What's the deal with Makoto Shinkai and smartphones?
What's the deal with Makoto Shinkai and smartphones?
They're kind of a big deal in modern life
Kimi no na wa's credibility got BTFO by smartphones.
If I went 3 years forward or back I'd immediately notice because of the date on my phone
Or not, because I have a lock screen so if someone else tries to use it they couldn't, then again if the person I swap bodies doesn't I can still figure it out
Something about a deus ex machina and a boy falling in love with a girl.
It's not really specific to smartphones, just phones in general. 5 cm/s had flip phones because early 00's. It relates to his theme of distance since they allow two people to communicate anywhere, and the fact that Taki and Mitsuha can't actually contact each other is a big plot point
They were using each other smarphones to wrong about daily activities.
I think, they wanted viewers to believe it's part of them constantly forgetting about something. In begginning they weren't even noticing they are swaping places and thought those are just dreams.
Movie is honestly overrated
That doesn't change the fact that it's crazy that teens don't use lock screens
How else would a boy fall in love with a girl if not for their keit-ai?
It's not really an oversight, the movie actually has some incredible detail about the phones, for example, the networks each character is connected to.
The Time gap thing is just a MacGuffin you have to take for granted. The phones never show any years or anything, in the movie certainly.
Besides, on multiple occasions the characters come into contact with indicators of the date and time. But they ignore it or think it's nonsense, because who assumes that time travel is a thing? Even if body swapping is a thing.
If all of a sudden I told you magic and wizards were real, would you believe that there were dinosaurs beneath the surface of the earth? Come on.
The last trend is fingerprint scanners and face/eye recognition, so maybe that's it.
Well, if you told me out of the blue then no, I'd tell you to fuck off.
But if you tell me that right after I experience something clearly supernatural then I'm very inclined to believe you, especially after I've already experienced and confirmed these events multiple times.
>have oily finger
it's fine, fingerprint scanners are terrible as security credential, especially on cheaper sensors.
That is a very fucking good explanation
If the years were 2016 and 2019, I don't remember if they mention the years
According to wikipedia the fist iphone with fingerprint scanner was released in 2013, so that's probably when the trend started.
Anyway I don't think being realistic is exactly the fist worry in a fantasy tale.
What is best release of KnNW?
Calendars showed that Mitsuha was in 2013 and Taki was in 2016.
Were they just retarded?
I don't use a lock screen
I mean im not a teen but still kind of maybe is 23 teen? yes it is
I believe the "definition" of teenager is between thirTEEN and nineTEEN.
jesus christ fucking hell, how many times we've been through this already...
when was the last time you specifically looked at your phone or at a newspaper for a date when you were dreaming?
Too bad they noticed those weren't just dreams. Author expects you to just accept that it was something they were forgetting in between. They were even watching fucking news from time to time.
you didn't really watch the movie did you?
the thing was real but it still felt like a dream to them, they literally said they are switching in their dreams and the trigger is going to sleep
People have a tendency to overlook mundane details.
Granny was calling it dreaming as well, but do you really think they treated them as just dreams?
Someone is writing in my diary of what I did on days that I've no memories of and everyone tells me I acted like not myself. Yep just a dream.
They probably didn't pay attention or just DUDE MUSUBI LMAO
IOS? You still need a password though. After you set up your fingerprint it still asks to set up your password in case of emergency. Like if you can't match your fingerprint for 5 times or after restarting the phone you have to use the lock screen pass
>what I did on days that I've no memories of
shit man, you might be onto something
Works on my machine every time!
t.6s Plus cuck
never used lock screen in my life and i had a smartphone through entire junior high, highschool and university
there honestly is no fucking reason to use lock screen, its absolutely pointless, please explain to me what is lock screen supposed to prevent
Random people using your phone
and outside of a sudden body switcharoo how would my phone venture from my pocket into random shitters' hands?
Well who knows what can happen. I did leave it at work once by accident so I'm glad the lock was on.
Though I guess if somebody stole it they'd just sell it as fast as possible or easily remove the lock or something so it won't matter
That actually really disappointed me. I thought he understood the meaning of smartphones in our life but he dropped the ball horribly.
>losing/forgetting your phone somewhere
takes a special kind of dumb
theft is an entirely different matter, a stupid screenlock isnt going to stop shit
Doesn't screenlock stay even after full factory reset?
>They're kind of a big deal in normalfag life
Fixed that for you.
I just finished watching this a few days ago, it was pretty bad and the keit-ai meme spam completely ruined it for me.
Shilling for smartphone money and abandoning the superior flip phone.
it's by far the most popular kind of phone in Japan
Yes, it's definitely not an oversight, but it's a plot hole nonetheless, or at least unrealistic behavior. I imagine the committee asked Shinkai about this obvious shit, or maybe he raised that point himself and they decided to just go with it, instead of contriving an explanation.
Why is OK in English but everything else in moonrunes?
Everything else is in english as well.
a shinto god was inducing body swapping time travel and deleted diary entries from Taki's phone, I'm pretty sure it could make them not notice the timeline difference
youk know whats a thing that all normalfags dont do? they don't kill themselves. Why wont you do that?