ITT female mangaka self-inserts

ITT female mangaka self-inserts


For Mori Kaoru it's Emma or Amira

>making porn of your own self-insert
I dunno how to feel about this considering I've cranked it at this particular work a countless amount of times.

How do you think they feel knowing some guy is going to be jerking it to what they were drawing? If that were me I'd think it was pretty hot.

they can just ask them directly

Why would they post on here instead of 2chan, there is no way it's actually the same person.



I don't recognize this artist

She looks more 3 dimensional in reality.

Just like I can call you by your name even if I am actually addressing you.

>not recognizing Shimimaru

Knowing that Shimimaru is a woman and that all of her manga are her degenerate fantasies makes everything so much hotter. She was already one of my fav hentai artists, too.


In reality it's 4.299

Dumb scanlator.


Fei is Taiwanese

stop spreading disinfo, degenerate.

>he can't stand the idea of that being her so much that he shits up every Shimimaru thread

It would be super hot if she really were that cute girl, but she's not, she only retweeted that pic, she didn't post it herself, there is no reason to believe it's her.


I feel like they added on an inch for the jap average.

Have you gotten to know a lot of Japanese dicks, that you could make such an assessment?

No shit considering they all have micropenises.

will we ever get /ss/ or will we get a huge timeskip to see the shota become a buff dude?

VN author rather than mangaka, but Featherine is one of the most obvious and obnoxious ones ever created.

It's sad that it's not even an exaggeration