What happens here?
What happens here?
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It’s unironically the best state in the union.
This. Come join us fellow whites. We've only got a few cities we need to run the gorillas out of. I'm sure they'd all go to Chicago if we gave them a little crack and malt liquor. Then we can just shoot on sight anyone trying to come back over the border.
one of the best states not because its great but because the rest is decaying faster
Still recovering from the 08 Recession. Roads are shit, high costs, flat as a board. You wouldn't want to come here
This. Just stay out of the whole Midwest there is nothing here.
White guy from Gary here. Hated every day living there. I was an overwhelming minority at school. The rest of Indiana minus Indy is pretty much just corn. The northwest suburbs are just people who work in Chicago who want to own guns and hate Illinois pollitics.
A lot of awesome shit, especially the lower in the state you get.
>ITT guy that lived in southern indiana moved to indianapolis, then back to southern indiana.
That one guy that dressed up as Trayvon during Halloween in Indiana?
>High cost of living
Literally a lie unless you're talking about the Vectren Monopoly.
it's full of niggers
* Hoosiers
>16th in gdp
>31st in high school education
>42nd in further education
>called hoosiers
i'm good.
>42nd in kike indoctrination
Fixed for you.
Literally nothing. Here, have some corn. Now shoo, back to your liberal infected globalism colony.
It’s a southern satellite.
2 things i know about the hoosier state - lots of corn fields and alot of faggots in indiandapolis.
true - lived in griffith & chesterton for awhile.
this looks nothing like PA
Nothing as far as I can tell. Gary and Hammond are shit tier and might as well be a part of Illinois. Fortunately, I own property well South of Indy and plan to retire there in the near future.
Gays get electrocuted
Every year Indianapolis is home to the largest gathering of white Trump supporters there is.
mostly meth, and dry sundays
I don't know anything about this place but well posted mate
Southern Indiana isn't flat. t: Hoosier.
What country is that?
this and this only
faggots stay out
th in GDP
It has the same gdp as Austria so it must be good
st in high school education
(((High school)))
nd in further education
>>Called Hoosiers
Niggers. It's a shithole country after all.
There’s not as many of them here outside of Indianapolis and Gary.
Indy user here. Not much except for murders. But, we also have Whitestown, so there's that.
The schools are absolutely detestable.
A state that is far more pure than it's brother Ohio
but is also far weaker.
Both remain jealous of their superior to the North.
Homeschool your kids then faggot. Public Education is fucking shit.
>Planning on moving
old order german baptists live there....they're like amish on steroids....they don't even use phones for their businesses....
Yeah sure it is a tax have and most buisnesses or whatever has their hq there or something but there has to be more than that man...come the fuck on delaware. You cant be blue forever
Jim Jones came from here. My grandfather went to one of his services. He said he was batshit.
Homeschooling = guaranteed spergs
Nothing and you know it. I'm sorry you have to go on a weekend business trip there. Just stiff upper lip it and move on
>muh antisocial homeschool kids
Kids who are homeschooled have better social skills than those at public schools
>muh antisocial homeschool kids
Kids who are homeschooled have better social skills than those at public schools
They have nice beaches, and a bridge
>I think antisocial is a literal term
In reality, public schooling has made children actual antisocials.
I may live in the most forgotten state, but atleast we're red
Indiana staying red is a miracle honestly.
Stay away from Fishers and Carmel. I have worked all over the country and am a Hoosier. Those uppity jews are the worst type of people in the country. They're detestable
>Stay away from Fishers and Carmel
fuck you I've lived in Carmel my whole life
literally one of the best school systems in the country
Shit tons of meth and HIV because of it. I work with people that use injection drugs, and when asked them why they started their number one answer is..."we were bored" 2015 HIV outbreak ongoing, and possibly another one on the way. Keep a lookout.
Other than that Indiana is also home to the greatest school in the country. Pic related.
>I may live in the most forgotten state, but atleast we're red
North Dakota is the best Dakota
>Yes goy! Send your child to a public school so we can make him a soulless drone!
Fishes is ok. Carmel is disgusting.
South Dakota best dakota
Both parties don’t give a fuck about the white race and are both two sides of the same Jewish coin.
>1st in the amount of meth labs
what a degenerate state
#39 in intentional homicides
#10 in gun ownership (47.9%)
And it has never had an indiscriminate mass shooting.
Not bad North Dakota.
lived in Greenwood up until middle school. It was lit af, but then the chink (burmese) gangs rolled in and turned it into a complete shithole while shooting all the somali and Latinos into submission (still remember my sisters going to Southport Highschool and dealing with all this).
I lived in Anderson until I was 17. Just stay away from there, it's a shithole still I'm sure.
I live in Michigan and build playlands for McDonald's, Burger King, and Chick-Fil-A.
Indiana is basically farmland, littered with upper middle class suburbs.
It's like my state, but without the good and bad cultural centers.
don't tease me.
Day of the rope when?
You're likely an insufferable and entitled cunt, or your family is.
Indiana is Ohios slightly less retarded brother. Also, driving in Indiana is like navigating the parking lot at the special olympics.
Franklin is where it's at. Close to Indy yet nearly all white and right off the interstate. The only county better than Johnson is Brown County. I love that region and will eventually move there into the home I'll retire in. Spending my time fishing, avoiding Carmel Jews, Eastside niggers, and suburban boomers. A man can dream
mad poorfag detected
My wife is from Carmel. Can confirm entitled status.
*vroom vroom*
Most if not all of the Subarus that are sold in the US are made there, too.
I wonder what all the granola eating hipster faggots and dykes that drive them would think if they we're told their precious Subaru was made in a red state
If you live in a smaller town you won't have to worry about niggers, I live between Whitestown and Brownsburg but have noticed alot more shitskins around..
I was obviously talking about the population, brainlet.
The guy who designed the city is the prodigy of the guy who designed D.C.
I worked in Logansport for a week. Was little Mexico. Someone has to work at those chikin plants.
White people still live in Gary?
Middleclass with near six figure income. The dirty little secret about the jews and other cunts in carmel is that most are leveraged to high heaven with their mortgage, HELOC, auto loans, and credit cars debt. You're family is most likely one paycheck away from bankruptcy, or you're family is a group of subversive kikes who profit from muh poorfags. You're an entitled cunt who wouldn't last a day if shit hit the fan.
Where Mike Pence was governor, no less. Although car manufacturing is going south to avoid unions.
>Toyota and Mazda Choose Alabama for $1.6 Billion Car Plant
He was a total controversial faggot for a governor, and ran ads for Ted Cruz and harassed the homeless he put out, all with our money.
My mother is still there. There certainly isn't many of us though. I lived in a trailer park. (Kek)
>near six figure income
ooo I'm laughing
The disdain for poor whites is evident by the carmel fag above. They cut medicaid to poor whites yet place niggers on the highest pedestal possible. This is the result of jews, boomers, and commie leftists at every state institution. It's the same here as it is everywhere else in America. Luckily we still have some good ol boys that helps keep the overton window in check, for the most part.
My cunt ex lives there
As I said, you're a detestable cunt who is insufferable online and to anyone you're around in real life. Do me a favor and stay in Carmel.
>first faggot ass state to ratify the constitution, meaning they didn't review it and ponder it thoroughly enough to see the necessity of amendments, didn't even care if they were signing themselves up for more tyranny
>meanwhile White man colonized Massachusetts and Virginia over a hundred years earlier than they went to that piece of shit
>have the audacity to claim hurr we wuz first!
Delaware fags make me sick. Your state isn't even known for anything, there's nothing that Delaware does that any other state can't do better.
I live just outside the city. The gentrification is pushing the poor into the buffer zones, and they're constantly killing one another. One side of my street is White America and the other is assisted housing slums. It's really odd, and quite the mixture of gunshots, gas station drug dealers and whites always looking at the ground.
It's pretty difficult to be proud of your state/any state, when we don't have states rights any longer and the entire country is pozzed as fuck.
It's literally a Mason state.
except it is the first state
Will do
mike "the electric fence" pence ruled with an iron fist
My condolences. It's a shame that whites are forced to continually migrate in order to avoid the violent nigger hordes. Those whites that can't afford to are victims.
They are also building a YMCA and section8 housing in greenwood. The battle never ends. We need to start infiltrating gov departments. Make indiana great again with pol/ocks in gubment power positions. I'm going to run for head of my HOA to start
we just know we are better than illinois. everything looks good with a shit backdrop.
Lowest incorporation fees.
Normally I'd agree with you but I met this guy who was homeschooled and he was the most social extrovert I've ever met. Dude had charisma levels through the roof. Tall, handsome, chaddy as fuck, had multiple threesomes, countless one night stands, huge social circle. I envy his life.
This is a good idea. I've seen absolute shit candidates win local elections.
Forever this
Can we get some more Indiana memes?
People avoiding the inevitable capitulation to the gay disco.