Liberals are now using George W. Bush’s old line that he took so much shit for. Best timeline.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
slowly but surely they're becoming like us
the weakest amongs them shall perish
the irony is incredible
So it’s treason then.
>my political opinion is important because some people I went to school with got shot
What a surprise, another fucking Jew.
I'm against you. Now fuck off.
"only a sith deals in absolutes" is an absolutarian statement. It might as well say "only jedis can't reason".
I’m always against leftism, even if it means more dead kiddos.
Okay then I'm against you and now that you annoyed me with your bullshit I'll make extra sure to vote for any policies that will make your life harder while always voting against any policies that seek to control guns.
Wait, so you’re saying Lucas wrote crap dialogue?
bunch of liberal cucks. man the fuck up and go back to school like everyone else did faggots
WHAT IF it was actually on purpose because the jedis are the actual bad guys? The empire was almost devoid of crime and all its people had access to the best amenities the world over. What were the rebels rebelling against again? Reminder that luke et al. barely dealt with siths, most of their enemies were anti-empire scum.
>system tries to take 200 million guns from people
>gets killed by own military (crazy gun nuts) and guerilla citizens
>muh based Gen Z
Eh, not so much.
Listen to his speach and county the number of logical fallacies, LMAO
Please America, don't let this succeed.
This is a blatant fucking psy op and it's pissing me off so much. I'm not even American and I can see what's going on. The whole think reeks of part false flag / part psy op and the objective is clear. Disarming the general populace which WILL NOT END WELL FOR AMERICA NOR FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD.
Please don't let them take your guns.
>This is a blatant fucking psy op
The kikes try this almost every 9 months now.
So what does this kike faggot want to happen? What great idea does he want to have put in place?
Fucking idiot bitch about guns, but never provides solutions.
Fuck this country sometimes. People are faggots, it's the people not the guns.
Civil War in 2018 check those
Not everyone was able to go back to school because they were killed. Sure is pretty hard to "man the fuck up" when you were killed while trying to get an education Mr. Internet Tough Guy.
The school district is nearly 50% Jewish. Not even joking.
It's no wonder they're kvetching so much over this.
a patrician's taste
Well I'm against you..
Always will be for the side who wants guns VS those who don't..
You're either with me, or against me
Based boomer pede
Can anyone do a probability problem to determine the likelihood of this??
I mean, it's got to be pretty low..
No wonder it happened... (((there)))
do these people realize that the nation just south of us has strict gun laws and has appallingly high gun death rates?
You wouldn't be hearing a peep if it was only goyim that died.
tsk tsk
its almost as if....... taking away a citizen's firearms.. does absolutely nothing to prevent criminals!
All of these false flags is only making Americans more accustomed to violence. It is doing the exact opposite of its goal to push gun control via fear.
We are being told what to do by literal children propped up by the Left now. The fucking state of this place.
why cant school shooters target more jewish schools
Only Siths deal in absolutes.
“With us or against us”
Ok, I’m against you
Now go be a faggot somewhere else and cry or something
Malak was a bitch, faggot, and cuck.
you dont seem to understand how far liberals will go to make their point. Just look at Peta with all their putting down animals
Kid looks like a kike
honestly Plagueus was a better Sith
Reality and facts do not matter to them..
They call us basement dwellers and such, which I am most certainly not, yet because I actually take objective views and look at reality I am the enemy??
They are the ones sitting on Jewbook, and Twatter all day in their echo chambers..
They are decadent delusional LARPing inbreds..
The only reason they are around is because we have subsidized weakness.
These people would have never survived back in (pic/show related) time.
I laugh so hard at how we have, as Americans, allowed the weak to tie our hands behind our backs and tell us we need to stop hitting (((them))).
I usually feel some token sympathy for any family that goes through needless tragedy like this but jeeze louise if this isn't the most the haughty and demanding victim group I've ever seen. It's like sorry for your losses but you're not so fucking special you get to demand the world changes for you because you've found your 15 minutes you fucking kikes.
But... does he hate sand?
they appeal to emotions rather than logic because its a lot more malleable. Someone can deny facts if it makes them feel really bad.
This school shooting was literally a little shoah
what's the cutoff point for the word "survivor"? I think it shouldn't be used unless a significant percentage of people involved died and 16/an entire school isn't enough
So how long will it be before school shootings are a thing of the past and school nukings are the next big thing
Media doesn’t want to create a sound debate. They want to press an emotional appeal to implement legislative action.
That's because he is one user.
You're with us, or against us. Jesus said that. Is Jesus sith?
Against: Now, fuck off back to chabad, yid. To your favored spics, you're just a "useful Jew".
Luke 9:50 for anyone thinking I'm fucking with them
You what would cause less mass shootings?
Not bullying people every single fucking day, I actually feel a little bad for the shooter after seeing what his story was. Both parents dead, no prospects, obvious mental issues, and BULLIED every single day to the point where people joked he would be a shooter.
Their vision was the typical deconstructivist one that first took hold in the 70's. Things like feminism and decolonization aren't about creating, they're about destroying.
Yes Jesus is a Sith. He used his dark side powers to kill a fig tree and ressurect himself as Darth Plagueus had attempted
Arguing emotion never works so tell him to stop being so autistic.
That is literally not what he says you should kike
Only in tactics.
They may turn into actual organized socialists like the old days, but with the maddening witch hunts of SJWism.
Ho boy.
One must recall how neoconservatives were initially socialists.
They are desperate..
They will kill a bunch of kids, no big fucking deal..
Then they will turn those traumatized by it into their minions..
It's sick and twisted friendo.. every bit of it.
Jesus was Jewish and so were most of his disciples
>While you politicians are respecting the 2nd ammendment, we're being killed!
Yeah, all the kids these days are being killed by mass shooters. I was so lucky to have graduated highschool instead of being randomly murdered!
What is sad is the population is too stupid to understand statistics and immediately see what bullshit it is to act like school shootings are common. A kid is far more likely to die at the hands of an abusive parent--better ban reproduction (actually that doesn't sound half bad).
the problem is that the movements back then had a solid goal and purpose. leftist movements today could be best described as a weak and loosely affiliated mob
Are people just now figuring this out?
Well Jesus is a fucking kike so check fucking mate. Now fuck off.
Say no to desert religions anons.
>Kid is kike
Yep. School district is mostly kikes. Debbie is their rep.
I'm against you, and I have guns. Come get em cuck boy
They're getting progressively more organized, they start as mobs, but than they become more cohesive.
You start with your feminists and BLM groups, your occupy wall streets and what not.
Than you get the DSA organizing with tens of thousands of people and expanding.
but their whole movement is too..... whats the word.. they dont have goals nor do all of them believe in the same thing. Remember awhile back at those sjw mobs where they just broke down to infighting
I'll happily be against them. Let's get this Civil War going already.
Ah, I think I understand why whatshisface shot up the place
You actually want to sit through this media circus every other month?
Bush wasnt talking about gun control though. Are they this autistic?
if it means another shoah then yes
they also hated war and NSA spying during the bush years and talked about "civil liberties" sometimes. then they gobbled Obama's nuts for 8 years, and now that there is an R in power again, we have come full circle.
bwahahahah! remember faggety occupy wallstreet and how nothing came out of it? also these faggots are anti-gun, so how exactly are they going to force gov't to do anything, stomping their little feet up and down the street?! BWAHAHAH! Even antifa faggots are calling for violence to achieve their goals, these retards are a loss cause and should be culled now! Millenials are the true heroes for resisting tyranny and fighting back
We're not all so bad.
prove it desu, and shoot up those faggots like the ones screeching for gun ban
Why can't I just be 1000% for civilian ownership of automatic weapons?
I'm not even allowed to own guns. I am fish in a barrel.
just build guns
I risk like 2-7 years imprisonment, just for ammo.
for what? 9mm?
You can just build yourself a sten gun
I get the same feeling from the DACA shitskins. They are so entitled and demanding, it makes me fucking hate them even though I was somewhat sympathetic for them before they opened their mouths
Tfw You wish more kids had died,
that's bullshit, law allows you to build your own guns, you're not allowed to sell them.
you're welcome:
That's a big nose for a child.
well.. then fuck you kid
you should have taken the bullet you little nigger
>remember faggety occupy wallstreet and how nothing came out of it?
I was there, as a worker in the finance industry. These kids made no attempt to understand what the hell was going in the industry or why it was in turmoil. Meanwhile, my coworkers were trying to figure out what to do with the massive number of NINJA loans and the CDOs that were essentially backed by confetti (other CDOs nobody properly vetted) and meme magic. Aid programs like HAMP and HARP were well engineered to keep dirtbags who didn't deserve a bailout from cashing in, and in their original forms they helped less than 30 people in total.
Those 17 would have all died of heroin and car crashes.
I think it's one of the leading causes for gun violence.
Besides bad parenting.
Please, just look at this video in the link.
Its on worldstars Instagram page.
Ignorance at its finest.
A child learning how to take life before even learning the value of it.
These people are classic examples of "who to blame" for our gun violence.
>are cuntry
U be a dum fagot