Based Eisenhower
Based Eisenhower
I do think we spend too much on the military. But the idea that "EVERY" gun and warship is theft from the needy is patently false.
How would he have fought the Nazis or opposed Russian expansion in to Europe without a single weapon?
Eisenhower sucked Jewish dick
>guns are bad because people are poor
Hahahahhaha the liberator of Europe everybody!
As much as I hate how much we spend on "defense," you can't ignore that the US military and civilian contractors employ literally tens of millions of people. It is their livelihood and puts food on the table for them and their families. It's not like the money just goes into a hole and provides no benefit to society.
Does it create more economic benefit than the $700+ billion it costs? That's probably debatable. But the US military is an absolutely enormous economic machine.
There is a reason we spend money on the military...
>what is hyperbole
The military industrial complex has been choking our country for decades
The US department of defense employs more people than any organization on the planet, yet conservashits cry for smaller government while shovelling ever more money into the abyss
>FUCK the poor in America
>we need their money to kill even poorer people
fuck eisenhower, you would be hard pressed to find a more dishonorable piece of shit.
Post the whole quote, user:
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road. the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
>Eisenhower's address "The Chance for Peace", Delivered Before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, 4/16/53
>This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron
This. We should only spend this exorbitant amount when we are in wartime. As it stands, the US military could subdue every single military force on the planet, simultaneously. There is no reason whatsoever to continue our imperialist approach to military spending.
>those in hunger are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed
what, you mean like the millions of germans that were starved and frozen to death under your direct orders, dwight?
like the germans that you didn't have to treat humanely as prisoners of war as per the geneva convention because you had them legally reclassified as "disarmed enemy combatants" so that you didn't have to treat them as human beings with basic human rights?
{{{dwight "cognitive dissonance" eisenhower}}}
rot in hell you fucking piece of shit
Is that why he sentenced millions of Germans (soldiers and civilians) to death in displacement camps? All because he changed the wording from Prisoners of War to Disarmed Enemy Forces
>Nazi sympathizers
Ike wasn't hard enough on those godless monsters. Nazis and their ilk deserve nothing but a torturous death.
You are a fucking deluded moron. The Allies treated the Nazis with mercy. Even the Soviets were comparatively well behaved. The Soviets had rules. Broken often but they still tried to enforce them. The Germans made it policy to systemically murder, loot and rape the territories they took.
Yeah so based when he was buying the kike media smears against McCarthy for sounding the alarm on ACTUAL communist infiltration. He can rot in Hell for looking the other way when our nation was being taken over from the inside
Just imagine if this fucker actually listened to his best General Patton and kept the tanks rolling to Moscow, but nooooo Ike agreed to sell half of Europe to them and didn't give a damn when they went after us
Ike the Kike.
>i learned everything i know about world war 2 from hollywood movies
why don't you dig a little deeper, bruce.
your cognitive dissonance is amazing. even if what the germans were charged with regarding world war 2 actually happened (documentation of which is still conspicuously absent), how would it then be any different from what was done to them after the war? how can you condemn people for something and then do the exact same thing to them with impunity?
why do americans have such intellectual and philosophical tunnel vision? you seem perennially unable to see the forest for the trees.
from an ethical / philosophical standpoint, unless you show the mercy to the germans that they "failed to show to the jews", you don't have a leg to stand on and no longer hold the moral high ground. you are exactly the same as those who you condemn.
Some of the most important technology of the world today including the Internet was developed by militaries for war purposes.
read the book
"red intrigue and race turmoil" by zygmund dobbs, 1958
the communist infiltration in america goes so much deeper than you know. as far back as the civil war.
>McCarthyism was a good thing
Read some fucking history. McCarthy was on a witch hunt.
>Patton should have rolled tanks into Moscow
For what purpose? The USSR were our allies at that point. France and the UK had exhausted all resources. We would have been attacking Russia with no support. It would have ended just like Napolean or Hitler
>how can you condemn people for something and then do the exact same thing to them with impunity?
It's called Justice. I wouldn't expect a spineless leaf to understand.
lol, you are so deep in the propaganda you can't tell piss from rain.
you also should read this book
the truth about mccarthyism will surprise you. he was demonized for a reason - he hit a nerve.
>why would you punish those who commit crimes? Doesn't that make you just as bad as they are?
>If you kill your enemies, they win
This is why Canada will never be a superpower.
lol, that's actually the polar opposite of "justice" vis a vis british law.
if you murder someone in retaliation for another crime, it's still a crime.
What did they do, beside wrest control of their own nation from the hands of the international bankers?
>americans have been inculcated with jewish eye for an eye vindictiveness and think that it's a sense of "justice"
this is why your country is so fucked. at least canadians can admit that our country is going down. you're still living in "america fuck yeah" denial.
>IT could not have been developed without trillions of taxpayer dollars
Aren't you faggots supposed to support free market capitalism? Why do you capitulate so eagerly to the largest, most expensive government entity on the planet??
Yeah that's why America is a communist society right now.
Why do you defend the largest government entity ever created if you hate communism so much?
some of the most important technology of the world today was invented and developed by germans and stolen by america and the soviets under the guise of "denazification"
i would never do such a thing. what makes you think i am?
>the death penalty is a crime
They invaded dozens of sovereign nations and subjugated their citizens. They were an evil force intent upon world domination.
Keep importing muzzies, Chang
This entire thread is about how evil the military industrial complex is. Did you forget that?
that's not what i'm talking about.
don't try and spin the issue at hand you pilpul-y fuck.
what kind of defective inbred would actually equate executing an individual for heinous crimes that they themselves committed vs heinously punishing random people, who were guilty of nothing, simply because of the uniform they wore?
Get fucked commie
>did you forget that?
ooh, sassy
did i say anything to the contrary, you fuck?
you forgot welfare spending and niggers
read the book "read intrigue and race turmoil" and you will realize that welfare spending and niggers are essentially military spending since they are weaponized against western and especially white civilization/society.
Eisenhower - the first cuckservative.
Just like every President. What is your point?
Yes ALL SpaceX scientists would be serving the planet more efficiently by being farmers. Such a Bullshit Utopian Statement used by a (then)politician to be elected.
> Guns are somehow food
A significant amount of technological advances worldwide have come from defense spending, that's one benefit I guess. Every now and then it takes state-backed funding that even the most wealthy corporations wouldn't have an interest in sinking money into.
Also force projection and playing 'world police' is expensive but who the fuck is going to collect on your debts? Without the current force posture the US dollar would plummet.
>implying that there is any other reason for american military presence in every country on earth than to prevent another third reich stye uprising from ever occurring again.
indeed, launching a car into space and helping the government launch covert spying technologies has truly increased the quality of life for every man, woman, and child on earth.
Then why were they welcomed with open arms when they were liberated from the Soviets? Why did Austria meet the German army with flowers instead of guns?
>you will never get to plow a pile of jews and gypsy's into an open pit
don't forget that that is a british soldier operating a british tractor.
>Nazis were guilty of nothing
What a deluded faggot. Next you'll say Hitler did nothing wrong
where did i say that?
Military spending dwarfs welfare spending. The largest entitlements go to the elderly (social security and medicare)
>meme snek
>defending military spending
How cucked can one man possibly be?
>implying every Austrian welcomed a despotic dictatorship
Nazis were greeted with flowers to appease them.
You literally said that Nazis were guilty of nothing other than wearing a nazi uniform
i know, the fucking lucky sob got away with it
Flowers appeased these "Nazis", you say? Then why didn't their "victims" just give the "Nazis" flowers?
>Did you see a sign out in front of my house that said, "Dead nigger storage?"
i did not say all of them. i said most of those who were tortured to death in eisenhower's death camps. they were late enlistees, many of them had never even seen action. they were the very young and the very old.
you really are a snaky little fuck, aren't you?
no but there was a sign that said "toe sucking pedophile" a few houses back
>Yeah that's why America is a communist society right now
That was not their goal, dick breath.
thats because we are at war and America is dominating the planet.. while pretending it is "maintaining peace". In fact, when US has 2,000 military bases across the world and is behind the wars in the middle east and arms ISIS and destroys regimes like Libya .. it is not mere spending. It is an economy of war and war is silently ongoing
The poor fucking suck though.
>i said most of those who were tortured to death in eisenhower's death camps.
That's literally not what you said, but OK. Any man cowardly enough to wear a nazi uniform deserves whatever torture awaits them. I have no sympathy for such scum.
>secret communists infiltrating the government didn't want to enact communistic policies for some reason
Ok kid
Revolutions are often started by the subjugated masses
The "economy" of war only benefits corporations like Halliburton at the expense of the common man.
Faggot and gay
well for one a president of US doesn't do his own policy, he there for PR and to mimick democracy. Otherwise .. JFKed. So essentially a president could sneak in some of his own views when it doesn't pose risk to him, while by and large gong with the program from the deep state.
Is this the level of discourse I can expect from Ukraine?
yeah so what else is new? idea is it's wrong and most of the west actually believes we are at peace.. while common people inc the retarded middle class work in a war economy. and are proud of it
as someone who lived through one, they may be on occasion started by the masses, but it's some clever fucks who hijack them for their own purpose
on pic related: too bad the generation who still calls BS when they see it is old and the new one iz reTARDED
That's not what subversion is about you tard. Commies destabilize before they come in and kill all the useful idiots.
These posts made me take a long, cold look in the mirror. How do we fix this broken warmongering society?
>i decide what is right and wrong
>it's evil if they do it
>but if i do it to them it's good
american dissonance
eisenhower was not president yet during the periods in question
So they're still in the middle of a decades-long subversion strategy? Is this what you incel faggots truly believe?
>if you kill your enemies, they win
Why are Canadians spineless?
ironically, america is already well down the road of becoming a fully communist society. communists were just smart and repackaged their product.
communism's stated goal has always been total world domination. why do you think they knew to project that onto the germans? everything the germans are accused of is just a projection by the butcherous bolsjewiks. projection is the underlying psychology behind everything.
holy fuck, you really are retarded. watch some yuri bezmenov interviews on youtube. maybe he will explain it in a way that your ant brain will be able to comprehend.
decades of subversion and demoralization is precisely what the plan is. and it has worked.
how can anyone possibly be as fucking stupid as you? it actually boggles the mind.
where did i say that?
What’s he do? From what I know he was one of the less pro Israel presidents we had after his response to the sues crisis.
Eisenhower, FDR, Obama - top tier, we will never see again once Trump is done destroying America