Why didn't anybody tell me about Mahojin Guruguru?

Why didn't anybody tell me about Mahojin Guruguru?

This shit is fun as hell, it reminds me of silly 90s anime.
I suppose it's due to being based on a 90's anime to begin with, but yeah- they completely nailed the feeling of that era. Sometimes it even feels like it's drawn on cells and shit. Not sure why.

That hyper pace, these silly little expressions and quick jokes.. I am all over this shit

Been fucking ages since I seen that lil' skitty-legs bit

The comedic timing is also done pretty well.

I dont find DQ references funny

Probably because it looks childish so no one is watching. But yeah, it's the best show this season for me.

We told you every damn week when we had a thread. Why didn't you listen?

Reminds me of yuusha yoshihiko jdrama

The comedy is much more than that though, last episode was great in this sense.

I was away from Sup Forums for a while. Please forgive me!

Somebody happened to mention it in another thread, saying "90's fantasy anime can still be funny", and I had a Slayers itch, so I gave this a go.
Watched all 5 episodes in a row, it was this good!

Kukuri is cute!

>Kukuri is cute!
The cutest, Juju is also great.

She's okay I suppose

Please post more Kukus.

She's a crazy maniac with overpowered divine magic, I love her.

I was half-expecting her to go full EIIIIIMENNNNNNNNNNNN.

Maybe there's still time.

Later in the story she will join the party again and she will be even more "tuned" with her God, religion is a hell of a drug.

I need more Kukuri in my life.

>search for ククリ
>get's a bunch of "kukri" weapon imagery and violence.

Deadliest loli.


Where did all our Italian nostalgia posters go?

so wait are they remaking this or something?

It airs on tuesdays, slowbro

It's my personal AOTS, every episode has me in stitches

i dont even browse Sup Forums user but nice guruguru is awesome

Why does everyone shit on the old man, he just wants to dance.

Nobody wants to look at an old man in what is usually an outfit worn by cute girls.