled oppsosition
theyre cuckservatives that will be just as useless as trump
>before it’s too late.
Deporting 25% of the population doesn't seem like a realistic option tbqh.
Going back to only shilling for SD are we now? That is not going to end well.
Kevin pls
Skurt besöker Malmö
>nazi bigots
>cuckservatives are smart
You really think its a good idea to divide your already small group who has started to get the point? Your planning on pushing this entire op yourself? What are you even doing here then...
Also Kevin was the american namefag right? Just like you trying to namefag of britbongs name..
This is not about being petty. It's about winning a culture war. It's about normalizing uncomfortable opinions and truth.
>winning culture war
SD is bending over to the cuckservative establishment
if you want to normalize uncomfortable opinions, why not normalize the NMR? The true opposition?
>why not normalize the NMR
good luck with that. i'm sure that will happen when swedes are in a minority. we don't have time.
Because they wont win the election. Most people would never vote for them. SD has a chance. They are the best we've got.
This is no time to be an idealist. It's a time to be a strategist. Produce leftist salt!
Putting up pictures in Malmö right now. Where are my fellow anons?
>being defeatist
you know jimmie said he would ban NMR if he gets into power? where do we go after that?
learn from the trump shit
dont fall for populism once again
>they wont win the election
neither will SD without working with another party (wich means comprimising and dropping your princibles)
if everyone who says "NRM wont win" would vote for NRM they would sure get a small foot into politics
Not. Gonna. Happen.
Start your own movement. SWEG is about SD winning.
>Not. Gonna. Happen.
>giving up when its just starting
Then why are you pushing a normalfag party?
Its becoming the new agenda, or more like the old agenda since this SD is just a failed fork, just a bunch of normies who doesn't understand our politics and memewars that are still under the belief that pushing SD is a good idea. see its about normalizing racism, anti-semitism, nationalism. Making the swedes want to take care of their country and understand the rest of the world just laughs at them trying to be the saviors for everyone else whom just want gibbs.
Sverige, Europa har varit med om bra mycket värre saker. Världen kommer inte gå under bara för SD inte blir valda I år. Det är bättre med korrekt lösning än en snabb lösning, en snabb lösning kommer bara skapa dessa problemen igen om några år. Sluta knapra så mycket svarta piller, du skrämmer bara upp dig själv med domedagsprofetior. Fokusera på målet. Att göra sig av med invandringen medans normisarna inte fattar att de är problemet kommer bara få dem att pusha för ny invandringspolitik nästa år. Det är väldigt mycket bättre att informera dem om att det är invandrarna som är problemet. Då slipper vi det för bra många mer år fram över.
Majoriteten av folket här är passiva, de är unga och blivit alldeles för hjärntvättade av jude propaganda, de förstår inte att de måste hjälpa till, de tror det går ut på att få andra att lösa problemen. Jag tror de flesta inte ens kommer rösta på SD för de innebär att de måste resa sig upp och ta sig till en vallokal.
Nope, just like /sweg/ started before your failed fork, its about spreading redpills. Learn how our politic system work instead of running around like a headless chicken. We vote for ideas not politicians, it doesn't matter who brings the solution, as long as a solution is brought. See even your buttbuddy britbong is starting to get the point. And he has no clue how our politics work or what our parties stand for.
What does the poster say?
Fine. Just redpill then. I stand by my opinion in the matter. We can still do the same thing. Which is to spread these information flyers, and shitpost with memes.
"Sweden has never been safe..." then the sentence is cut off by the raising rape stats.
bra skrivet
If you wanna print it, please use the high-res render. There's a vector version in PDF too, but I keep getting accused of a bunch of weird shit every time I link to it.
Tack broder
Lugna ner dig kompis, ingenting blir bättre av att stressa upp sig. Vi ska köra ut packen, inte minska flyktingströmmen. Allt kommer ordna sig. Snart kommer vi alla stå på torgen och skrika sieg heil tillsammans.
What do leftists say about this? That it's not okay to be Swedish?
varför inte Hell Seger ;)
No one will ever se Nmr as something other than a bunch of ex-con, tattooed skinheads with ugly piercings and low iQ
Say that to the people in norrland who are slowly and surley accepting them
Rösta på SD = stäng gränsen.
Gå med i Nordfront men rösta på SD. Nordfront hör inte hemma i riksdagen utan på gatorna, där de kan genomföra viktiga aktioner.
>blatten i bakgrunden
En rasfrämling har infiltrerat dem.
80-90% middle aged women.
>ex-con, tattooed skinheads with ugly piercings
That just proves how little you know about them, none of them would have been "ex-con" if you didn't push so hard to make everything you dislike part of HMF... Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Its like the leftist whining about them being jobless then call their boss to lie about them and hope they get fired. Get a grip man.
Älskar låttexten: "du och jag behöver samma sak, kärlek och värme".
Det är inte kebaberna på andra sidan som våldtar och kastar granater, de är redan här. De ska ut.
Jag håller med. Men SD gör ett bättre jobb i riksdagen. NMR har också ett syfte men tror inte att försöka "spela det politiska spelet" är det bästa alternativet för dem.
Bump for sweden
Japp jag tänkte på det också.
"Someone to say goodnight, and good morning"
Yeah i bet you say both those to your little afghani cuddletoys, you disgusting pedophile batikwitches!
lol nazi faggots will never be in charge of sweden, SD is the best choice right now with even a semblence of a chance. Wouldn't be surprised if everyone in NMR except a few leaders is sub 85 IQ...
don't they will loose, by voting them you are impeding chances of dems winning you idiot
Det är så bisarrt, kan inte låta bli att skratta. Afghanerna ler och göra vågen på trappan medans batikhäxorna sjunger kärlekssång. Kommer bi ett jävla liv när deras gigolos skickas hem.
De har inga planer på att spela något politiskt spel, de har planer på att köra ut invandrarna, du behöver inte riktigt 25 års erfarenhet av riksdagen för de. Och det är inte så SD är något politiska eliter, de var i samma position för 12 årsedan.
"Vi är inga politiker – VI ÄR FOLKET!"
"Bästa valet för att bli av med problem skapade av judar; MER JUDAR!"
Its quite intriguing to se most foreigners claiming SD is the best choice while most Swedes claim NMR, you'd thought one of you would be smart enough to realize Swedish people probably know a bit more than you regarding Swedish politics.
Speak english you mongrels.
Ser ut som alla afghaner i videon tänker gemensamt "Är detta verkligen värt det?"
Sen har vi ju sista stollen med skylten "Afghanistan ej säkert", undra om det är för landskapet är naturligt osäkert eller för befolkningen...
Förstår henne lite dock, tror inte någon annan än flykting afghaner vill trycka till detta...
Kom på vem "hon" är lik. Kek.
I just remember reading that a hair stylist was confronted and called a rayciss on Arslebergs "Trolljägarna" for saying that the female? spokesperson for the afhgani invaders "looked like a man". Oh imagine the horror!
So i maed this.
Svenska kvinnor var ett misstag. De är som små barn som är arga att någon försöker ta ifrån dem deras favoritleksak
Evigt ledsen att Dinamarca inte tog över VPK.
So what big dates do I need to put In my calendar before the election? Is the parade on the first of may likely to bring any potential incidents or counter demos?
(chief editor) of DN gets blasted on twatter...
Något vi kan vänta oss i framtiden? Förstörd infrastruktur.
Stupid white people, we don't need their expensive shiieet. We have voodoo.
NMR ska hålla två första maj tåg, ett i Boden och ett i Ludvika, det kommer nog vara värt att notera.
Now that is a disgusting snatch
What is that monkey mumbling about? Probably something about the white devil.
Yeah probably. And how the fuck did he get hold of a white doll anyway, seems like he's somewhere in the jungle.