>George Soros, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coup in the Vatican to overthrow conservative Pope Benedict in February 2013, according to WikiLeaks emails.
Other urls found in this thread:
>– To what end was the National Security Agency monitoring the conclave that elected Pope Francis?
>– What other covert operations were carried out by US government operatives concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict or the conclave that elected Pope Francis?
>– Did US government operatives have contact with the “Cardinal Danneels Mafia”?
>– International monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended during the last few days prior to the resignation of Pope Benedict. Were any U.S. Government agencies involved in this?
>– Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict XVI announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence?
>– What actions, if any, were actually taken by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and others tied to the Obama administration who were involved in the discussion proposing the fomenting of a “Catholic Spring”?
>– What was the purpose and nature of the secret meeting between Vice President Joseph Biden and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on or about June 3, 2011?
>– What roles were played by George Soros and other international financiers who may be currently residing in United States territory?”
Wow this is the wildest conspiracy theory the Kremlin has cooked up all day!
the current pope is literally keeping me from the church, not exactly good leadership tactics.
That says a lot more about you and your beliefs than the church or the pope.
But he is the biggest cuck of them all.
>he tried to warn you
this is old news im glad its making the cycle now
wonder why they are drudging this out of history
This doesn't surprise anyone, what is surprising is Obongo and the others, I don't think they are behind it, just pawns following orders, the Vatican has been infiltrated since decades ago by the globalist clique.
>let me tell you about your religion
>deep state
More like DEEP PAPACY, amaright?
I stopped going to church when Francis got in. He's a useful idiot at best, subversive agent of the Jew at worst. He's coming closer full False Pope status.
Utterly retarded. He resigned because his brother was a pedo and the church (probably including Ratsinger himself), helped cover it up.
>literally a king of a soverign nation
>forced to step down by some globalist fagots
he never should have been pope in the first place then
Benedict is the real pope, he's an antipope
>king nigger and his lackyes replaces the fucking pope with a pedophile argentinian nigger
>amerikeks still deny the CIA is behind fucking up latin america
the pope is literally an argienigger
So many Catholics have been lead astray by the 'black pope
Bring back the German!
obvious shill is obvious.
although i like Francis more than Benedict
>amerikeks still deny the CIA is behind fucking up latin america
Reagan, John Poindexter and Ollie North came up with the Honduran Death Squads that swept through Nicaragua and El Salvador killing all the catholic nuns and priests and blaming it on the Sandinista's. They funded his illegal operation by selling illegal weapons to the Iranians, then lied about it to Congress.
Iran Contra.
I was going to say he stepped aside for the good of the Church because the bad actors shut off banking transactions and the Church's operations would suffer but he should have just forced it into the open and outed them as the rat scum they are so he is in fact complicit.
It's gonna be a sad day when Ratzinger dies
He's right though. If a single mortal man is enough to keep you from God, you are not worthy.
>t. typical mexican commie.
Bump, since the liberal mods will try to suppress this.
>obvious shill is obvious.
Insane tin-foil had nut job conspiracy theory is obvious insane tin-foil had nut job conspiracy theory, too.
0/8 b8 m8
Remind me of that one time they have ever been wrong
Who honestly cares what the (((Pope))) or (((Catholic Church))) has said in centuries?
"Pope Francis: You can’t defend Christianity by being ‘against refugees and other religions’"
"Vatican Reaffirms That Jews Can Go to Heaven, Though It’s Not Sure Why That’s True"
>Black Pope
Like pottery
The 8 unnamed catholic leaders are the ones making extraordinary claims, it's their job the try and answer the questions.
The 2 questions they'll need to try to answer:
-Why did they want him gone?
-What was the leverage?
fake news, fuck off
>tfw the Vatican city is an absolute monarchy
>tfw every leader in the world wants a proxy to replace the pope
>tfw the pope is replaced and you literally have a safe haven from laws
>tfw you can openly traffic humans and drugs or whatever you'd ever want to do
>tfw you now understand why the Jesuits rule the world
>tfw the Rothschild family is connected to the Vatican city
>tfw Rothschild means red shield
>tfw Switzerland has a red shield as a flag
>tfw the Swiss guards protect the pope
>tfw what the fuck
>tfw I'm outta here
They asked Trump to investigate. Bishops have as much access as we do
not gonna be a Catholic spring because we aren't subhumans like the arabs, but there are definitely gonna be less church goers.
He was not a pope
Babylon has Fallen!
Apocalypse 17:8 Fulfilled
Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
Padre Pio: Satan Would “Come To Rule A False Church”
The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned
St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes and Antipopes
End-Times Temple Of God
Is the World about to End?
3rd secret of Fatima, St. Malachy's prophesies
I called this when it happened. A based pope "resigned" and a traitor came in
I guess that's a reason for Trump to give a shit for seconds or so, which is about how long his attention span seems to be. Get back to me when there's a reason for me to give a shit.
Not only that, but there's this suspicious shut too
>Benedict resigned the papacy on 11 February 2013, effective 28 February.[6] On 22 February he issued his second set of instructions on the papal election process, Normas nonnullas. Following his resignation, cardinals had questioned the rule that they delay starting the conclave until 15 days after the papacy fell vacant. Benedict allowed them to begin earlier "if all the Cardinal electors are present" and to delay the start until 20 days pass "for serious reasons".[7][8] He modified the oath of secrecy to be taken by all support personnel, making excommunication the automatic punishment (late sentantiae) for violations of the oath, which had previously been punished at the discretion of the new pope.[9][10]
>the current pope is literally keeping me from the church
>literally keeping me from the church
Is he tying you down? We have had bad popes before. If you are skipping the sacraments for stuff that Francis says that is not even dogma, you need to reassess your relationship to the Church.
The only reason the current Pope is still in power is because Catholicucks are brainwashed from birth to practically worship the Pope. If Catholics stood up and condemned this Jew, things will get better.
There’s a spot on the gallows reserved for you
>that flag
Benedict was a national socialist who fought in Hitler’s army, show a little respect
cmon Sup Forums...
Is that even news? Come on, it's 2018, if you don't he was forced to resign, then you are a moron.
Would you prefer a lügenpresse source?
are the vatican guards italian? or are they all actually from swiss?
I wish they would just drop all of the secrets, I dont think humans would revolt and would instead handle it pretty well.
Stop selling churches or govs as mystical organizations, instead show them what ur doing and give people a reason to believe in the institution.
Just like corporations do for shareholders. Show them where you are headed and what u want to accomplish.
So for instance, the catholic church could say... look at all this missionary work we are doing. Give the people in the church the ability to vote on where they want their money spent and for what.
I have never been baptized and I went to bunch of churches... when i went to a catholic church... all they did was sing over and over and over and randomly some choir boy would come out and read a paragraph of scripture... then more singing.
How do they expect to get newbs to join when all they do is that? At least the american protestant. lutheran, etc churches have pastors who will sit there and give 30 minute speeches on how to life your life in the modern age.
Shit, we all called this years ago. Bout time it reached the normieverse though.
He was forced to resign because his botched efforts to deal with the sex abuse scandal did almost as much damage to the credibility and support of the Church as the scandals themselves. Francis isn't any better, but let's not pretend Benedict was a fucking awesome pope who was only undone by some conspiracy.
I find it interesting that some people don't value proof. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but what do you use instead of proof to arrive at a truth condition. Genuinely curious.
I've been saying since the start that he was forced out by the Jesuits and the Jesuit Pope is a fake.
>Conservative Pope Benedict
A nigger that participates in religious dialogue with Mohammets and lights Menorrahs. Get fecked.
I mean this Jesuit Pope says stuff like Christ failed on the Cross, and sinned against his parents, that there is no hell, all religions are true, some people think he said that Christ was a metaphor.
I mean, the guy is straight up not a real Pope.
It was the jews
>Shit, we all called this years ago. Bout time it reached the normieverse though.
P Ben did something really bad and it was a scandal waiting to blow in the church's face
You will get the rope. You are not a wall of text on an anonymous internet message board. You are a real person, sitting at a real computer. The NSA gathers everything, yours and mine, phone calls, burners, the connects are not impossible to make, and our new administration is more vengeful and thorough than the last. I can comfortably stand by every post i've made on POL, even ones where I might seem like an asshole. Can you say the same when it's your time to hang?
Some of my posts at times have been satire...for anyone looking in.
Of course, the church caved to these demands. The white religion indeed. Islam and Jusaism would have never compromised.
Most of it is in South and Central America, and in the Pacific
Judaism is the only white-majority religion
mind = blown
Yournewswire is a fake news website.
he is talking about the Superior General of the Society of Jesus
It's not the only one, but it's one of the few
Actually he was innocent, but extremely fucking naive. Near the end when he discovered some of his favorites were pedophiles, it broke him. He is of an older time, it was too much for him. He was too weak.
It is no conspiracy that pedo rings, masonry, and even lucifarianism have infiltrated the church
>Switzerland = Twin sisters Land (Isis and Nephthys)
Keep looking
Hello, big nosed ugly motherfucker.
Busy day at the office?
How's the atmosphere over there now that you are all aware that you can be charged with sedition?
Literally making promises to Jews, not to say anything disparaging about Jews.
>post ends in 3
... and here come the schizos.
It's not schizo.
Schwesterland is a valid thing
The ride never ends senpai
not if your relationship is with God, and not some guy in a funny hat. Church is not required.
The mystery of iniquity
Go to bed CNN, nobody watches you.
this.. he is nothing more than Satan's interference in man's relationship with God.
DESU if your a catholic you are part of the problem.
>being part of the cult that destroyed the west
>destroyed Rome
>destroyed Byzantium
>destroyed france
>destroyed Spain
Holy shit I hate money.
this post reeks of jewry
this isnt even old you kike
as soon as shit comes out you either try and underplay it or call it old and not important anymore
day of oven soon
Next tell us we need to take our meds. Then look in a mirror and tell yourself you're not going to be dragged out of your home and hanged for your crimes.
America is the great satan after all.
>>destroyed france
>>destroyed Spain
Knew this at the time. I even predicted the arrival of Pope Warm Fuzzie the First as a result. They got their hands on the finances, basically either Benny went walkies and some liberal faggot got the job, or the shut down the financial services of the vatican overnight. not even a cash machine would work, all (((merchant services))) a gonner. They got the vatican in the late 50s when john 23 showed up, vatican II happened, and they've basically lived in denial everything is awesome land ever since as the whole thing went to shit, people left in droves after faggot pope paul VI made a new thing he had the audacity to call Mass, convents and seminaries emptied, a @bew springtime@ (tm) was officially declared.
Worse than the cunts from without that screwed the church are the cunts from within that either conspired, or remained silent.
Archbishop Marcel Lefevbre = Saint.
To be fair he said Church.
Honestly the man is not very good at his job. Fortunately Francis has gone relatively quiet over the last 12/18 months. He used to open his mouth at every turn before then.
This is old news. The USA was responsible for putting "Paul VI" in to do the second Vatican council. The Catholic church has been a political tool for a long time now.
They literally told Spanish to breed with shitskin subhumans like you and now Spain is dead. Went from imperial power to irrelevant third world shit hole all because of Catholic race mixing.
>conservative pope
>sheltered pedophiles
Purge yourself.
He is apostate cuck.
The Roman Legion shield, the scutum, was red.
Roman red shield.
Red Shield = Rothschild.
Rothschild is the guardian of the papal treasure
You probably shouldn't look into the Bank for International Settlements based out of Switzerland. It would not be a healthy
move to research this topic more. Please do not look into BIS.
>Protestants willingly giving into rejecting education brought on by Catholics and Orthodox and accepting degeneracy since they have no moral compass aside from personal interpretations of the bible
>You literally have to blackmail the pope in order to corrupt Catholicism since its a religion based on proper order that doesn't allow individual priests to create degeneracy
The Orthodox are the last standing group not corrupted yet.