If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it

If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it.
>child gets shot
>inb4 muh ebil government

The NRA doesn't define the 2nd amendment.

Wow, that was easy.

How is it that the 1st amendment applies to modern technology, but the 2nd amendment only applies to muskets?


inb4 a mod deletes another shit threa- who am i kidding the mods are faggots

>Libs ban guns
>"See, safer"
*School shooting using illegal gun*
>Um, just outlier!
*Girl gets raped in own home, father lost gun in buy backs, entire family murdered by nog*
>Everybody feels safer!
*Terror attack, guns purchased from cartels*
>No American needs guns!

Fuck off you absolute waste of white semen and eggs.

To stop the government from going tyrannical

An armed populace prevents the ride of tyranny. The more people like you tell me I don't need an ar the more I know I need one. Or several.

Did you know that assault-riffles were banned in the USA between 1994 and 2004? Pic related are the results.

>American education: They don't even know their most recent history.

I don't need a reason, I have a right. If you have a problem with that, amend the Constitution first.

So how many people were able save themselves because they had a gun on them?
Why don't we share those stories to the media. It would be clearly possible to show that having gun on oneself is better than going out unarmed and getting mugged.

Are you ready to die in the next civil war? You will if you continue down this path. I have it on good authority from the IC that you shills are going to be removed very soon, final warning.

So mass shooting death tolls skyrocketed afterwards?

How about you explain why the second amendment exists if it, according to you, isn't supposed to actually do anything.

(You won't because you are fucking stupid.)

Because if you try to take them (which I wish you would) the u.s.a. ends.

To shoot radical, brainwashed Leftists when they try to destroy the Constitution.

Im buying another gun today because of your dumb post

Looks more like a continuation of an already established trend

They seem to fluctuate year by year. There's no correlation between gun ownership and mass shootings, or gun crime in general.

Pic related was also high tech heavy weapons back then.



> So how many people were able save themselves because they had a gun on them?

Not nearly as many as got shot drunk, or by their kid, or by a robber. Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun. The odds of you saving the day during a time of need are very fkn slim (most people get hurt or shoot the wrong person)

It's called the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Needs.

>Muh ar15 memegun is more important than living in a safe society

dem flag = homo retard

> There's no correlation between gun ownership and mass shootings, or gun crime in general.

Sure, you tell yourself that.


>defined by the NRA

I believe it is the US CONGRESS who legislates whether or not certain arms are permitted by the public, not the NRA.
And it is the responsibility of the schools to maintain a safe environment for the children they are requiring to attend their government schools, not the NRA.

>Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun
We should probably ban guns then.

It would be a safe society without non-whites.

this. Probably caused due racial tensions + poor prospects for teens

You don’t NEED a knife sharper than a butter knife.

You don’t NEED a car that goes faster than 65 mph.

You don’t NEED a beer with more than 1% alcohol content.

All of these kill far more people than guns every year. Fuck off.


> I hate trump
> trump please take my guns!!
Democrat logic.

Guns keep us safe.

The bourgeoisie control the government, cops are basically a crooked, legal, RWDS, guns are the only tool ordinary people have to fight back.

Not even for armed revolution, but better wages and conditions and shit - unions being "thugs" worked, gun control would just let the pinkertons massacre us.


anti-gunners live in a bubble of gay sex and stupidity.

Well, how would we know since they ripped all of the statues down. Checkmate, commies.

Nobody besides the military should own an assault-rifle 15.

I dont need an AR-15, I also dont want an AR-15. In the event of civil war you think I'd stay with the virgin semi automatic rifle? Or would I move to the chad automatic assault rifle after killing a traitor? AK-47 is more aesthetic than the AR-15 anyways

To protect myself, my family, and those I love from government tyranny and political opposition.

Weak bait leaf faggot

I don't think american laws about guns is wrong.
The american culture is the one to be blamed.

The american culture of extreme consumerism and competition is what cause this kind of stuff.

you retards had their chance and fucked it up, shill

Rifles account for less than 10% of gun murders. More people are killed by melee weapons and bare fists in the US each year.

Rifles provide a person with a long-range option of defending themselves, their property, and their loved ones. Right to life = right to self defense.

Explain Switzerland.

>let’s hear it.
History tells us that every single citizen should be armed and armed well. Get reading, it's interesting stuff and lets you work out the future.

because it won't stop with the banning of guns you gullible communist

My gun protects me from marxists who don't believe any kind of success is fair or desirable.

I don't need a reason. Inalienable rights are not subject to the opinion of you, the government, or anyone else.

>If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it.
"need" has literally nothing to do with it

Shoot Feral Hogs in South Texas.

Without arms a citizen becomes a subject.


Get a handgun and put it in your night stand you fag. You're not defending your home with an AR unless you are in Waco

This is from a thread that the liberal mods suppressed:

>Statistically, 6800 people died in the USA on the same day the 17 students were gunned down and died in Florida. There was 11,000 births that same day in the USA.

151,600 people died in the world on the same day the 17 students were killed. There was 360,000 births in the world on that same day.

So basically, why are we supposed to give a fuck about these students? If the government wanted an actual plan to stop kids getting killed at school, it wouldn't have anything to do with gun control. In fact, the exact opposite. Gun-free zones have boosted attacks astronomically. There is an attack on American sovereignty. Once they take the guns, they can take the freedom of speech. Then we turn into Western Europe, which is just like North Korea. Hyper-normalization. Everyone is afraid of their government, so they try to rationalize or normalize their corrupt government agendas. If you live in the USA, buy as much high-powered artilary that you can. Even if you don't like guns, buy it anyway and stash it, lock it up away from your kid's or whatever. The new narrative is "Russian bots", so it's IMPERATIVE that you go out and vote in your local elections this year and vote as many right-wing or pro-gun candidates as you can. DO NOT just sit around doing nothing. Take ONE day out of the year to vote.

Anyway, thanks and Godspeed Anons.

>1 post by this ID

Javelina ain't no joke brah

>safe society
white America has one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world

If you take Americans guns away OP how will they get shot?

>Stats show that you are 4 times more likely to suffer at gun violence if you have a gun.
Stats show you are 4 times more likely to die in a car if you drive a car.


Whos defending themselves with an AR? Its just a gun people buy to shoot for fun. And shoot children for fun

Over 90% of gun murders are committed with pistols, and 50% of all murders are committed by niggers.


It is. The rights of the people are far more important than the lives of anyone, including children.

Also if you really cared about making this country safe you would start by banning niggers and spics AKA the most causative link to violence and criminality that we have in this country.

>Woah woah is that a grenade? Why would you need a grenade?

How about we hear a reason about why we would need you and your ilk to live?
Because I have yet to see any.


Wow nice nihilistic shitpost you worthless faggot





i can tell you have no idea what you are talking about. an AR-15 is brobably the best firearm to use in a home defense scenario. it is much easier to shoot than a pistol, has a higher chance of incapacitating the intruder, and depending on the ammo used, has a much lower chance of over-penetrating and killing a family member or a neighbor

your vag can be used to make rapist so i must confiscate it


>Murders perpetrated by a majority of niggers
>Mass shootings that are always carried out with the same type of weapon against defenseless children

Wow user really made me think

>1 post by this id
Once again all of you fall for a liberal bot post.

Says the Soros bot. This is a boy everyone. It will try to hide the agenda. Who gives a fuck about 17 students dying, when millions of people die each year from unnatural causes.


So owning an AR 15 is a right? Why can't I own a magazine of high explosives? I would feel safer knowing I could injure the government's forces should they attempt to illegally apprehend me

>If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it.

Because you don't want me to have it. My only motivations are reactions to you, mostly anti-correlating.

>Whos defending themselves with an AR?
>Its just a gun people buy to shoot for fun
They also defend themselves
>And shoot children for fun
If someone is trying to "shoot children for fun", they should be shot.

There should be a monument to Cliven Bundy, he stood tall in the face of tyranny just as surely as the Founders did.

Yeah man like why care when people die when, like, everyone dies, man. Jesus Christ you sound like an edgy 15yo who just bought a God is Dead shirt

Shut the fuck up and try totake them already, I want to see blood

>The rights of the people are far more important than the lives of anyone, including children.

Uh oh, cleetus has had a few cases of bud light. Guns are more important than the lives of children apparently lol.

They can't be shot because liberals have gun free zones. Liberals hate children. That's why they're not having kids and also are pro abortion.

Mass shootings at schools, etc., are statistically irrelevant.

When the pension fund and ebt cards stop working.

its true leaf fuck your retarded ugly children in the ass with an ar15

>If someone is trying to shoot children for fun they should be shot

Wow really revolutionary argument here user wow. I suppose I should just get sunburns every day until I develop melanoma and then cut it out as opposed to wearing sunscreen. It's called prevention

There probably is. If guns are difficult to come by then a lot of low level crime will be committed without them, sure the serious stuff will still happen but mere idiots with a grudge or addicts will have to settle for knives or clubs. Which are not close to being as efficient.

A lot of the worst shootings are kids taking a gun to school or religious nutters going on a rampage. If guns where highly restricted these people are less likely to get guns legally and those selling them illegally won't as the attention will be bad for business.

Don't get me wrong, I am for greater gun rights in my own country but looser gun laws do also mean a greater propensity for mischief.

>If you think you have a reason to “need” an AR-15 assault rifle let’s hear it
I need to protect myself and my family from the overabundance of wackos on SSRIs.

Woah really great argument.

come on. funny as fuck image though, and our culture definitely needs work.

>Why can't I own a magazine of high explosives?
you can

Make sure to buy ammo as well.
Snagged up 3800rds. The morning of the shooting for less than $400.

Because Democratics won't do anything about illegal immigrants / Mexican drug cartels living amongst us.

>Safety is more important than liberty
You're a fucking disgrace to that flag and the men who founded your nation.

>Wow really revolutionary argument here user wow
What can I say? Common sense is radical in this climate.