How big is too big?
And is Chesty Morgan from Galko-chan it?
How big is too big?
My limit
When will she get her own series?
Too big is when it looks like shit, which depends entirely on the character and artist.
Obviously, this isn't it.
Chesty Morgan is barely a character, she doesn't need her own series, if you want more of her tits just wait for whenever she makes her next appearance in a Galkon chapter.
My limit is the size of the character's head.
Anything larger than that becomes nonsensical.
To me it's not about size but about proportions - if they have big boobs, they should have huge hips and some tummy flab too.
its never too big user
When you can't see your feet, then it's too big.
Stop making me want to have tits and molest myself, user.
I already have breasts (male)
reminder to eat cabbage dishes to low estrogen levels in the bloodstream
it's not molesting if you want it
Where is this from? Is it part of the Galko manga? Or some kind of supplementary material?
That looks like a monster honestly
The jump from 5 to 6 is too drastic
As long as she can stand without them touching the ground, It's fine in my book.
Anything over B-cup.
Character within Galko manga, she is a super model that sometimes is the hot topic of a conversation. Chesty Morgan is based on a real person, an old polish porn star which also had gigantic natural breasts, although her life story with said breasts aren't as happy, full of tragedy and prejudices.
lv6 in anime, up to lv4 irl
>and prejudices
I guess her inclusion makes sense since the manga is all about trying to see past prejudices
No such thing.
As long as we're talking about breasts, that is.
But anything smaller than the character's head looks like shit. I'd rather have nonsensical boobs than shit boobs.
>manga is all about trying to see past prejudices
While giving every character a nickname based on one of their most visible trait.
Get to the gym you fat cunt
Their nicknames are never used as an insult though. The setting treats it as if it was their actual names.
Don't be jealous that user can play with titties anytime he desires.
Very sad and interesting read, user - thank you!
One last question, though, is that exact pic posted in OP in the Galko manga? It looks like the same style, but I'm unsure
It's from the Galko author's twitter, an illustration of her and other goodies are going to be sold at their booth.
When they're too big for her to move under her own power.
Ah, I see, so there's no chance this pic will be released as part of the manga at any point? :(
Who are you to classfy their power? They have super strenght to carry their weapons around.
This, it's the only truth when it comes to 2D, if the artist can draw breasts of inhuman proportions and yet still make it look good, then it's alright.
Its never too big.
She is also a shotacon, a comic preview has her with a kid.
Things must stay (mostly) proportional. A big chest is befitting of a big girl.
Everyone is a shotacon in Galko.
Tio looks like a skeleton with chest cancer in most promo art though.
She does it by herself.
A little bigger than the head is a good size for an actual design, but if it's for B.E. purposes, then about mountain size.
This chart is a very good idea. God knows I go for hippos when I lose my restraint.
bigger than her head, better off dead
Jesus, if I lived in their world, I would have so many weird fetishes.
So beautiful.
Why wasn't my sister like this?
When the artist makes the head comically small.
>and some tummy flab too.
absolutely disgusting
I wonder how Suzuki Keniya came to know about her, was she popular in Japan or did Suzuki just google "women with humongous natural breasts" and just stumbled upon Chesty Morgan? I frankly didn't know she even existed before knowing there was a manga character partially based on her, and I have seen a shitload of porn before.
Kinda like that character from the classic big breasts manga series by Tooru Nishimaki called Blue Eyes has the biggest breasted girl in it being a carbon copy of another old porn actress from the eighties.
Pic related is the upper limit for me. Any bigger and it becomes seriously disgusting.
Its just a generic Raita girl
Breast expansion I cannot stand, I like my monsters being titty monsters from the start or naturaly developed to be like that.
Why don't pedoscum make their own threads more often? Scared that there won't many replies? There was a time lolifags reigned over Sup Forums, but after 2012 they just started to become a minority, they either went to prey on real little girls or finally got over this taste.
Are you new here? There's at least a dozen loli threads on Sup Forums every single day. Here's just some examples that are up right now:
Don't know why this was so hilarious to me.
I'm good with up to about this size.
>literally no fanart
this is the worst timeline
I don't know what that means. I don't know anything about anime. I just saw a tits thread on the front page.
They just keep getting bigger and more shapely.
She has the least consistent design I've ever seen.
The story is mostly told through Araragi's perspective.
Is she bigger than Kiss shot now?
Big tits fuckbuddy!
I'm starting to think this artist has a slight mole fetish.
>That ass will never sit on my face
>tittyfuck never
>That shade of saucer sized areola