Please Help me Redpill my Mom

Could we get a nice redpill thread going? I plan on saving all of the images and going through them with her. She is old but partially red pilled on certain things, like fake news, crooked Hillary, etc... but still uses Facebook religiously and doesn't see the extent of the manipulation and politics in general.

I'm looking to take her deep, so an image or video dump would be greatly appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll take your mom out for a night in toronto, that should be enough to redpill anyone

> i am looking to take her deep
>t. Cletus in Canada

>Using a meme flag
Fack off, you cunt. I'll deck you one right on the nogger.

>I'll deck you
Will that be before a nigger dicks your mum, yokel?



i do this too.

black crime


Nice doubles, man, pretty rare. Peace.

Dont bring her too far. I will be detrimental for her health

You start with babby’s first red pill of course.



Burn the coal...


Holy shit the niggers just run in. But that girl got fucked hahahs




Every single person on pol who unironically believe what they post should have a sit down with their parents and redpill them at length

Doesn't work when they stop listening and just call you prejudiced repeatedly. Trust me, I know.


then you should double down and drop every single truthbomb on them at once, carpet bombing style

The only way to redpill your mom is to let her burn the coal and then pay the toll.

Nigga, my family is beyond gone.


you should use any family gathering you can and try to do it with your extended family as well, redpill them and they'll help you redpill your parents

I'm looking to take her deep


There are some people who will not see the light, no matter how often or how many different ways you show them. This is my family. It is a long line of blue pilled individuals who mistakenly think they believe in traditional values. Any attempt to correct this is met with venom, typically devolving into shouting at me and calling me names.

Becoming Redpilled starts with being curious.
Ask if she heard of the USS Liberty attack for starters.
Ask if she heard of the Talmud and what it says about non-Jews.
Offer a reward if she gives a good answer.

You haven't tried hard enough, or explained well enough then


I've got a red rocket for your mom.

>I'm looking to take her deep
Me too

How about you explain to her why Nazis actually didn't like Jews?

And don't forget that community organizer, Obama's first job, was a role created by Alinsky to organize plebs for communist agitation