Why are white men intimidated by strong, educated black women? Is this white fragility or just insecurity?
Why are white men intimidated by strong, educated black women? Is this white fragility or just insecurity?
pick one
Angry baboons intimidate everyone
The only niggers I saw IRL in Romania were some black women whit a Romanian man/husband, anyways traitors
remember to sage
cuz they look like shit
Don't forget about Cabral even tho he's half white .
Michonne can sit on my face any day.
How are we intimidated?
I would fuck any of the three on the left
idk i've never met one.
Wow how’d you get all of the educated strong black women in the world together for a picture?
0/10 would not bang
Women aren't strong and blacks aren't educated
I confess: I am intimidated by the massive boner I get watching them.
Did I answered the question?
kenyan Lupita (far left) is hot
I've never been intimidated by an educated black.
It's not fear or intimidation. It's when we try to play nice, everything they do has to be antithetical to "da whyte man." You know that whole bit about war bring interested in you, etc etc.
>educated black women
At least you're honest user.
I'm simply scared by spooky things that don't exist in the real world :\
are not
go away nigger
the only thing that is powerful with very dark skinned individuals is their smell. This is not a racist statement by the way, the perfume industry has known this for a long time. Perfume made for dark skin people is light in scent as dark skin the smell to a greater extent.
Racists fear this.
Be humble streetshitter.
Same reason we're intimidated by zombies and dragons?
As usual leftists mistake education for intelligence.
I dont fear it i embrace it because i know it enevitably means less nigger babies. Just like whites
of course, just imagine the smell
unfortunately for those sheboons womens studies is a useless education
I love watching black women debate people in front of a crowd of other black women. It's like every reply they make has to be beyonce sipping tea moment and they all go apeshit about it. They think every comical remark, doesn't even have to have much relevance, is a btfo.
>Why are white men intimidated by strong, educated black women? Is this white fragility or just insecurity?
We're not scared of black women.
I dont understand u people. None of those girls are hot.
Nice vaginal claim, are you a nigger or Allah forgive me for uttering the word... a roastie?
>bitches about women being ugly
>posts a downy
Maybe one in a million nigress might be pretty. But thats just something you see in American movies or shit like that.
Nigger women here at least are all absolute abominations.
I never meet any niggers .
you spelled nauseated incorrectly and the answer is "that nigger smell"
Is this the movie about how lefties hated black people so much, they found a frivolous young black woman to sink Clarence Thomas?
Or is it Selma? I didn't see either, desu
Im on my tablet so i dont have access to pics.