Why the fuck do you keep letting this happen? No other country on the planet has this problem. Japan has never had a mass shooting. Australia had one in 1999 and banned guns. They have not had one sense. Canada has had 3 and the UK 1. Both emedietly strengthened gun regulations.
Kewp telling yourself "gun control dosnt work". If bad guys can get guns on some imaginary black market why the fuck dont the bad guys all have grenades or nerve gas. Be an adult.
others may try to say gun control doesn't work, but i frankly don't care. if you come to try and take my guns i'll shoot you, plain and simple. you'll die, and you'll be known as a tyrant that tried to infringe upon my rights. i don't care how many kids die because of some psycho. all of them will need to be killed for me to care.
Logan Carter
Ameica is the only country keeping the world from chaos. All the other democracies have a risk of falling into collectivism.
This responsibility of freedom comes with a price. American s are willing to pay it but the weak leftist and feminine men are against it.
Kayden James
You can always leave to Israel if you don't like our laws.
Luis Taylor
it's becouse of too much jews with clear agenda
Andrew Kelly
>i don't care how many kids die because of some psycho. >all of them will need to be killed for me to care. yeah the rest of the world has been watching exactly that. enjoy your guns m8
Gabriel Lopez
Ban freedom of speech at the same time you ban guns. Removing the 2nd amendment will cause a constitutional crises that will lead to taking all our rights away. Isn't that what you liberal fags want so much?
Access to guns has always been a thing in this country, but school shootings aren't. Was there ever a school shooting before schools were integrated? Diversity has destroyed any socal cohesion our system had.
Tyler Myers
Thanks for pic op, now i can jerk off on it
Angel Jones
Ryan Reed
What does his beanie say? I can't read it.
Camden Collins
Yer a tard. Rich dumb lib.
Dominic Perry
Why do they care? Why do they comment on something they do not understand and why do they insist we do something when what happens here has no impact on them whatsoever?
Parker Price
libs want to virtue signal super hard and act like they love the children and country by whining about wanting guns banned/heavily regulated(already is) when they also want open boarders and hoards of immigrants to infect our country and kill and to rape our children pretty funny
Grayson Richardson
Dead bodies make me happy also sage fuck u shill
Andrew Rodriguez
maybe if you just were nice to that dude instead of bullying his life everyday he would not have had the necesity of shooting anyone.
Ryder Williams
thats the amerimutt you dummie
Logan Long
Boo hoo, 17 people died in a day.
This happens EVERY FUCKING DAY in the hood and every shithole country around the globe.
Chase Sanders
Isn't it weird that there's always a drill planned on the day of a mass shooting? I'm not going to make any outrageous claims here, just thought it was curious.
I don't remember people being taken away screaming as part of any drill we did when I was in school.
Dylan Walker
No one will take my guns from me. No cops would follow through with an order to take guns. Almost all are pro 2nd amendment and simply want to go home.
Brody Nelson
this shit is getting relentless. what the fuck are they trying to drown out from the newscycle?
Aaron Young
IT's just the fake news doing what fake news does. Make a lot of noise to get what the leftists want. The more we resist them, the more noise they make. The only way to stop the media is to let them know that printing lies to push the leftist agenda will only get them killed. We need to execute most journalists, newsmen, and ESPECIALLY executives who run these organizations. It's very simple. If you want more of a particular behavior, reward it. If you want less of a particular behavior, punish it. It is time to start punishing those who create and disseminate leftist propaganda.
Carter Lewis
>Comparing to an ethnocentric state like japan >Comparing to a country with 20 million people on a similarly sized continent >not realizing that if you remove nigger and spicy gun violence, as well as suicides (like other country stats) we have similar gun death stats
Eat more cock, faggot
Thomas Lewis
An individual who feels positive about his community and involved within it isn't going to shoot up the place.
Lucas Turner
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__ +Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is/hkpKO ) +Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is/eU9Az ) +Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is/pJeMy#selection-2671.0-2671.178 )
__Feb 14__ +Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. youtube.com/watch?v=OFly5Ut5Jag +Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is/O0jbm ) +Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. youtu.be/zlhMGWyT_uU +Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. youtube.com/watch?v=_R39tNfv_fg +For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide. +Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ). +Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is/GOlmf ) +FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is/8MfoN )
__Feb 15__ +Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is/uAhPt ) +Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__ +Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is/p6UIl )
Ayden Mitchell
Das Juden are trying to ban your guns.
Parker Bell
The funny thing is, the more ethnically homogeneous the US state, the lower the homicide statistics.
Excluding some shitholes like Tennessee. Not sure what to make of a state with 80% white people that has one of the highest rates in the country.
Wyatt Martinez
Josiah Wilson
For what reason exactly would a false flag be needed?
Carter Jackson
you start user, otherwise you're just another escalation faggot shill >devilquints w e w e w
Kevin Morris
What they have been working toward for decades, gun confiscation.
Jack Gonzalez
the CIA pulling off this stunt is like the bully who pushes you against the wall and asks for your lunch money local gun laws will probably get passed and donations
Ryan Ross
You can buy shit like that in the states on the black market. Grow some balls and be a career criminal already sheesh
Dominic Barnes
This. why we give a fuck it isn't a gun problem it is a problem with society and the liberal agenda letting these snowflakes run rampant!
Adrian Hill
gun control won't fix shit. look at mexico. stop being a simple cunt.
Jackson Hernandez
True taking guns from civilians won't do shit, you have to close down gun factories.
Isaiah Evans
oh shit!!! that video fo the girl talking to cruze is freaky and she said she still heard shots!! BTFO globalists
Jordan Myers
Hey retards
Why is Chicago carnage covered up by the media?
Aaron James
How many people have been killed by left wing governments?
Dominic Robinson
I live here and most of the time it's because it's nig on nig violence and they don't report good things on the news.
Christopher Butler
Hindsight is 20/20 of course but they really should have had an armed guard at that school.
Camden Rivera
>dozens of civilians die everyday from bombings and guns everyday in the Middle East >no one cares >30 or so niggers kill each other in Chimpcago every weekend >no one cares >17 mutts die >OMG WE MUST TAKE ACTION NOW! BAN EVERYTHING!
John Ross
To backup what you are saying, Utah is primarily white and has had one mass shooting that I can recall. The perpetrator was a Bosnian refugee en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_Square_shooting
Lucas Clark
well the shithole like tenn.. they don't allow legal weed and let the kids all get hooked on meth .. to run rampant. But yea I even feel safer around meth heads in Tenn then in say south GA with all the niggers.. they are more unpredictable.
Austin Morris
> tfw Canada always comes in second We can do better leaf bros
Brandon Davis
Canada the hat of america!
Jaxson Wood
17 people die, oh shit we need to ban all guns, 100,000,000 people die from totalitarian governments where guns are banned. "wow you really think your OWN government would turn on you?"
Elijah Sullivan
Jack Gonzalez
Abstract Cuckolding (also known as troilism) is a sexual interest in whichone obtains sexual arousal from the experience of a romanticpartnerengaginginsexualactivitywithsomeoneelse. Thepresentstudyinvestigatedfantasiesaboutandexperiences withcuckolding inalargeanddiverse sample ofpredominately gay-identifiedmen( N = 580).Comparedtopreviousresearch focusing on heterosexual men’s c uckolding fantasies, our results indicatethatgaymen’scuckoldingfantasiessharemanycom- mon elements; however, they differ in some important ways. Most notably, interracial and BDSM themes do not appear to be as common in gay men’s cuc kolding fantasies as they are among heterosexual men. Our findings also indicate that fre- quentfantasiesabout cuckoldingare linkedtoseveral overlap- pingsexualinterests(e.g.,voyeuri sm,groupsex)and,further,the content of these fantasies is associated with a number of individ- ual differences (e.g.,agreeablen ess,sensationseeking,sociosex- uality).Finally,thisstudyalsosuggeststhatgaymenwhoacton their cuckolding fantasies tend to report positive experiences; however, the likelihoodof reportingpositive outcomesappears to depend upon one’s personality and attachment style.
Mason Jackson
Introduction Troilism is a little studied paraphilia described as the‘‘sharing of a sexualpartnerwithanotherper sonwhileonelookson,afterwhich theonlookermayormaynotsharethesexualpartner’’(Smith, 1976 , p. 586).‘‘Cuckolding’’is the colloquial term for one contem- porary form of troilism in which a man obtains sexual arousal fromthesightorexperienceofhiswifeorgirlfriendengaging in sexualactivity with another man. Whereas the term cuckold historically referred to a man unknowingly married to an adul- terous woman, the modern cuckold is aware that his wife is havingsexwithothermenandoffershisconsentandencour- agement. This behavior is not a form of cheating; rather, it is a variant of consensual non-monogamy (Rubin, Moors, Matsick, Ziegler,&Conley, 2014 ).However,thepracticeandfantasy ofcuckoldingare distinctfromother forms ofconsensualnon- monogamy (e.g., swinging, open relationships), as well as the practiceofgroupsex,duetothecuckoldtakingonasubmissive, disempowered, and largely voyeuristic role in both the experi- ence and fantasy. Those other practices tend to involve more egalitariansexualinteractionsormutualphysicalparticipation by all parties, even if one partner is the center of attention.
Oliver Nelson
Anentiresexualsubculturehasemergedthatcelebratesand explores cuckoldingfantasies. Ley ( 2009 ) interviewed dozens of different-sex married couples that were practicing cuckold- ing,mostofwhomreportedthatitenhancedtheirrelationships. Ley’s work revealed several dis tinct characteristics and themes ofthissubculture.First,thepredominantlyWhiteparticipants Ley interviewed commonly described the desired third party in these scenarios—colloquially referred to as the‘‘bull’’—as amanwhoisBlackandhasalargepenis.Thus,thesefantasies oftenfeatureaninterracialelement.Thebull’ssementendsto be emphasized, too: the cuckold may be aroused by having intercoursewithhispartnerwhileanotherman’ssemenisinside her,orhemaywishtoparticipateinremovalofthebull’ssemen romhispartner’svaginawithhisownmouth(apracticeknown as‘‘creampie’’)inanactofforcedsubmissivebisexuality.Other elementsofBDSM (bondage,discipline,dominance,submis- sion, sadism, and masochism) are commonin these scenarios, especiallyhumiliationofthecuck oldedman(e.g., beingridiculed byhiswifeforhavingasmallpenis).Finally,muchimportance istypicallyascribedtothewife ’ssexualpleasure.Seeingher achievingcompletesexualsatisfaction—akindthatshedoesnot receive from sex with her husband alone—is a critical element.
Blake Murphy
ThethemesidentifiedbyLey( 2009 )inthepracticeofcuck- olding are reflected in the vast world of cuckolding pornog- raphy. According to some estimates,‘‘cuckold’’has become one of the most searchedtermsonthe world’smost popular porn sites (Ogas & Gaddam, 2011 ). Author Dan Savage, a sexual advice columnist since 1991, has witnessed the rise of interest in cuckolding through correspondence with his readers. Over thelastquarter century,hehasreceivedletters from‘‘growing legionsofcuckoldfetishists,’’aphenomenonhedocumentedin his column more than a decade ago (Savage, 2006 ). Savage suggested that cuckoldi ng fantasies are popular because theyrepresentaneroticizationofacommonfear—specifically, they allow heterosexual men to transform fear of their wives’ infidelity into a sexually arousing fantasy. In light of this rea- soning,Savagearguedthatgaymenwereunlikelytofindcuck- olding arousing (Savage, 2008 ). Because same-sex activity lacks reproductive potential, he argued, gay men are not nec- essarily threatened by their partners having sex with other men. Followingpublicationofhiseroticizationhypothesis,however, numerous gay men began writing to Savage to express their interest in cuckolding, which s uggests that if eroticized fear isattheroot ofthisfantasy,itisnotspecifictofear ofapartner becoming pregnant by another man. TheresponsetoSavage’scolumnsuggeststhatcuckolding is not a uniquely heterosexual phenomenon. Seeking corrob- oration, we requested data from Pornhub regarding the fre- quency of cuckolding searches on pages featuring gay male material. They reported that, from August 2014 to August 2016, monthly searches for cuckold porn increased linearly (B. Hall, personalcommunication,August10,2016).Whenthenumber of searches per month was indexed against the 2-year search average,searcheswentfrom34%belowaverageinAugust2014 to 46% above average by August 2016, suggesting that cuck- olding is an increasingly popular porn genre
Liam Jackson
Interestincuckoldingamonggaymenmakessensethrough thelensofspermcompetitiontheory.Thistheoryhasbeenpro- posed to explain why heterosexual men find the prospect of a femalepartnerengaginginsexwithothermenarousing(Goetz &Shackleford, 2006 ). The idea is that men evolved to experi- ence biological and behavioral changes that give them a com- petitive reproductive edge whenever multiple men compete over the same mate, such as by releasing more motile sperm (Baker & Bellis, 1993 ) and engaging in more vigorous thrust- ing during intercourse to displace rival males’ semen (Gallup et al., 2003 ). Though sperm competition principles have not been tested among sexual minority men, this theory provides a plausible mechanism that cou ld explain why men, regardless of sexual orientation, might find cuckolding scenarios arousing. Whilespermcompetitiontheoryandrecentpornsearchtrends offerevidenceofsexualminoritymen’sinterestincuckolding, little is known about the qualitative nature of their cuckolding fantasiesorhowtheycomparetoheterosexualmen.Forinstance, areinterracialandBDSMthemesascommoningaymen’scuck- olding fantasies, or do their fantasies emphasize other elements? Moregenerally,howmuchcommonalityisthereincuckolding fantasythemesamonggaymen?Doesthefocusofacuckolding fantasy vary according to individual differences or personality traits? Furthermore,whiletheactual practiceof cuckoldingis linked to relationship enhancement in different-sex couples (Chuba, 2015 ;Ley, 2009 ),itisunknownwhetherthesameis true for sexual minorities.
Hudson Peterson
The goal of the present study was to explore the nature of cuckolding fantasies among sexual minority men. We sought toexaminenot just whether the predominantthemesin hetero- sexual cuckolding fantasies emerge among gay men, but also thebroaderpsychologybehindgaymen’scuckoldingfantasies (e.g., How are they linked to o ther sexual desires? To what degree do individual differences, demographic factors, and relationship variables predict who has cuckolding fantasies and the elements of those fantasies that are most arousing?). Inaddition,we considerhowgaymensaythe practiceofcuck- olding has affected their romantic relationships and whether certain personality traits predict better or worse cuckolding outcomes. Research Questions and Hypotheses RQ 1: What are the major elements of gay men’s cuckolding fantasies? Weasked participantstodescribetheircuckolding fantasies in their own words, which we content-coded for the majorthemesidentifiedinLey’s( 2009 )analysisofheterosexual men’s cuckolding fantasies (including interracial, large penis, creampie, BDSM, and partner satisfaction). In addition to this qualitative data, participants quantitatively rated the impor- tance of several elements of their own cuckolding fantasies in order to provide further insight into what gay men find most arousing about these scenarios
Caleb Clark
RQ 2: How many gay men with cuckolding fantasies have shared and/or acted on their fantasies, and what were their experiences like? Weaskedparticipantstoreportwhetherthey have ever shared their cuckolding fantasies with a partner and how their partner reacted. In addition, we asked whether they had acted on their cuckolding fantasies and, if so, whether the experience met expectations and how it affected their rela- tionship. We sought to examine whether, like different-sex cou- ples, the practice of cuckolding is also linked to relationship enhancement for men in same-sex relationships. H1: Frequent cuckolding fantasies will be associated with having more frequent fantasies about voyeurism, group sex (threesomes, gangbangs, and orgies), and several aspects of BDSM (particularly bondage, masochism, humiliation, and submission). According to the DSM-5, a paraphilia is ‘‘any intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotyp- ically normal, physically mature, consenting human partners’’ (American Psychiatric Association, 2013 , p. 685). Though not specificallymentionedintheDSM-5,cuckoldingwouldappear to meet criteria for a paraphilia. Paraphilias tend to co-occur, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as paraphilic diathesis (Blanchard, 1991 ). Persons who have one paraphilia therefore tendtohaveotheruncommoninterests,andthoseintereststend to align in related‘‘clusters’’(Krueger & Kaplan, 2001 ). We expectedcuckoldingtoclusterw ithseveralconceptuallyrelated desires,includingvoyeurism,giventhatbothactivitiesusually involve obtaining arousal from watching others have sex, or fantasizingaboutothers’sexualbehaviors.Wealsoexpecteda positive correlation with group sex fantasies, given that cuck-
Dominic Hernandez
H2: Frequent cuckolding fantasies will be associated with higher levels of sexual sensation seeking, openness to experi- ence, self - esteem, relationship investments, relationship sat- isfaction, and relationship commitment, as well as an unre- stricted sociosexual orienta tion. Cuckolding fantasies will also be associated with higher l evels of attachment avoid- ance, but lower levels of attachment anxiety. Though eroti- cization of fear was initially proposed as an explanation for cuckolding fantasies, there is reason to suspect it may not be true. Research by Birnbaum, Simpson, Weisberg, Barnea, and Assulin-Simhon( 2012 ) suggeststhatwetendtoconstructsex- ual fantasies so as to avoid content that could potentially be threatening to the self: when primed with attachment anxiety, for example, people are more likely to fantasize about being irresistibly desired, which may serve as a coping mechanism by buffering against feelings of rejection. In light of this, we believe that cuckolding is likely more appealing to those who are confidentinthemselves andtheirpartners’ love,as wellas those who are comfortable with casual sex. Such individuals are probablylessthreatenedb ytheir partner havingsexwith others. Thus, we predicted tha t cuckolding fantasies would bemorecommonamongpersonswho(1)haveaneasiertime separating sex from emotion (i.e., they have an unrestricted sociosexual orientation and an avoidant attachment style), (2) do not have abandonment issues (i.e., they have lower attach- mentanxiety),(3)areinmorestablerelationships(i.e.,theyare more invested, satis fied, and committed), and (4) feel more self- confident (i.e., they have higher self-esteem). We also expected thatpeopleinterestedincuckoldingwouldbeopentotryingnew things in general and have a preference for thrilling and risky sexualactivities(i.e.,theyshouldbehigherintheBigFivetrait of openness to experience and sexual sensation seeking).
Matthew Smith
H3: Gay men’s personalities will predict which elements of cuckolding fantasies are most arousing to them such that (1) higher agreeableness will be associated with placing more importance on partner pleasure, (2) greater sensation seeking tendencies will be associated with placing less importance on safe sex and more importance on the bull having a large penis, and (3) lower attachment anxiety, greater attachment avoid- ance, and a more unrestricted sociosexual orientation will be associated with placing less importance on whether the bull is known to them. ThosehigherintheBigFivetraitofagreeable- ness should be more concerned with whether their partners are enjoying themselves in a cuckolding scenario, given that agreeablepersonshavemorecareandconcernforothers’well- being (Graziano & Tobin, 2009 ). In addition, those who prefer more thrilling sexual activities (i.e., sexual sensation seekers) shouldbedrawntocuckoldingscenariosthatoffermorevisual excitement and risk, such as those that feature supranormal sex- ualstimuli(e.g.,very largepenises) and condomlesssex.Lastly, those who have an easier time separating sex from emotion (i.e., an unrestricted sociosexual orientation and more attachment avoidance) and who have fewer abandonment issues (i.e., lower attachment anxiety) should place less importance on who the bull is in their fantasies, while those who are more anxious are probablymoreinclinedtohav easpecificbullinmind—onewho is unlikely to pose a relationship threat. H4: Gay men’s personality traits will be linked to whether acting on a cuckolding fantasy was a positive or negative expe- rience: (1) higher agreeableness and conscientiousness will be associated with more positive outcomes, while (2) higher neu- roticism, attachment anxiety, and attachment avoidance will be associated with worse outcomes. ThosehighintheBigFive traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness will be more inclined to say that acting on a cuckolding fantasy
Dominic Ross
Method Participants Weconductedanonlinesurveyofmenwhohavesexwithmen whohavefantasizedabout beingcuckoldedbytheirmalepart- nersbefore.Thefinalsampleconsistedof580self-identified adultmenwhorespondedtoanadvertisementforasurveyof ‘‘gay men’s cuckolding fantasie s.’’Approximately one-half of the participants were referred through the social media site Tumblr,one-quarterthroughDan Savage’scolumnandpodcast, andtheremainderthroughvarioussocialmediachannels(pri- marily Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook). Atotalof1164peoplebeganthesurvey;however,584were excludedfromthefinalsamplebecause(1)theyidentifiedtheir genderassomethingotherthanmale( n = 8),(2)theyindicated beingunderage18( n = 4),(3)theyreportedneverhavinghada cuckold fantasy before ( n = 23), or (4) they answered too few questions to yield usable data (e.g., providing responses to just one or two questions in total; n = 549). Procedure Data were collected online between August 2016 and Septem- ber 2016. Following the collection of informed consent, partic- ipants were prompted with the following question:‘‘For pur- posesofthisstudy,acuckoldingfantasyisasexuallyarousing thoughtormentalimageofwatchingyourpartnerhavesexwith someone else. With this definition in mind, have you ever had a cuckoldingfantasybefore?’’Theoperationaldefinitionofcuck- olding used in this prompt was derived from Ley’s ( 2009 ) description of the phenomen on among heterosexual men. This very general behavioral d efinition was utilized in order toallowustoidentifythethemespresentamongthosewhoiden- tify with the label/behavior, as opposed to imposing a thematic element,suchashumiliation,intothedefinition.Thosewhosaid nowereautomaticallyskippedtotheendtotheendofthesurvey, whilethosewhosaidyesadvancedtocompleteabatteryofques- tionnaires about their demographics, their personalities,their sexual fantasies in general, and the nature of their cuckolding