How can we stop the absolute faggotry of Canadian posters? I'm sick to death of leafs shitting up this board. Range ban fucking when?
How can we stop the absolute faggotry of Canadian posters? I'm sick to death of leafs shitting up this board...
Yeah fuck those guys
I'm stuck with these people, OP. I'm not fucking leaving this place.
Bongs are way worse.
Living in Michigan UP I am practically half leaf. They aren't so bad.
Fuckin baby. Shut up.
Heh, look burgerbrain
If our superior intellect upsets you that much
MAYBE you should take a time out
and come back when you have matured a bit
Thanks sweetie ;)
>leafs shit post
>Ameriburgers don't
Amerifats upset about Canadian intellectual superiority. Therefore we need to ban them, "Freedom is speech is good" only when you agree with it..
I usually try and stay out of halfbreed threads but a pure leaf is better than a mongrel cunt
Canadians are actually decent posters. Europeans are by far the worst posters. I'm not even going to bother differentiating nations. They're all stuck up, ignorant cunts that are incapable of recognizing how stupid they are. Americans do that, too, but most come off as ignorant boomer yokels (ex. newfags from Reddit) so they're easily ignored. South American nations and Asians are bro tier posters, though.
Canadians are even worse in person than they are online. Worst senses of humor, autistic laughter. Just terrible people.
Yeah they're the worst
Lots of good leaf posters here. But yea, demographics of Canada are changing fast. We have a lot of faggots that will inevitably find their way here. Sorry
> mfw Brit in Canada
> mfw shitpost non-stop to make leafs look bad
>I was only pretending to be retarded
shut down the canadian proxy servers that the globalist shits in isreal and russia use to post here
like if i could find the building they're in i would burn it down.
canadian proxy posting used to be australian proxies, but then au shut down their proxy farm in 2015-2016 and they had to swap
Because they know autistic fags like you will respond to them.
I fucking hate Americans.
We need to annex you Canadian fucks
Why? So america can have more social justice warriors?
>implying half the leafposters aren't FBI