I understand that high school kids feel like potential turkeys at a turkey shoot, but they could also ruin the US constitution of 231 years and counting and the oldest in the world if they misguidedly demand the repeal of the right to muh guns. How do we red pill them before they fuck up America?
How do we Red Pill the high school students who want to take away our 2nd Amendment
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It's a good things High Schoolers can't change the constitution.
>we must somehow quash legitimate fears of survivors
Eat a dick, nigger
Most of the loud ones are spics and jews. Niggers don't really attend school, or keep their gun murders to the streets.
There is no reaching them.
Is this a bot response?
2nd amendment isnt going away because of school shootings.
They will continue to think that the 2nd amendment is killing them until some actual security is implemented at schools, then they will look like retards for stirring up so much animosity towards the 2nd amendment.
The views they're expressing are knee jerk reactions. Then again, it's Florida were talking about here, the state with all the cons about the south but none of the pros. The only thing keeping that state red are the retirees.
>Feel like potential turkey at a turkey shoot
Maybe if they were allowed to own guns they could protect themselves, dipshit.
>european flag
fuck off schlomo
We aren't going to convert them, /ourguy/ here realized that. Lets face it, with the white race being breed out of the majority, its inevitable this was going to happen, and keep happening.
Meme the 420 walkout as a celebration of Hitler's Birthday. We got them to disavow Pepe, the OK sign, and fucking milk. Let's ruin this one too
Take them out to the range and let them shoot. Even if you have to let them use one of your funs -like you don't have a decent 9mm or .38 snub that you consider boring. After they bust their cherry bring them back and let them play with a shotgun. You may have to pay for the ammunition at first but range ammo is pretty cheap. Every nogunz I've done this with has ended up getting an F.I.D. and a firearm,usually a Maverick cuz cheap and easy-also a shotty with #4 buck can be justified for home defense so they feel better about it but have also made some converts.
can we just ban guns from schools? That way everyone is happy
Getting the entire feminist cunt movement behind them and they can.
>Rainbow wedding cake.
Top kek! thank you for the laugh!
what ever happened to every kid bringing a can to school to throw at the designated shooter if they start popping off? bet those kids wish they had them
The kids shilling from Florida are all rich kikes. You can't change their mind. That is why they were expelled from 109 countries.
>forcing someone to give up their rights is good
This person just quoted two ways in which liberals want to force people to lose their rights and said they were both good. THE ABSOLUTE STATE of liberal jews.
B&E simulator ranging in difficulty from Montana to California. Harder difficulty means slower police response time and less firearm options, if any.
Another thing they fail to realize is that voter registration records can be accessed by the public. This means that, if they ever try to do a gun grab, lefty voters will be found and targeted, regardless of whether they actually voted for those measures or not. This would put all lefty voters in serious danger immediately. They are not thinking this through at all.
By forcing them into a situation where they believe their life is going to end if they do not defend themselves, and the see if the feel regret for not having a means of defending themself?
Liberals are under the impression that planet earth is this happy go luck place full of sunshine and rainbows, but in reality this planet is fucking hell. They simply need their bubble popped in the form of a reality check.
Just go full circle and make signs saying "shooting up schools i the price of freedom, deal with it"
Stop trying to befriend the enemy. Push it so far until they either quit the country or secede. Evil must not be tolerated inside the borders. Coexistence is just catering to the lowest common denominator.