The new girl is getting bullied and your classmates are asking you to join in!

The new girl is getting bullied and your classmates are asking you to join in!

What do you do?

Rape her.

follow her home and kill her parents as a prank

Cum on her gym uniform

Rape myself.

This is obviously the only reasonable option.

Tell them I don't interact with 3DPD as I continue my stealth masturbation under the desk. Just like I did in high school.

Tell them to fuck off and let me study since I'm aiming for a top rank uni.

go "tch" and adjust my glasses while staring out the window I conveniently sit next to

Spread rumors that the bullied girl is planning to take revenge and kill the bullies so that she gets bullied even further.

Defend her and try to get some poon

> Spread rumors that "the bullied girl is planning to take revenge and kill the bullies"
> Spread rumors that "the bullied girl is planning to take revenge," and kill the bullies

I do what I always did in these situations. I kill all the bullies, no survivors.


Do absolutely nothing and merely observe from the distance while remaining completely quiet. However, the MOMENT the popular bitch from another class even attempts to touch her physically, I teleport behind her and grab her arm before she could hurt her (Small book that I was reading is still in my left hand).
>"That's enough"
>Whole classroom is in complete awe as that one handsome silent kid actually did and said something
>here the background girls whispering to each other
>Popular bitch that tried touching her stares at me angrily and confused for a couple seconds
>Goes "HMMPH", turns her head abruptly while closing her eyes and says "Whatever" as she walks away with her eyes still closed; her posse follows after a couple seconds of being dumbstruck going, "X-X...WAIT UP"
>new girl with teary eyes immediately bows her head
>"Ar- Arigatou gozaimasu...!"
>Say nothing, start reading my book again, and walk back to my seat
>Sit down
>"You shouldn't let people push you around like that"
>Turn a page
>She blushes
>Really awkward silence
>Teacher comes in
>new girl stares at me for the rest of the class


How could I possibly bully myself and why are the others asking?

Bully the bullies by figuring out their fears and anxieties just by looking at them, thanks to my keen observational skills, and threaten the bullied girl to reveal her true feelings of hate and revenge unless she becomes the most popular girl in school before the end of the year.

what anime is this from?

every single one
