White women casually dress like prostitutes.
White women casually dress like prostitutes
So will yours the longer you stay in the Jew infested west.
>I feel comfortable in them
>Except when you're looking
How do we solve the entitled bitch problem?
Symptom of a degenerate society. Not much else to say about it.
I see this everyday. It's fucking dangerous at this point. We're reaching critical levels.
you mother and grandmothers were giving handjobs in middle school and blowjobs in high school. don't fool yourself.
she looks like my gf
How is that outfit bad? I don't see anything wrong with it, Muhammad.
Shut, up! I like this.
Go back to Iran if you don't want to see skin faggot.
they act like pros too. who cares. they'll all be shit in 10-15 yrs.
>go to country where female degeneracy is punishable by law
really makes you think...
That picture makes my pee pee stiff
Do Gen Z girls, or Millenies, wear this look, the tiny denim shorts showing off their stem legs, with white Keds? They wear these shorts to skool? It's hot but not believable. Prep slut is hot though, this look intimidates niggers and Jews, who don't have the bodies or diets to pull it off. Even a Jew slag like Natalie Portman couldn't wear this lol.
This is retardedly stupid, actually the style I see young girls sporting now is really similar to late 80’s early 90’s
Chokers and tiny shorts and belly shirts were also popular around 2000
Go with him.
White women have to try hard to attract white men now because all white men are scared betas who run from girls and hide in mom's basement watching anime and playing videogames and posting on /r9k/ crying about how scary women are. It's really hard for a white woman to get a white "man" to pursue her these days.
And you know what, men encourage this behavior. Women are subservient and just want to do what it takes to get the boys to notice them.
>Do Gen Z girls, or Millenies, wear this look, the tiny denim shorts showing off their stem legs, with white Keds?
I've never seen 0ne dress like a slut but the way they act is bad. At least in my 0wn pers0nal experience
Does anyone have the image that says
>"I'm this attractive because both my parents are white"
Millie girls did when they were 14 in 2005
These are gen z girls now, the style is remarkably similar
Don’t let retards fool you with their rose tinted view of their childhood
>i totally support my daughter dressing like a complete whore to get ogled by niggers!
Please do some soul searching and come back when you mature enough to get traditional values.
Typically when I see a slut, it is a Jew or a mystery meat, not white. This girl probably isn't even white.
>do what it takes to get the boys to notice them
>self destructive women itt
Start carrying around jizz balloons and give them what they want
I disdain them so much, don't even care to grope or rape anymore. Well, unless they are kids.
Honestly I think sluts are fantastic I do not see the problem. Plenty of variety in people, if you don't like sluts then pick someone else. Also the manner in which someone dresses does not necessarily dictate their conduct.
Do what it takes to become Chad then
> Also the manner in which someone dresses does not necessarily dictate their conduct.
yes and because my cat has 6 toes all cats now have 6 toes.
Bruh, if you've been to Raves and Music Festivals, girls dress a FUCK TON worse than the photo OP uses.
If you want to see real sluts, look at EDM festivals.
Go up to them and ask "how much?" They'll be a little more self-conscious next time they dress that way.
>Honestly I think sluts are fantastic
What? No sluts ARE fantastic you fucking mong. And I'm not a virgin, stop being retarded.
Called a lefty by a fucking britbong, what a way to start your day. Wrong.
>So what if sexual promiscuity is the hallmark of a dying civilization? What are you, a muslim?
I would say a lady without serious mental problems would not dress like that.
your cat has 6 toes ? quick rundown ?
i once knew a cat that had thumbs
Todayour society today is based on consummation.
Today for the majority, if you want to have fun you have to buy something (alcohol, food, activities, vacations, etc).
Everyone today was born in this mess called capitalism. This ugly shit made us depend, and show us thanks to school and "modern" life how to live.
Today people have the same relationships with objects and with their similar.
So considering this fact people must look like attractive as an advertising. An advertisement whose colors are themselves defined by this society which imposes the tendencies and customs of a generation.
Don't blame this poor little girl who do not know what they are doing.
Today and tomorrow man will only be a consumer product.
Just like your existence. Irrelevant.
i pump da pussy full of da cums nigga rape is just a game for me
commie pig
No.. you missed the point. Most cats have 5 toes, so mine having 6 changes nothing. Much like most people who dress like whores are whores and just because some girls are just retarded and dress like whores whilst not being whores does not change the reality of the situation. Most girls who dress like whores are whores.
they also call us pigs if we get caught staring
>"At least its not Islam"
If you dress like a fireman I'll assume you're a fireman if you dress like a prostitute I'll assume you're a prostitute.
They dress like they have no fathers.
Seriously even my animes are starting to dress that way
I'm sorry if it is too American for you, but I believe in personal freedom over touting some old ass Abrahamic religious modesty. Time to realize that we don't live in 500 b.c.e. People never change and if you think forcing modesty on someone is going to change anything, it never does.
>checked and kek'd
hahaha genes wiped the fuck out
good job anglo
femanon calm down, you can't compare yourself to the lowest of the low to make yourself feel better
that's stupid and irresponsible
How much of a flaming fucking faggot do you have to be to think that women strutting around showing off their goods is a bad thing? Do a little window shopping and fuck the hot ones and move on. It's not difficult.
>wanting degeneracy to be accepted by society
This is how you get entitled women. As for 'plenty of variety in people' -- the moment you give women freedom, they act like complete degenerates (as do most teenagers) and make decisions that make them unmarriable in the long term. Why do you think our divorce rates are so high?
There is no reason to accept this.
ban porn also, fuck you degenerate fag.
>Asians have fallen for the jew on a stick meme
Fuck, they're goners in a generation or two.
Get this retard semetic religion worship out of here
Plenty of cats have many extra toes. They used to have cats on ships back in the day to deal with rats and many of them developed extra toes for better grip.
Creeper camera guy got busted
Oh please Muhammad, we both know that during the day, women wearing somewhat revealing clothing is not as bad as what many wear at night when they are hooking up with better looking men than you.
Personally I wear a somewhat tight shirt and decent shorts to show off my muscular tone to women.
But I guess when men do it too, that's horrible and should be frowned upon in Islam.
Divorce rates are high because marriage is an antiquated practice. If you only look to marriage figures for successful relationships. More commonplace now is cohabitation or childless couples. those figures do not take into account that people divorce for tax purposes and for insurance purposes. Honestly most younger people just don't need these bindings and want to live more free.
There is nothing wrong with traditional values but no point in holding back your society because of it.
because no one taught them otherwise
America hate thread? America hate thread.
Fat virgin upset that they do this to attract Alphas and look with disgust at your face.
Sluts never sleep with ugly men, they're only easy for chads.
All modern women dress like that (with a few exceptions) is just the west doing his thing
The virgin puritan
The Chad slut fucker
>wearing shorts
holy kek hwat kind of retard are you
Nobody has the right to tear down a civilization.
This is not an abrahamic idea. This concept is applicable to literally every society, immodesty is the beginning of a decay.
The standard American diet
"This diet is "rich in red meat, dairy products, processed and artificially sweetened foods, and salt, with minimal intake of fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, and whole grains." ... Complex carbohydrates such as starch are believed to be more healthy than the sugar so frequently consumed in the Standard American Diet."
At least I'm not an Islamic retard.
>wanting women to stay virgins until marriage
>sayin rape is a-ok
nice goin
>better looking men than you
>my muscular tone
>but muh when men do it
stop larping as a man pls
>no point in holding back your society because of it.
You're the one holding back society with your "muh dick, I want see girls shake bum in street".
Imitating ghetto niggers is backwards.
The Pimp Hand
>What do us Amerifats die from the most?
1: Heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. and also the leading cause of death worldwide. More than half of the deaths that occur as a result of heart disease are in men.Feb 23, 2017
why does every white girl pierce their nipples, guys?
this style comes from korea
the former is nostalgia though rose tinted glasses
the latter is a skewed perception due to your perversion
Black women formally dress like prostitutes.
Civilizations rise and fall, this is a natural occurrence. The long lasting ones are the ones who allow themselves room to grow and change with the world around them. Civilizations that are flexible will almost always have a better chance of lasting longer and thriving. Its okay to hold on to fundamental ideologies when it is beneficial, but it is equally detrimental to cling to them past their need.
Does it hurt you to know that attractive men are ending up fucking those women you call whores over that of you, a fat/skinny little man who likely can't get laid if he tries?
Holy fuck that image is tragic.
>Honestly most younger people just don't need these bindings and want to live more free.
must be why they need drugs to cope with life
>Double Nigger
Learn the difference between casual sex encounter, and long term committed relationship. It can save you from being so tilted by people looking to have a good time.
Sugar, Salt and "Fat" a three things extremely rare in the world.
It is really a strange thing that, nowadays, the "simple" vegetables, meat "bio" become expensive, whule the extremely rare sugar, salt in the former world are now cheaper.
OP may be filthy muslim but he's right. I sincerely hope Sup Forumsacks never let their daughter go out like this.
Hey that’s an empowered woman. It’s not taunting men because they should be taken seriously no matter what they want. She’s definitely not asking for it.
It might be worst, those dont look like mixed kids...
>GUH Amerigans and our military actions are justified in everything we do as long as schlomo gives permission! Neoconservatism! I love ben shapiro!