How would you overpower her?
How would you overpower her?
>how would you overpower her?
an armored spearhead supported by mechanized infantry
Mentally, by making her physically overpower me and satisfy my need to be dominated while making her think it was her idea the whole way.
Which chuuni's farts smell the best?
Dick in butt
By reading aloud.
I'm black and 6 feet tall.
Dicks don't work.
I would use my superior overall strength, weight, muscle mass and upper body mass to overpower her in a sudden barrage of strong punches towards body parts sensitive to pain (sides, eyes, jaw, neck, arms and stomach), throw her down to the ground while she is stunned from the hits if she doesn't fall on her own and then beat her face to a pulp.
as the facial bones are rather strong, i would use a tool to do that like a rock or a metal rod. if much a thing is not available, to prevent damage to my knuckles i would likely strangle her or kick her head and neck until she is unconscious or dead.
Knot in butt?
With mace.
I would use a rear naked choke
Memes don't work.
By squeezing her tits and then wiping the sweat off of them with my mouth and tongue
I'll request a private session and then greet her in her pussy.
Nice pasta
With my odor.
Tickle torture!
I run towards her, slide on my knees at the last moment and then punch her in the coochy so hard it goes "splortch" and she goes all "ah!"
loving hug
This desu
Buy a cabover box truck and do what those do best.
Try to wrestle her but be overpowered instead and defeated by her farts.
By hooking myself up to a car battery
So I just finished s1 after finishing s2 first. Made me disappointed on how s2 really turned out and the lack of closure.
With a confession
movie next year user
Yeah, I guess killing myself could wait.
Punch to the gut, then dick in her womb.
and a Shinka spin off after.
Don't forget the Zakus.