>pic related
ITT we post things Shithole countries aren't allowed to have
Good porn.
by shithole you specifically mean Uk, right ? because i can have any of those things in your picture, i just don't own a rifle, because i never felt like i needed to own one
Why is the .45 loaded backwards?
I see those at the store now
>USP .45
unf unf unf. I have the 9mm compact and it's one of the nicest pistols I've ever had the pleasure of shooting. I hit a water bottle from 75 yards with it using the sights that came with it.
And least they have strict gun control legislation OP, we don't
Bitch please
Those shitty candies are literally everywhere.
These weapons of mass destruction are in practically every store where I live.
Shitty tape job
it was just a test
Nice ak however, ill get one if a chance presents itself.
nice airsoft gun Francois
You shouldn’t be able to have these things either, who taugh you how to load a mag retard? Loaded backwards.
name one country that's not allowed to have guns
some of you are ok.
go to school tomorrow
I have a licence
imagine being so retarded you load your magazine backwards
>Quad rail
Where's your 1911 grampa
2nd Green hat came in
>not knowing the meme
Enjoy that tactical buttplug on your poorfag AR
you're supposed to tape one of them upside down, retard.
No need for a silly license, i want 40mikemike attachment.
>>Quad rail
>Where's your 1911 grampa
That AR is damn near 5 years old, user. No need to change it out. Out of my 4 ARs its the only one with a quadrail. Don't have a 1911. Would like to get something like a nice Dan Wesson someday. Only in my mid 30s and have no children.
>2nd Green hat came in
Nice. I'm jelly.
Free healthcare
cz99 9mm bitchess
Just ribbin you m8
I'd like one of the 10mm 1911s so I don't have to start stocking and reloading 45 too.
Jelly of that USP, always wanted one but I'm pretty tapped out on meme guns
>pistol mag
>not knowing the infamous/k/ meme
I'm not even a /k/ fag and I get it.
Good man
I have a 9mm Compact and a .40 full size than im gonna convert to 10mm
Ill get a .45 when I dont need a tax stamp for a silencer
You have a MAGA cap by any chance?
They are, amerimutt.
No school shootings
No one dying because they couldn't afford insulin
No military-industrial complex
No $60,000 a year tuition
HK meme from /k/, obviously. They fucked up a catalog once, and the meme stuck.