What did they mean by this?
New Game
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Not sure but it really makes you think.
I'll give Hifumi a semen enema.
The subber didn't know what she meant and inserted his fanfiction.
It means
Fuck off, she's mine. I'll fight you to the death.
What did she mean by this?
She wants to fuck Aoba, because Aoba looks like a child.
Umiko was asking Aoba about Nene's tastes.
She looks so soft and squishy, just look at her thighs.
Who let their daughters in the office?
I want to untie Hifumi's ribbon
Day by Day
Why would she have had a barium enema? Who in their early 20s has had that? A 20 year old shouldn't even know what that is much less announce that they haven't had one as if it's some uncommon thing.
Any place, any time, bitch.
it was the really old one. haven't you seen season 1?
Oh my fucking bunny
when did she get so tanned? was there a beach episode I missed?
Aoba already got her.
When her tanned mother squeezed her out of her vagina.
Official daki actually being sold at comike.
There's No Way Hifumi's Breasts Are That Big!
>giant head
>short legs
>completely fucked up proportions
thank God I don't like her
Is New Game a safe show for your daughter to watch?
Yes, it shows women in the working world and is a great way for her to gain some role models
True, she looks awfully weird, especially on the left side
if you want your daughter to grow up to be a lesbian
I bet pyramid tits will be the biggest dicksucker hetslut of all time.
Who wouldn't want that?
>pyramid tits
this one?
why are you calling her pyramid tits
no. The pink hair with the huge pointy boobs.
She's too busy being milked by her live-in girlfriend.
>no cleavage line
That's how her tits would probably actually fall but it still looks like shit.
There's no way she's lesbo with that body
I don't allow it.
It's true, read the newest manga chapter.
like a living sex doll
If she's not gay, then why are her pajamas covered in molars?
The picture was obviously taken from a high angle, learn how perspective works.
For 10,000 yen you too can wear the skin of your enemies
Yun is very cute
Is Yunposting the same as Junposting?
Except that's exactly what she said.
What I want to know is what kind of workplace has compulsory enemas for employees and how do I sign up?
The porn industry.
Be yakuza.
Companies that invest a lot of time and effort into recruiting and training people from the ground up like with Aoba tend to want to keep their investments healthy.
Yun is so gay.
When will Hajime finally notice her?
When she dresses up as a Kamen Rider.
I want to sexually hold hands with hifumi
What was Serval doing in the latest New Game episode?
No, she literally says first experience with barium, which is something you swallow before having an x-ray.
Eagle Jump develops the new KF game, if it wasn't clear.
>Companies that invest a lot of time and effort into recruiting and training people from the ground up like with Aoba tend to want to keep their investments healthy.
I think you made that up to fit with what happens in the anime.
>aoba crying
I'm not ready for that scene
I want to eat Hajime's poo!
That's official? Holy shit my Chinese bootleg shit had a better looking image.
>barium, which is something you swallow before having an x-ray.
>A barium enema is an X-ray exam that can detect changes or abnormalities in the large intestine (colon). The procedure is also called a colon X-ray.
>An enema is the injection of a liquid into your rectum through a small tube. In this case, the liquid contains a metallic substance (barium) that coats the lining of the colon. Normally, an X-ray produces a poor image of soft tissues, but the barium coating results in a relatively clear silhouette of the colon.
>During a barium enema exam, air may be pumped into the colon. The air expands the colon and improves the quality of images. This is called an air-contrast (double-contrast) barium enema.
>Before a barium enema, your doctor will instruct you to completely empty your colon.
I want to eat out Aoba's childish and devilish butthole.
Quality contribution.
I want to fondle Hajime's sweaty unwashed titties.
Barium is used for both throat and colon X-rays
>A barium swallow is a radiographic (X-ray) examination of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract, specifically the pharynx (back of mouth and throat) and the esophagus (a hollow tube of muscle extending from below the tongue to the stomach). The pharynx and esophagus are made visible on X-ray film by a liquid suspension called barium sulfate (barium). Barium highlights certain areas in the body to create a clearer picture. A barium swallow may be performed separately or as part of an upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series, which evaluates the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (first part of the small intestine).
>two right feet
Every fucking time.
Uh-huh. And they specifically referred to the enema form in the anime.
You drink it if they wanna scan your esophagus/stomach, you get an enema if they wanna scan your rectum/intestines.
It also tastes extremely awful. It's also very cold, so either way it's not a particularly enjoyable process.
Hazuki-san looks fuwa fuwa even after her barium enema!
>Hazuki farted for two whole minutes without a break after the x-ray exam
>we don't have a recording of it
>kitaeri got an enema in new game and 7sins
I have mixed feelings about this.
It seems many of her roles get butt stuff in some way. Interesting.
how old is hazuki? like sixty?
She's probably 27-28 max since that's ancient in 2D world.
I assume late 20s or early 30s.
>C92 opening today
>this gem is being released
Are you guys ready?
I do diluted wine enemas sometimes. It's pretty nice.
Damn, Hifumi looks like THAT?!
But why?
There was a teacher in japan giving his students coffee enemas
They got written up last time at work because the boss could smell the booze on their breath.
Alcohol and other drugs have a much stronger effect if they skip the stomach.
>It's an Aoba episode
Pretty clever, it's not like you'd have to worry about your boss smelling the booze on your butt. Unless you work at Eagle Jump
You get a nice slow growing buzz. Hard to describe it.
Better that than a Kou or Nene episode really though.
Is this uh... something you'd recommend?
J-Just asking for a friend.
Reposting this here:
Yeah, just remember to keep the actual wine well diluted and work your way up. Also I have no idea what the health risks are. It can be dangerous.
Next next episode, or next next next episode.