Can anybody tell me what happened in the mid 90's for the crime rate to go down? It sure isn't the single-motherhood rate, but that one also doesn't seem to increase it
Can anybody tell me what happened in the mid 90's for the crime rate to go down...
Democrats became in charge of polling and skewed the results in their favor
18 years after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide.
Basically, a whole generation of poor inner-city blacks were exterminated before they were even born.
Banning of leaded gasoline, abortion, crack epidemic was over, increased xenoestrogens in the environs
There are too many variables to identify a smoking gun.
Yeah I thought of that too, it simply contradicts statistics, which show that single mothers create monsters. So we now have soybois and welfare queens?
Is abortion wrong?
Damn, I was just going to mention soy and porn consumption.
Vidja games too.
incarceration rate
The drug minimum penalties did go up in 94' I believe. Something Trump could rectify for blacks and poor fuckers in general if he has the balls.
A lot of things. I imagine the rise of the internet and then social media brought violent crime to our attention more but also created something so absolutely time wasting that some would be violent offenders are too busy shitposting about politics on an anime notice board to actual commit crimes.
A form of Soma.
yea minimums are dumb
why appoint judges if you're not going to let them rule?
>Can anybody tell me what happened in the mid 90's for the crime rate to go down?
yes. pic related
Until you separate by race...then your graph is all fucked up
The violent crime rate went down mostly because of the millions of abortion niggers got.
The leading issue for the violent crime rate was the drug wars. You used to be able to make a ton of money selling drugs and being a kingpin and you could SORT OF get away with it.
By 1990, police had gotten an upper hand on drug/gang activity and most importantly the money laundering schemes that kept them profitable. By that point, the best you saw your hood dealers doing was pushing drugs for a couple of years, living like a fucking dog and always looking over your shoulder and then going to jail forever or getting killed. It just stopped being worth it. All drug pushing now is small time dealers and the Cartels and other outside influences make the legit money.
The CIA stopped bringing in cocaine, and shifted to heroin. Different market, different vendors. The Asians and beaners are more about the business than being the biggest nigger in the ghetto.
Plot a trend line for violent crime. It's slope will match single mother's exactly.
All you fuckers forgot about one thing it's pathetic. THE FUCKING MOBILE PHONES HAPPENED SO ANYBODY ANYWHERE CAN CALL 911
I was telling my friends about this in relation to the Flint Water Crisis. That whole region of Michigan is going to be fucked if we don't gas all of the newly-leaded niggers.
yes, but it did save us from what seemed like certain destruction in the 1990s
whites moved into suburbs and gated communities
That's when people became slaves to big pharma.
Less lead in the air
I always forget that the oil companies still pay the shilling here.
Don't expect anyone to discuss lead.
What does it mean? What has lead done to people? Were they mad or what?
This plus the introduction of the USDA food pyramid in the 70s, which greatly lowered testosterone across the board.
What the fuck is that thing on her head?
>Bill and Hillary’s war on Crime (le “super-predators”, three strikes, the private prison boom, etc).
If we were going to get the 1990s version of the Clintons in 2016, I would have unironically been #withher
Actually the opposite thing in Romania happened when the commies forced people to have 2 kids and 18 years later there was a massive increase in crime. Abortion does lower crime by getting rid of unwanted people.
Mandatory minimums for hard drugs should be increased if anything. If you can't go about your day without smoking crystal meth or injecting heroin you shouldn't be part of society.
Also starting to feel the benefits of removal of lead from gasoline.
Yes, lead exposure that isn’t high enough to kill you can cause cognitive defects and crazy behavior.
which race is getting it?
Roe vs Wade happened. All the unwanted niggers were aborted and never grew up to be criminals.
This is unironically why even though I oppose abortion in principle I don't oppose it in practice. Almost all abortions are done to abort the spawn of people who society would be better off without.
I feel the same way about the police - I support them in places I live, but want them defunded and disbanded in nigger cities so that they burn down and stay burnt down. No sense risking the lives of predominantly conservative white men to protect people who then shoot at them with sniper rifles.
>"Here in Romania the communists..."
Sorry user but I had to make that joke
"mental" "health"
I don't even know what your referencing so have at it.
Also, people don't leave their homes now.
console games took off in a big way, cheap accessible to spics and niggers to keep a lot of them off the streets.
>dat pic
The overall trend in violent crime has been dropping for centuries. It's actually going up in places like Chicago, St. Louis, and the parts of Europe that get the most immigrants.
I am sad that this is the truth, I am pro life, and I believe only those who buy thier way out of law system should be shot.
It's a hard moment when the reality and logic outweights morals.
>why appoint judges if you're not going to let them rule?
Because they need to be told what the punishment ranges are because society makes the laws and sets the punishments. A set minimum punishment gives the judge a range to work in. Rather than having thousands of judges given radically different sentences depending on how they feel at the time.
Anyway crime dropped because we started putting criminal niggers in jail, sure we picked them up on 'harmless' drug charges but those same people will commit violent crimes in time. The fall in crime is evidence of harsh punishment for minor infractions working.
hoes not having kids. abortion, birth control.
Flint was already the most violent city in the US. City looks like it went through a civil war.
bill clinton jailed lots of blacks
Most crime is committed between the ages 18-24. 18-24 years before the crime drop abortion was legalized. There's a good theory about this in Feakonomics.