Accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Make sure you go to church today (a true Christian evangelical Protestant church not the great whore of Babylon Catholic church).

And before you fedorafags try to hijack this thread, know that there's a special place in hell for you.

Other urls found in this thread:



Try again, faggot.

there is no god

"mmm, goyim, let me protect you from the things I'll do to you if you don't worship me!"

I'll take your "hell" over capitulation to that Hebrew poison that wants me to give up my religion.

Stop worshipping the demiurge

I found OP in vid related


Deus Vut Muhammad

I allready am in hell, stuipid christcuck.

Protestants are cucks

>"God wills it!"
>gets utterly destroyed by Muslims
>"God wills it!"
He certainly does.

Last I checked it's the leader of the Rosary Rattler church that is kissing the feet of refugees.

Yes, life is hell without Jesus. There's still time Hans.

Deus vult

Easy for you to say Cow worshipper.

By the way, brb. Gonna go have a CARNE ASADA burrito.

Funny, your buddies in Andalusia certainly didn't feel that way after getting murdered and erased from history under an unstoppable wave of angry iberians chritstians

There's a few muslim feet unkissed yet, christfag

All countries in Europe (the ones that matter) will be taken over by Islam without bloodshed. You will submit and your grandchildren will be grateful.

I think the idea of a God watching over us is completely implausible desu.
I don't think God would create dinosaurs and give them dominion over the Earth for more than 140 million years, just to send an asteroid the size of Mt. Everest and let it impact into an oil field.

This would seem like a maximum of randomness and cruelty. I think it makes much more sense that humans, as they wandered around the Earth, made up numerous contradictory deities to try to inject some sense into the world.

>worshiping this thing

All of the Middle East and North Africa was Christian until they got conquered by Islam.
Pic related - beautiful MUSLIM building. Where is your Byzantium now?

>biblical jews are the same as khazar jews
stay spooked my man.
I was into that gnostic shit at one point, don't fall for it.

Have you ever seen the middle east? Run by Americans and Jews, lol muslims are cucked.

It takes more faith to believe that we came from monkeys than to believe God.

>run by Americans and Jews
So run by Jews?
Tell me more, faggot.

>quad 7s


Hahahahah delusional faggot, 90% of it is occupied by CHRISTIAN AMERICA, and islamic al-qaeda was desteoyed by CHRISTIAN AMERICA, now in syria they fight to eradicate Islamism and to promote secularism and feminism


Checked leafriend
>Gets run over by the british juggernaut and lose your Dar'Al'Islam, for it to turn into colonies for the French and British
This is an occidental world, paki.
You're just living in it.
I'm sorry, what?

Al-Qaeda was fought against by Muslims. As is the Islamic State. Muslim Syria is destroying ISIS.
Poppycock. You're all degenerate Jew-worshippers.

I have no salt about Britain's victory over the Ottomans, since I am British myself. My passport and flag say so. Islam and Britain are inseparable now. Sadiq Khan is just the start. We will have the PM in a few decades.

I do not care for your "God". I care for my country, and for my people. All I know is that if perhaps Europeans had held on to our own faiths and not adopted a foreign messiah, and a foreign God as our own, perhaps we never would have been weakened to the point where we could be displaced and outbred in our homelands with out a fight. I don't see Christianity doing anything to prevent the slow death our race. So tell me what good is Christianity?

You are only British on paper.

there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth

True, we are all humans.

Daily reminder

no, desert shitskins are just one step up from nigger tier and all jews are khazar's in that they're all mixed mutts that lack empathy
fucking... retards... this is why you're called animals, you follow the tenants set by people who don't follow them.
Good Job!


You can never be British. You will always be a foreigner.

>We are all humans
>Implying there aren't different scales of Humanity

Atheists are the reason why there are Muslim refugees


Says the foreigner. I was born here, speak with a quintessentially British accent, salute the Queen and eat fish and chips. How am I not British?
>derr muh religion
I thought an inherent value of Western society was freedom?

Friendly reminder.
Demons are very very very real.
That's why the global elite are full of satanist pedophiles who sacrifice children to Moloch.
The Jews are Christ killers and they maintained the same belief for 2000 years.

Jesus wore a dress? What a faggot.

As a Christian I don't understand why we can't embrace our Muslim Brothers now listen to it me I understand there's going to be some resistance here but they got some good points anti woman anti-gay anti drinking what's not to love, we need to put these degenerate little sluts in their place in Muslims might be the man to do it why not use that

>Quintessentially british
Yet you can't physically or genealogically identify with the british past, with their struggle, or with the legacy that the true brtishmen have left for their children.
You'll always be an outcast that was adopted into the family because of pity and to be the plumber, since no british men wanted to have the hard jobs anymore.
>Muh religion
''Muh religion'' forged Britain as it was, and gave the Briton and Anglo-Saxon a common ground to found the United Kingdoms.
>I thought an inherent value of Western society was freedom
There are two types of freedom : freedom to fail and freedom to succeed. Freedom to succeed was reversed with freedom to fail with WWII and the spreading of neo-marxism.
tl;dr you're not british, your children will not be british, and you're a cuck who should go back to Pakistan to make your country great instead of suckling on the government's tit for milk like a baby.

Kek, you will never be British sandnigger

>Yet you can't physically or genealogically identify with the british past, with their struggle, or with the legacy that the true brtishmen have left for their children
Neither can Nigel Farage (descended from the French) or the Queen (descended from Germans). Queen Victoria was German.
>foreigner tells me I'm not British
I'll ask my fellow countrymen. Britain is the least Islamophobic country in Europe.
Islam will forge a better Britain.
>you're not british
>non-British person telling me, a British person, that I'm not British
Don't make me laugh.

>worshipping a donkey on a stick
Here, have the oldest depiction of your Lord

And on another note, for any REAl brit that might be lurking on this thread :
Don't be slaves to minorities and tolerance, you white niggers.


As a nationalist Quebecois, I think i can clearly judge whether or mnot you actually belong somewhere, mudskin

You aren't from here. Only Brits like me should determine who is British.
Islam is to the UK what butter is to bread.

faith can move mountains

but only islam can move skyscrapers

>Only brits like me
>Should determine who is british
That's way too subjective Mohammad. In a real secular society, britishness would be determined by physiological factors.

So Nigel Farage and the Queen aren't British.
>too subjective
Not for the average Brit, who thinks I'm British.

Condition one: To be considered British, citizen must be white.




Only conspiracy theorists use all caps.

Jesus was not his name. It was Yeshua. Second, he did not worship the Jewish god. Why don't you know this?

Kindly fuck off, christian scum.

Reminder that Talmudism shouldn't exist

Leviticus 19:34
"But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God."

Born, baptised and confirmed roman catholic, but I didn't have an overly religious upbringing. Currently consider myself an agnostic.
The ideas of the reformation, the five Solae and others, seem increasingly appealing.
I feel like I'm at a stalemate desu, Scandinavia in general isn't very religious at all anymore but I want to BELIEVE in something. Help this roman catholic turned agnostic on his way please Sup Forums

>I want to BELIEVE

God is greater! God is mightier! God is gentler! God is closer! God is our father!


Babylon has Fallen!

Apocalypse 17:8 Fulfilled

Revelation 18:2 Just Happened

Padre Pio: Satan Would “Come To Rule A False Church”

The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned

St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes and Antipopes

End-Times Temple Of God

Is the World about to End?

3rd secret of Fatima, St. Malachy's prophesies





you have absolutely 0 proof for anything you've said....

Gnosticism is the key to understanding what is going on in the world today. It contains some answers as to why the Jews have acted as they have and done what they have done to Europe. Why they hate white people. Why humanity, after only 40,000 years of supposed migration from Africa (a lie), has developed into distinct races all over the globe.

The whole demiurge paradigm just doesn't have anything to do with it. Become a religious historian and go all the way back to Sumer and Egypt. Looks at their Gods and their stories. Then start lining up the ancient God's with the newer Egyptian and Greek gods. And of course the Canaanite Gods worshipped by the Israelites. The answers are out there.


John 15:18-24
"18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’"


Why is it OK to publicly display hate for Christians, but not for Jews?


>Accept Jesus Christ as your savior
see thats why you are weak and your nations are incapable of being managed properly. you expect some one to save you. you actually believe that no matter what happens god is going to take time out of his day to make sure your ok

i hate to tell you this but god is busy right now and wont be seen for some time. you will kind of have to solve your own problems

Jews have been persecuted throughout history (rightfully so, but the facts remain unchanged). Hate for christians simply doesn't carry the same historical weight as hate for jews.

Funny how the closer you are to them, the more you hate them

Not saying that christians haven't been persecuted for their faith, because they have, but not even close to the same magnitude as persecution of jews.

>Islam will forge a better Britain.
>I thought an inherent value of Western society was freedom?

Oooh im lafin.

>Islam and Britain are inseparable now. Sadiq Khan is just the start. We will have the PM in a few decades.
Shows your true face. You are not british

We aren't money-grabbing vultures like America.
I want a Muslim Britain.

Moloch is the Jewish god and the god of all abrahamic religions. Around 800 B.C. the use of the Aramaic language had spread to mesopotamia and was considered a prestigious language for use in writing official records. At this time, Ethiopia and what is now Eritrea we're pan-arabic and pan-Egyptian. The area was a mix of Greek, Aramaic, and Egyptian cultures. Aramaic is the precursor to what is modern day Hebrew.

In these areas, they worshipped a god written as MLK. This was later expanded and given vowels to become Moloch. MLK is Anu of the sumerian religion, the Greek Titan Cronos, and the Jewish god YHWH.

It was later adapted in Hebrew to a verb, Melek, or Melech which means sacrifice to YWWH.

Moloch is just another name for the Jewish god, who has always demanded blood and burnt sacrifices.

Fucking hell OP. Do you go to one of those churches where all they play is alternative rock? LMAO those are the best

did the first egyptian dynasties worship deities? My impression is that they came later and old legends like Hemes became symbolized as a god (Thoth) in a new religious paradigm

Because you don't have Snglish blood. The English are more than a nationality, they are people, an ethnicity. I could tell you apart from a real, native Englishman just by looking at you. Being born in a stable doesn't make a man a horse.

>don't have English blood
Neither does Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson or the Queen.

this is a norse-pagan board now
hail odin fuckers
cuckstanity makes you weak

Horus was already worshipped before the first dynasty

Sacrifices to and worship of molech aka moloch is expressly forbidden in Leviticus when God gives his laws to Moses so I'm not sure how that same God could be moloch

Yes the Egyptian god's were the same pantheon as the sumerian Gods. Coming from that historical tradition, they believed that their Pharoahs were descended directly from the gods. And they did mean physically descended through sexual reproduction. These would be called nephilim in the Abrahamic religious tradition (Abraham was from the nomadic tribes of Ur, the Urrians, in southern mesopotamia/Sumer).

Hermes (Greek), Thoth (Egyptian) was another undisputed nephilim in the Abrahamic tradition. He is grandfather of Noah and was later taken into heaven and granted the divine name Metatron, an archangel. How interesting hm?

The Jews worshiped Moloch but the prophets condemned them for sacrificing their firstborn sons to him. So they killed the prophets.

So the owner of the vineyard sent his son, saying surely they will listen to my son. And they slew him.

What do you think he will do with those wicked husbandmen?

Alright do you have the Sup Forums pagan insignia and a pagan-chan?
Those are the first requirememts

yes here that's our mascot now
also fuck off with your isignia
we only got runes but you can't read them anyway


I thought Hermes Trismegistus was a central Egyptian figure, enough that his name was "thrice-great" and who ushered in the golden age of the civilization with his discovery of the sacred knowledge. There's also a story about some emerald tablets but I have yet to look into that.
What I did find interesting was the Hyksos dynasty, specifically the priest class that was driven with their army from the Egyptian lands by the Hittites and other forces, but somehow this story became the Moses and the jewish pyramid building slaves story:
because that would set back their history for being kicked out of places at least 300 years before the first reported expulsion.
Also, there's a mention of Sea Peoples by Ramses III who also noted their name was also "mw", that they were peoples from the lands of Weshesh, Shekelesh, Danye, Tjekker and Peleset. My intuition is telling me that the bible name Pharisees represented the Hyksos priests and the Canaanites were their army who named those lands.

Youre a cunt. Its simple really.

You use western values to defend the shit thats coming out of your mouth.
While at the same time saying that you want an islamic / muslim Britain. With a straight face.

The very cancerous thing that would ruin and currently is ruining everything the west stands for and is.

This is why no one takes you nordcucks seriously.

Those who worship Moloch or any other demonic entity without ever repenting and turning to Jesus Christ will be condemned. I was trying to reply to the post claiming that the Old Testament God was Molech. The God who gave Moses the 10 Commandments and the God of the Holy trinity whose son is Jesus Christ are one in the same.

i am not a hindu

Western culture is killing itself.