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Big nothing burster.
This is fine.
At least we will have steamed hams
Jesus told me that if my ID for this thread is pJ1sOSv9, the vulcano will erupt in 2018
Please kill me God
pff, if my ID for this thread is ISkx6Xb6 then you are a faggot
Maybe it will trigger quakes in California and the state will sink
>mfw millions of kangz and quangz line up at airports to buy tickets to Wakanda
>mfw Libya changes its name to Wakanda
>Sage and report
shutup newfag
>california is unharmed
Day of the rake soon you slide threading Leafkike.
Gibs will be cut off. No way your driving or flying past that.
if my id is s5mNylMK then kek wills this
Big if true
Fag will delete this post.
oh fuck now im the brainlet
As a Californian, pls yes.
faggot detected.
Soon leafs.
Couldn't it erupt a few states to the south?
>my first day on getting (You)s
Based Rarer-than-usual flag.
Of course you could spend a couple hours on this and come up with a more accurate prediction but IF this fear porn is ever correct, going by the main interstates the routes that I have annotated with red 'clash' icons should be avoided at all fucking costs. Those are all routes where very large populations will be forced to collide with each other, and in all instances those populations will have many, many niggers.
If/when it happens east coast fags would be well advised to put some distance and elevation between them and the atlantic.
Best state wins again
Someone volunteer to give it a rub and tug to blow its load
I don't want that the western world gets fucked that hard.....but the threads would be glorious.
how will republicans ever recover?
with the knowledge that everyone in the coastal cities will either die from starvation or in riots/rape gangs
>Taking ancient prophecy from Mormons
Wouldn't california be totally fucked because of Seems like an even trade. And bad times will create strong men.
The entire country would be totally fucked
Besides the constant struggle to not die from ash, its going to be hilarious to watch the world food output crash and gibs countries burn.
Please happen, death to America.
I am safe
>a fucking tree
day of the axe is coming leb-user, there are too many of your kind here.
it will blow its load 21/02/2018
Parts of eastern midwestern and southeastern United States could recover due to self sustenance but west coast would be fucked
Probably the whole word..
wow i hope u get more muslims brown man
Atlantic Canada here. How will I be doing?
I know at least the Christians over there are the good ones. A lot of ausbros tell me the Muslims are the niggers there.
I think we will be fine, we are probably the furthest away from america bar maybe antarctica or something.
we will survive, but our economies will get fucked hard
they're indistinguishable and both trash.
>they're indistinguishable and both trash.
why? what does america even fucking produce anymore. I'd be more worried if china was wiped out where would we get our cheap shit from.
>inb4 leading economy
yeah cause kikes make it so, if anything the (((economic collapse))) will be shortlived when people realise america literally makes nothing.
I'm sorry maybe you guys are cool in your own country.
It will be like 2008 just a billion time worse.
Don't do this to me man.
Good thing chicongo and Detroit are full of empty buildings to house survivors who can't stay in the affected zone. If anything they'll price out all the undesirables and rebuild those dilapidated shitys
Because the US patrols the world's oceans and allows for international shipping without many concerns about pirates or hostile foreign powers. Do you have any idea how expensive imports would get if every company had to hire fucking private navies to defend their cargo? There's no other country on earth that can project power as widely as the US can. And without the US to keep them in check, you can be damn sure the chinese would be coming for you and your farms.
Also this
It will cause mass earthquakes and guess who will be the most effected by that you stupid fuck.
Mexico won't accept your refugees, Americans.
I concur
She's being noisy today
It would cause mass earthquakes and the Democrats biggest group would die in the area most effected by earthquakes California.
You got the worst Shiite lebs, literally the worst scum emigrated to Australia, fittingly I must admit. In contrast France got the best, classy Christian lebs.
I only clicked the exports link and it only lists exports in dollars, for all I know it could be them exporting media which is mainly what they do so a loss of american media means fuck all to me.
countries are paying you by letting you have bases and infiltrating them in their own lands, I'd rather pay for armed cargo ships than let kikemerica (((look out))) for the shipping lanes.
I'd rather die than go to that shithole anyway.
let your warm goo consume us
I live on the mountains, I am armed and can sustain myself.
So,let Daddy Yellowstone fuck hard the red headed american state.
My password for internet is:
we have both and they both are shit and become drug dealers or tradesmen. At least the tradesmen ones are productive I suppose.
>bible belt is hardly affected
not even nature cares enough to wipe those autistic republitard trailer trash christfaggot sister fucking meth addicted socially assisted child raping subhuman obese vegetating crackers off the face of the country
Why the fuck would we go to Mexico.
2.7 at 7.5k depth at Yellowstone just now. Getting closer to the surface too.
>Yellowstone erupts
>doesn't even take out what needs to be taken out in America
>USA goes from 56% to 20% white
2.7 earthquake recently
how fucking drugged up are you right now?
The explosion would take out the only good part of the US
Digits and it erupts in August.
>mfw I ship for bootcamp in July
We would all be fucked(some more, some less), majority of the US and most of the worlds food production is within that large red circle.
>exporting media which is mainly what they do
>implying they'll have a choice
digits and it erupts now
>%1.6 percent of worlds soy beans
yeah I think we will be fine without their testosterone lowering exports juan....
While the shiites are worse than the Christians, all Aussie Lebs are scum whose traits have been thankfully stamped out from this country. In a way, a 20 year civil war really helps clean some of the population, though it never justifies the aftermath.
And we'll potentially get some nice waves out at the beach. Gonna be some good times.
So all the shit areas get shitter shitted shit shitted
I'm in Nebraska how fucked am I?
Look at the upside if it gets really bad there wont be a Florida anymore.
Shouldn't there be a panel where he steals the car first since there's no chance in hell of him making one?
So wait, is this only going to wipe out the US, or is Europe somehow also in danger?
Shame it doesn't reach california
In all my time on Sup Forums I've never seen a post that more epitomized burying your head in the sand than this one
When is the weaponized autism on this board going to construct an elaborate plan for the survivors to ensure the globalists can't take the US by storm while we are in disarray? We need a survival plan and a followup attack plan. This will be our only chance to form ethnostates. While all the niggers are scrambling randomly away, we need to somehow rehabilitate ground zero and make an ethnostate. The surrounding lands will still be scorched, so if we act fast we can form a nation that has a natural defensive barrier until the plants regrow. We need to figure out how to arm ourselves and feed ourselves while we set up a temporary government to get us through the hard times.
That's where you are wrong my dear Aussie kangzaroo lover lol.
I don't smoke,I don't drink neither I do drugs...I think I either am crazy or have autism lol
>Convicts get the convicts
>So wait, is this only going to wipe out the US, or is Europe somehow also in danger?
Imagine if you will, that the US economy instantly stops. All debts are now non-collectible. There would be no imports. The world economy would crash. No survivors.
except is not just the soy beans which are gonna disappear
stay clean brother
Giant ash cloud covers sun. Plunging the whole world in a volcanic winter for 10+ years. Making it impossible for crops and livestock to thrive causing a worldwide famine.