What is Sup Forums's opinion on Vento Aureo? Personally, it is my favorite. Thought objectively part 4 is better written.
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 5
The best fights on the entire series (latter half of part 6 has some great fights tho), but objectively, I think part 4 use a little too much the "convenience" resource
It's my favourite part as well.
Why do you think Part 4 is objectively better written though? It had too many characters for its own good and like said, too many important moments were resolved through pure convenience.
I do love Part 4 though, just so you don't misunderstand where I'm coming from.
It's good but average in terms of the rest of the series. 8>7>4>5>6>2>3>1
The fights and cast are top notch but Giorno is a weak protagonist, Diavolo isn't that compelling an antagonist, and the final part at the Coloseum was really sloppy.
It was enjoyable enough to keep me reading all the way to the end (read the early translations). Can't say the same about part 6, dropped it for a month until I regained the motivation to finish it and then start part 7. Part 7 is a beautiful masterpiece.
the main thing that made me dislike the part is diavolo being kind of meh, and the last act- pretty much everything after the tag team of the guy who swam through earth and poison man was lame, imo. and the final act was fucking awful in my opinion. Had great fights but part 7 will always stand at the top of my list
It lost me before the that torture dance, but once I came back its like it did a complete 180 after that point. Just pure nonstop fun. I can't wait to see White Album animated.
my list
wasn't a fan of part 5, the last third was sucky imo. still had amazing fights, the train with fisherman and the guy who made you age was an amazing fucking arc, one of the best in the series
Punch ghosts was more interesting than Fist of the North Star with vampires.
I like Jonathan as a protagonist more than Jotaro and the flanderization of DIO in part 3 was pretty lame but still overall it's pretty entertaining.
It's like 6/10 overall and Giorno is the most boring JoJo by far. It's amazing that Araki managed to one-up Jotaro. The rest of the gang is cool though. Bruno is the best boy/zombie.
Remember to filter tripfags.
It had some good fights but the story was 110% retarded.
Well for example, part 5 would usually have big info dumps of the main characters backstories. Which would really mess with the pacing of the story. Part 4 didn't have this problem, it explained the character's backstories perfectly without forcing the story to a grinding halt. Also Yoshikage Kira is one of the best villains in Jojo.
Are you telling me you didn't like DIO'S SON galavanting across Italy to become the gangster Hokage and save everyone from a schizophrenic glam rocker with meme powers?
I think Diavolo single-handedly drags the whole arc down. Really, there was nothing particularly interesting about him other than the Doppio thing, but even that was ruined by introducing Doppio two chapters before the reveal.
Giorno fucking SUCKS
Great fights and cast except for Giorno who only works on any level as a force that helps push on the backs of the rest of the team. Which kinda worked for me, but he doesn't excel that way.
Love it but its one step closer to part 7.
>implying DIOs son was eveb in the story
>implying giorno had any fucking screen time
>implying it didnt cockteasr us with a possible meeting between Jotarou and the son of DIO only to blueball us to hell and back
>implying Giorno being tje son of DIO added anything to the story at all
>implying it explored the possibilities of jojo AND vampire blood running througj giornos veins at all
>implying the only reason you think part 5 has tje best crew isnt because they get more screentime than literally who Giorno
>implying part 5 isnt just a shittier part 3
Implying part 5 is absolute garbage outside a few fights
>implying you dont have Sup Forums meme tastes and arent beyond saving
And fuck you, i type all that from my phone
>torturing some fag
>then they just start fucking dancing
Why would you ever believe Jotaro and Giorno were going to meet up? Koichi's assignment was just meant as a segway to Part 5. And yes my post was being facetious Giorno is garbage.
Part 5 does have the best crew though, fuck off, Mista and Bruno alone are easily top 5 JoJo characters in the entire series. Only BroJo I'd put above Mista is Gyro.
this is the arc i'm on, and i can't finish it. it's so boring. Giorno had the potential to be great, he's Dio's son, but he sucks.
I was holding out hoping Jotaro shows up soon, but ima just say fuck it and skip this arc completely
part five is the shittiest part and if you like, you do not understand good things and i pity you
Part 5 is pretty good, but I'd say Part 7 is still the best part in the series.
You won't miss out on anything. But don't anyway.
What, praytell, would Jotaro (one of the most boring characters Araki ever wrote) add to Vento Aureo
Does Stone Ocean actually get good?
Fantastic fights and pretty great characters.
Personally I was okay with Giorno being the more 'silent protagonist' type since it was still through his influence that many of Buccellati's group experienced their own character development. Plus, it suited the life he had lived up until the story started, having him be too talkative and Dio-like might have just been too weird.
If you like absolute insanity then yeah.
Bruno best boy, Diavolo is underrated, the cast, stands, and fights in general were pretty good.
The ending was a mistake.