How aggressive do you like your tomboys, Sup Forums?
Tomboy thread
I like my tomboys a bit awkward and thoughtful, but always ready for a friendly wrestling match that devolves into heavy petting and cuddling
I'm a big fan of tomboats.
Aggressive as possible
Batshit fucking crazy.
First Leona is so different.
I want to Hot Dance in her Cherry Moon.
I reject the notion that Velvet is a tomboy. She is a top-class housewife.
I feel like v1.0 Leona and Noa are almost the same character; they even look the same. v2.0 dials the aggression up around 500%.
Still a tomboy.
No, she is a refined, mature, and elegant young lady!
Motherfucking christ I want to kiss her belly until I suffocate.
God, Natsuki with her hair down drives me absolutely insane. Just look at her, she's drop-dead gorgeous and so, so cute.
quick post the top 3 things off top of your head that you think define a tomboy.
>fluffy hair
>winning smile
Noa isn't really a tomboy, she just has short hair. She was even embarrassed in the first episode because her skirt slid above the knee.
Further proof that tomboyfags are just delusional homosexuals.
One of the conflicts she deals with is how boyish she is & what her father thinks.
Jackie Chan
How pure or slut do you like your tomboys, Sup Forums?
I think you're going to have to define just what exactly you think a tomboy is.
Noa isn't particularly 'masculine' when it comes to behavior - she's not, for instance, loud and aggressive the way Leona is. But while she often comes off as cute, she isn't particular feminine. She's a woman in a traditionally male profession, with a very androgynous look and a single-minded obsession with robots and mechanics. She's a mecha otaku, and that sort of obsession (both the nature of it and its object) is typically coded male.
>tfw best boy is also best girl
Go pure or go home. I want to be her teacher.
Pure and lewd are two sides of the same coin, I like a tomboy who teases you in a way only a (cockhungry) virgin can.
And then she says something really lewd that she doesn't realize is lewd for like a minute, after which her face turns beet red, right?
Exactly. Or she says something lewd because she's embarrassed to admit she doesn't know what a word means.
I can work with all of this as long as it's a learning experience.
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
Wrong thread?
Videlwas best as a tomboy
Very aggressive.
What's going on on her shirt there? Also by the ankle.
I'm not quite sure what's wrong with her shirt, but the ankle is probably the footfag version of Shaft Neck.
This stuff.
Oh I have no fucking idea. Maybe it was a weird frame.
Still waiting for Jun to fuck that
Post tomboys who won.
Patlabor as a whole feels like Oshii's take on Dominion. The Tank Police's propensity for police brutality is distilled into Ohta, and the story is a lot more grounded.
Why do they win so rarely when they are best?
Is it me, or does Leona seem really impressionable to you? :Like she joins the tank police, who are a bunch of aggressive sociopaths, and she absorbs the culture. Meanwhile, Noa doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about police work, or anything that isn't Alphonse for that matter.
Because why would anything nice ever happen.
so i looked up the scene and its not there
but neither is this full body shot, so it probably from when the picture was stitched together or something
By the 2nd movie she ends up moving on from Labors in general.
Sometimes they're worst & they win
Huh. I don't remember that.
This. Take pic related. They mistakenly call a very girly girl a tomboy
Slut only to one person
Now that's a show I haven't seen mentioned on Sup Forums in a long time. Not only was she a tomboy, she was a brown tomboy. Brown tomboys winning literally never happens.
I mean I knew she wasn't going to win, but damn I'm still mad.
Can't remember if she's actually a tomboy, but I do remember her having some tomboyish qualities.
>Expecting something good out of harem trash
You know harems aren't meant to be enjoyed right?
This was tight.
Noa learns from them in the TV/manga continuity but you're right, she never just adsorbs the culture of the place.
>She doesn't specifically hate feminine things, play lots of sport and act like a man in a woman's body
>Thus she's not a tomboy
I hate this mindset.
Legend, thanks
Oh yeah I think I remember this anime.
You really waited 50 minutes for a source when you could have just gone to saucenao and got it instantly? Please lurk the fuck more.
Legend, thanks
Those fucking staple ties still piss me off, even after all these years.
Being 3DPD trash isn't a tomboy trait.
That's me!
This man gets it.
This individual understands.
aggressive outside sex
Tomboys should only be playfully aggressive. Preferably when they're flustered or embarrased.
user she won, remember that the doujin is canon.
This. They might look tough but deep inside they're lovey-dovey.
Here's a rare tomboy.
Good taste
Dominion Tank or New Dominion Tank?
New, I think.
OG Dominion's Leona is just Noa but in a setting where her innocence is trodden on rather than cherished and nurtured.
I want to be femdommed by a tomboy!
Tomboys are delicious! The highest tier of fetish!
Only trapfags think tomboys/reverse traps are gay.
Coincidentally, trapfags are retards of which definitions and logic are an anomaly to.