How do we restore Christendom?
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In Jupiter Optimus Maximus we trust!
We must first restore Christendom within ourselves.
stop being retarded
>believing in jewish fairtales
oops too late
It is an Israelite religion. The Israelites fled the Caucasus the exact same time white people emerged from there. Total coincidence though, I’m sure.
Do you prefer a nogful catholic coutry or a 100% white agnostic country?
If you would go for the first we have nothing in common
We must fight the subversion of the enemy
Also some redpills on how much they've kept hidden
watch them all
i dunno, burn more books?
maybe witches too
It will never be restored. Two thirds of the world doesn't believe Jesus is god. Science is teaching the truth. The truth is Jesus is a myth.
A Jewish trick
'Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of
the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism),
Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a
disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM.'
Protocols of the Elders of Zion protocol No. 2
>middle eastern people were white
You have to get all your fellow christcucks to stop caring about the bible
You christians are all stupid slaves. i'm glad i'm past this obsolete faith
>Nietzsche-ism (Socialism)
The absolute fucking state of christcucks lmao
>stop caring about the bible
>ignoring thousands of years of wisdom
Pray to God, and wait until the road wars start. They will be starting in Europe, sooner or later, most likely in France.
That will be the time to start the new crusade the clean the west.
Your calendar is catholic.
Invent a new one.
Ah no you can't invent anything. Muhaha
this orthodox chant can save many souls:
Wisdom such as "love the enemy" "turn the other cheek" "give away all your stuff goy lmao"
The period of Christianity that pol likes to larp about comes from a time when the average person couldn't read and the average priest didn't give a fuck about doctrine.
Time to free ourselves from Babylon yet again.
And we shall. The wheels are spinning, and soon they will turn against the evil (((doers))) and their minions.
Yes goy, all the cuck shit about being martyred was ACKSHUALLY a coded message to be le based warriors against da evil kikes.
The problem is that your second scenario cannot exist as evidenced by the atheistic Euro nations allowing themselves to be overrun
>n-nuh uh!
marvel at the last bastion of Christian resistance
Christian men have been taking up the sword since the night of Christ's arrest.
We are not loathe to martyrdom in the least. When we have no power over our persecutors, there is a time for it.
It's tough, the catholicucks will follow the satan worshiping pope into battle and make him stronger.
The only thing we can do is protect our homes until the false prophet is exposed.
Make it less about aesthetics and actually something useful to people. Jordan B Peterson does this.
Yes because Christian men have been illiterate peasants since the night of Jesus' arrest. Although they must've done a pretty shit job that night given that he still died
This kind of stuff interests me.
Are there any resources that more thoroughly analyze the Bible in historical context and push for better translations? Not that I hate KJV, in any case.
The Catholicucks have killed more enemies of Christianity than any useless Protestant faggots ever have. The only thing Protestants are good at is killing other Christians.
We don't.
Fuck Christianity!
'Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.'
He knew of his inevitable martyrdom by the Jews and yet wanted his apostles to be safe by the sword. If he was fully 'love thine enemy' then would he have asked them to get a sword. No
A Jewish trick is worshiping some guy from Bethlehem.
Surely that one line outweighs the gorillions of others about the meek inheriting the earth
Western countries are police states
If you mean undoing the seperation of Church and State, we don't. That separation is about protecting religion from politics, not about "protecting" politics from religion (which isn't possible). What we do is spread Christianity and Christian values throughout the populace. Good governance will follow.
He stopped his followers from saving him because the prophecy of his crucifixion had to be fulfilled.
there are historical study bibles
Wow that's a WE moment if I've ever seen one.
Well that's certainly convenient
The Phoenicians and basically everyone else in the middle east were some variation of Semitic (which doesn't just mean Jews). Hell, were isn't even the correct tense, because Arabs are ALSO Semitic.
Recommend any that go into comparable detail.
We continue to preach and wait until Armageddon.
Embrace Christianity's natural evolution.
Not really white, but certainly a lot more fair skinned.
The Ottoman empire was brutal and destroyed the ethnicity of Greece and the ancient's Middle East with mass immigration of slaves from North Africa and as well from the Arab peninsula
The 12xx - 16xx were a horrible lost to humanity, If the Ottoman empire didn't exist, the middle East would be developed and probably part of Europe.
checked. it must happen.
>wanting to worship Yah, the semitic god and become a good goy with a circumcized heart
Fuck off with your christfaggotry
Doos vult my brother :) Praise Yah!
>worshipping a God who you as a second-class creation, below the Jews
Bringing Christianity to Europe was a travesty.
Fuck off moron, there are no chosen people.
Also without Christianity your people would still be living in shacks, oh wait, you still do subhuman slav third worlders.
Yea, replace jews by becoming spiritual jews yourself. What a great idea.
You entered into a covenant with a semitic god Yah, through the blood offering of Yeshua al massiach, and have become an heir of Abraham, a good goy with a circumcized heart.
>Fuck off moron, there are no chosen people.
Maybe if you took the time to read your Holy Book, instead of basing your worldview off images on an anime forum, you would notice it being EXPLICITLY and REPEATEDLY said in the Old Testament that Jews are chosen.
Your supposed God gave Jews the green light to kill, enslave, and sacrifice entire towns in the name of Yahweh. In other words, you're dumb as shit.
It never left. Think about it. A Christian nation is now occupying most of the middle east. We just need to convert those inbreds and we could maybe see Byzantium again in our lifetime.
>Maybe if you took the time to read your Holy Book, instead of basing your worldview off images on an anime forum, you would notice it being EXPLICITLY and REPEATEDLY said in the Old Testament that Jews are chosen.
>Your supposed God gave Jews the green light to kill, enslave, and sacrifice entire towns in the name of Yahweh. In other words, you're dumb as shit.
In the Old testament. Where God also announced that they would lose this (read Jeremiah, for instance).
That's what happen in the NT.
If you brainwashed apes had a third of a brain you'll know the biblical Jews were ethnically extincted along ancient Iranians and ancient Greeks 7 centuries ago The modern Jews are the same Christ-killer pharisees who stole the hijacked the title of jews.
Also you morons suffer from cognitive dissonance, because you can't decide yourselves if Christianity is pacifist or murderous, which is funny because is the liberal's characteristic type of cognitive dissonance.
Because the first christians were jews. Nothing more. Stop larping.
We must retake the kingdom of Jerusalem, and liberate Constantinople.
If this is your position then you reside within a box. Exiting the box will provide you insight into why Christianity is dying and why long term this is a good thing. The big three must die, faith in the only God will be restored only after the blindness subsides.
>Jews are God's chosen peopl-
13 And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and brought them near unto him.
14 And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn.
15 And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day.
Genesis 48
So Israel blessed Ephraim and Manasseh not Judah.
>But Jesus was a kike!
He was a half Jew but was also an EPHRATHITE who are blessed by Israel
Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah, whose name was Jesse; and he had eight sons: and the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul.
1 Samuel 17:12
So the sons of David are Ephrathites too.
>because the first christians were jews
There you have it folks. Sooner or later the true nature of the christfags shows itself. Whatever their ethnic composition, a christian is a spiritual semite, an heir of Abraham, with a circumcized heart. Ine who worships the semitic god Yah, through the blood ritual sacrifice of Yeshua al massiach.
Stop larping christfag
>If you brainwashed apes had a third of a brain you'll know the biblical Jews were ethnically extincted along ancient Iranians and ancient Greeks 7 centuries ago
Holy shit, that's some next level mental gymnastics. It doesn't invalidate literally anything I, or the Belgian guy, have said.
>Also you morons suffer from cognitive dissonance, because you can't decide yourselves if Christianity is pacifist or murderous, which is funny because is the liberal's characteristic type of cognitive dissonance.
It's pacifitst for the goyim (turn the other cheek etc.) and murderous for the Chosenites.
Hurr durr, Nazism preached pacifism for the Slavs and agression for the Germanics, what does it mean????
If you can't grasp the concept that some ideas are targeted towards certain groups, then sorry but you're functionally retarded.
Stop worshipping the demiurge
As Christians, we also read the new testament which makes it pretty clear Jews are chosen no longer...
nice translation
KJV Romans 16: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Indeed. Jesus himself called the samaritan woman a dog and said he had come for the house of israel.
His sperging out in the temple just means he, as a reformist zealous kew, was disgusted with the state of the jewish people and the low point of its religion.
Just like the sermon on the mount. It is extremely utopian, docile and even idiotic, completely unrealistic, unless we recognize that Yeshua was preaching as a jew to fellow jews. That they should stop being enemies because of petty arguments, that they should be united as one tribe, caring for each other, and not risk everything by revolt against the romans (not yet atleast). He knew the jews were weak at the time and would not be able to defeat Rome, so he preached to the jews to endure, be faithful and prepared until the time was ready. Then he would lead them as the Messiah and bring with him a sword.
It's easy, just stop listening prots
quote the verse
Remind people of the divinity of Jesus, he knew da way. No better guide.
>mfw you realize Nero was a better emperor than Constantine the "Great"
>mfw Nero was more peaceful
>Nero was more charitable
>Nero was more beloved
>mfw Nero defended the order, virtues and traditions of the old while Constantine destroyed culture and history of his ancestors
How can christcucks ever recover?
>salvation is from the jews
>are they hebrews? So am I. Are they israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I.
>the promises were spoken to Abraham and his seed
>as He promised our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants forever
>there is neither jew no greek
>if you belong to christ, you are abrahams seed
Christianity is the means by which the goys can wash clean their sinful and heathen soul, and worship Yah through the blood covenant of yeshu al massiach. This is the gospel message; that all goys are now allowed to fall on their knee before YHWH.
You become a spiritual semite, with a circumcized heart, a good goy in other words.
>Nero peaceful
Nero literally followed the Judaic talmud
>tfw his germanic bodyguard became enraged because they were tricked away from Nero at his murder, and went berserk and killed all the conspirators in a murderous frenzy
>tfw Nero was not even in Rome at the moment of the great fire, yet the myth that he was playing a lyre while watching Rome burn still persists because of christian "historians"
Reminder also that Julian "the apostate" was stabbed in the back by a christian during his persian campaign. History is written by the victors, and people like eusebius of caesarea made sure christianity dindu nuffin became the official story.
Matthew 15:26
>It's pacifitst for the goyim (turn the other cheek etc.) and murderous for the Chosenites.
Are you mentally fucked? Why do you mix Christianity with Jew if Jews follow Judaism and not Christianity?
More, Christianity has done nothing but expel Jews before the World wars.
>Nero literally followed the Judaic talmud
>Nero plundered Jewish Temples to rebuild the burnt down city
I'm sure in the Talmud it is written "plunder the Temples of your Lord to help the citizens of Rome"
>Jesus calls the woman a dog
this is very incorrect
26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
Matthew 15:26-27
The woman was giving the dogs the crumbs of 'their master's table'. Jesus did not call her a 'dog'
So the ill daughter of the woman is the Dog?
>Why do you mix Christianity with Jew if Jews follow Judaism and not Christianity?
As far as I know, Christian Bible is mostly Old Testament
Show your flag you God forsaken Israelite.
Pope Francis is a Satanist. 1960s was a bad time for the Catholic Church, catch up people
The woman was giving the children the crumbs of 'their master's table'. Jesus did not call her a 'dog'
>I got it wrong sorry
>The woman was giving the children the crumbs of 'their master's table'
>yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
So the child is the dog?
>Killed his own mother
>Treason trials out the ass
>Persecuting Christians
>Kicked his wife to death
The only good things Nero ever did came about because he listened to Seneca and Burrus.
>the jews were white!
Oh That's great then; the goys are dogs, but even dogs receive crumbs from their masters, so if you are a really good goy and become a spiritual semite with a circumcized heart, you can worship Yah through Yeshua's ritualistic
suicide/blood offering to YHWH(and to himself according to the mental gymnastics that is the trinity), and if you turn your cheek, pray for your enemies and love those that hate you, you are allowed to live in the sky forever with Yah, singing Hellelu-Yahweh forever with all the saved jews, africans, spics, chinks, while watching the infidels burn in hell.
And yet he is still better than Constantine
>Persecuting Christians
Implying there is anything wrong with that
You sir are an idiot who has just fallen into another trap. I'm not saying any particular religion is right.
I don't know. But i do know there is a God. how do i know this? Simple. Does the universe have a beginning? Yes? Well then everything that has a beginning has a creator.
>persecuting christians
That's a good thing though.
Anyway, Nero was about as bad as Constantine "the great"
>26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
>Not 'Children's crumbs'
Goy, I ...