>Daddy, I'm scared to go to school. I don't want to get shot and die. Why are people allowed to own AR15s?
What do?
>Daddy, I'm scared to go to school. I don't want to get shot and die. Why are people allowed to own AR15s?
What do?
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go to fuckin school roastie
hey cheer up, at least she's not in Sweden
Crack open another beer as she seeks out Tyrone for protection, and he takes her with his superior phallus.
>Homeschool your child
>No longer reliant on state-funded operations that allow shootings to occur
If I was an American student I'd always take a gun with me to school.
i would make her suck my dick
Get her a gun and send her to school.
fake, that chick is norweigan
Alright, I'll homeschool you and you'll only leave the house armed to the teeth from now on.
like $20 is really going to matter
Pack a handgun with her lunch and make her wear matching body armor/chastity belt combo.
>What do?
Take her to firearms training. Then target shooting at least once a month. Let her gain confidence and proficiency in hand gun use. If she’s still scared, give her a small pistol to carry in her purse at all times.
Fake. Old as fuck picture of Voe.
Homeschool. Problem solved.
Shut up you stupid bitch. Go learn to do something besides suck nigger dick on tv.
dont feral minorities do much more damage than guns anyway?
also what if, like, i dont know, criminals ignore the law?
>lets make crime illegal!
You're statistically more likely to die in a car crash driving TO school than getting shot at one. It wouldnt even be an issue at all if leftist faggots would allow teachers to be armed ,or atleast have armed security.
Isn't funny how facts trump emotions, Mr Lefty Fucktard?
Daddy, I don't want to go literally anywhere. What if I got hit by a truck of peace.
>ban all the cars
Sage goes in all fields.
>not homeschooling your kids
It's like you WANT to destroy western society
>implying I'd send my children to a nigger and spic infested SJW faggot factory and not a Catholic private school.
Do you even Deus Vult! user?
Teach her to shoot. And that cutie gets homeschooling by dad
Home school your kids.
thing is, these braindead libshits are a huge voting block, and the goons (cia, cops, etc) gotta pander to them, by kicking down YOUR door
i dont think there even is a non-criminal solution anymore, all of western world has to surrender its rights to the braindead liberal feelings
>>Daddy, I'm scared to go to school. I don't want to get shot and die
Ok, we got the range tomorrow, a walther PPK will suit you dear. It's EZ PC and you'll be able to defend yourself.
Bonus points: work against rapists too
Get her trained on firearms, marksmanship classes with range time after school, and a permit with her choice of rifles on her 16th birthday.
Don't be a dunce, bin those guns
Where are they going to get social interaction then?
>>Daddy, I'm scared to go to school.
Here's your first gun sweety, I'll teach You how to defend yourself. See You at the range in one hour.
>Why are people allowed to own AR15
Crime rate of niggers and spics, a white ethnostate would not need such protections.
Just don’t bully autists sweetie and yell at everyone who does :^)
Good thing you go to a 90% white school in a rural area devoid of degeneracy or nihilism.
Same place all kids do these days?
It's believable. That's fucked up
I don’t take political advice from minors.
>implying my kids won’t be homeschooled
"Oh, sweetie, you have a much higher chance of dying in a car crash on the way to school than anything at school."
>hand her a book on statistics and some numbers from CDC and DoJ
Cause public schools are run by faggot liberals. That's why it's a shit fest filled to the brim with inefficiency and bullying -- and hardly any learning is done. Your teachers are overpaid but they'll never let you make that argument even though they work 9 months out of a year and expect everyone to believe they deserve a whole years salary. They never want to talk about their FAT BLOATED pensions after only working 20 years and want the rest of their lives paid for them. When you consider their pensions and benefits, they make over 100K a year just to photocopy worksheets from workbooks and give out busy work.
Homeschool. Teach her to defend herself.
Here, take mine with you!
That's because you're a brainwashed cunt that believes in overhyped meme-level "journalism" that exploits rare events and turns them into a fictional epidemic.
Deport yourself and your daughter before we do it for you.
>What do?
Pic related
All of these school shootings have been at public schools, and I would never send my son or daughter to a public school. Public schools are garbage.
>Daddy, I'm afraid to go outside. I do not want to be crushed and die. Why are people allowed to own trucks?
What do ?
>hello my daughter. Gun control will definetly keep you safe. Pack your things we are moving to Chicago
this will never happend as my sons and daugthers will be raised in comfy and safe japan
Buy her a truck
You shouldn't have your kids in communist indoctrination centers anyways.
Fuck off you bigoted nazi piece of shit. You should know by now that people don't kill people, guns do. To finally eradicate the American school shooting problem once and for all we must make civilian ownership of literal killing machines illegal.
Abandon the family
If you had guns, would you still be the rape capital of the world?
I guess no.
>I guess so
Leave based Karen out of this please desu
This so much, when will those rural and suburban retards learn what's needed to defend themselves against their fellow wh*toid m*le? Violence is never the answer, but burgers will never understand that since they're all a bunch of low IQ brainlets. Gun control now!
tell her that if she breeds with niggers I'll personally gun them all down and that that means that niggers are the root problem. in all fields
What do you think the bulletproof vest is for sweetie? No excuses now
It's already time to marry her off
Stop spamming shitty bait threads. You got your ass handed to you in the last one and just jumped ship. You have no argument other than "Bu-bu-muh fee-fees! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" At this point you should just cut off your shriveled stump of a penis while gargling jew semen. The law is against you. The facts are against you. Spamming shill threads won't change anything, faggot.
My daughter wouldn't ask me this because she'd be too busy at the range with me to worry about it.
Cars-Made to go to places, could be used as a weapon
Guns-Made to shoot things, only productive when it's used to kill or disable something.
Hmmmmm, really gets the cpu working up, eh?
>You're far more likely to die in a car accident or medical malpractice, sweetie.
>Its OK that three times more people are killed by car accidents each year than murdered by firearms because convenience
Schools aren't safe due to so much diversity
Get rid of school tax now, use gun tax to educate nigs
>Its OK that three times more people are killed by car accidents each year than murdered by firearms because convenience
Wow, no source, how compelling.
That aside, what do you think of Australia? snopes.com
Here ya go buddy
>2016 data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[
>Firearm homicides Number of deaths: 11,008
>Rifles used in only 374 homicides
Meanwhile vehicles killed over 34k people. How many of those were kids you think? We should ban cars. We would save more precious more young lives that way instead of campaigning against rifles. Don't even get me started on medical malpractice which kills over 200,000 per year.