Based Jews
Based Jews
Polish prime minister compared Jews who got murdered to Poles who helped the Nazis.
Pooland is done.
Good. Fuck poland for being anti semitic.
Perhaps that is true, but I'll rest easy tonight knowing I can draw a proper fucking swastika at the very least. Can you say the name Shlomo?
Same. Derp, I dun goofed right there. You get the point though, that shit's retarded.
Why is it that these people cannot draw a swastika? They spend a lifetime clucking about muh holocaust, and yet can't even properly create the primary symbol of their imagined enemy. Lame.
are polish people afraid of spiders?
>Jews are physically incapable of drawing an actual swastika
And it's so easy to tell this was done by some 70 IQ mizrahi shitskin
Based Israelis.
Poles are subhumans and should be opposed by all white men.
>those swasticas
Jews have exclusive generic diseases from extreme inbreeding. Look it up. Genetic diseases EXCLUSIVE to jews.
"Accept the holocaust or die" is israels foreign policy
yes dude, nobody questions that jews did it, its not even a false flag
>He thinks Poles give a shit about you filthy parasites feelings
>polish embassy in israel
>graffiti is not in polish or kike
what did they mean by this?
You guys really suck at banter and can't meme for shit. Nor can you draw a swastika. The absolute state of Israel, fuck me...
Go be a parasite somewhere else, mizrahi monkey. Your people are about as useful and contribute just as much as your average Palestinian
whats india have to do with all this?
Poland thinks it can pick a fight with international Jewry in this day and age and win.
Literally every fucking time....
It can, and will.
No one will do shit in this pussy nuke neutered world, plus the US is heavily invested in Poland as a military ally
it's not even hard to draw...
Why are they so fucking dumb?
jews must be getting more and more inbred.
what a ugly bunch of goblins
I often fuck up the swastika too desu
are they really this stupid or is there some talmudic shit that keeps them from making the symbol correctly the way they wouldn't mark an "x" on ellis island because it looked too much like a cross?
What the fuck
>Making a post of this quality
it is an average leafpost
The latter, plus an absolute pathological fear of the symbol on a spiritual level.
Did you ever try drawing one as a kid to "rebel" right after one of their mandatory fear sessions? I have a couple childhood memories of it being scary to draw because they'd instilled the fear in me earlier that day. The way the pure symbols of our culture have been erased and hidden is a tragic crime.
whiter than you muhammad
The Trips of Truth Speak!
Its solely why I'm posting here,
has anyone seen my sides?
I've lost them.
>kike posting bollocks
Shoot him.
Shoot him before its too late.
No jew is white. Your just a crytpto freak, a degenerate tool to subvert God's design.
Literally one week after he got there
It's not true kike
It's shopped to make us look stupid
Poles and kikes are unironically the same people desu
What? Who is us? I'm posting examples of jews ruining things
The right article is fake.
I find it very hard to believe you don't know this seeing as I was in the fucking thread posting it was fake along with 10 other posters.
>who is us
sane human beings
wife and kids too, no OY VEY REMEMBER
What thread? I've seen it posted many times, no one said or proved bit was fake. Why are you defending jews?
> jews posting mutt memes
the jew is the original shit kicking mutt
>I am born. Must find an "ocean"?
>I am here. Must subvert my host country
Wish I could find that cartoon
>defending jews
How many fucking times do I need to say it's fake.
Look up the article.
Maybe actually check sources before you post shit. It makes us look like idiots
Your entire race literally goes to a place, racemixes it up to look like the locals, and then says "Hello fellow countrymen, we should fuck men and hate god and destroy our nation"
You have no race or culture, just petty vile hatred and weakness. Your a leech.
kill those fucking kikes before they fuck your country up.
all it takes is one guy with a baseball bat to save your entire country's future KILL THAT FUCKING JEW
that spastsika lmao
nothing cracks me up like those
ooga booga
bix nood
>those "Swaztikas"
You have to be a special sort of retard to not know how to draw a swastika. It's almost as if (((someone))) intentionally fucked it up to make nazis look stupid.
Nah, nobody would ever do something like that.
what the fuck dude?
I wish the average israel was as good at shitposting their abroad brethren.
Its literally two Z's inverted over eachother how can you fuck it up
>Jews call for white genocide in white countries
>act like Poland is now genociding them
The weak will be purged.
>the pure symbols of our culture
you realise it was just copied from Hindus and Buddhists
whats wrong with anti-semitism
fugg man, we're nazis n shieet.
The true le 56%. But 56% of what is tge question
Protest graffiti is always retarded, no matter what you're protesting against
I kind of agree with the Pols and their law, except for the prison part, but it wasn't like the Pols wanted to be occupied by the Germans and have death camps put on their soil. In grade school, a polish-american korean war vet came to our school and talked about growing up in occupied Poland. His family wasn't gassed and outright shot, but it didn't seem like the Germans thought very highly of the Poles. As yourself, how many concentration/extermination camps were there in Poland before WW2? If someone forces you out of your house under the threat of death, are you liable for the evil shit that is done at your house while you were away?
What's the obsession of jews with polishing things?
It's fucking laughable at this point
Stand with Israel!
Based israelis log onto Sup Forums and share their epic ftw pictures of them bbq'ing food while starving palestinians stand around. Another propaganda coup
You know what? You're right. I think Israel should follow the shining example of Western countries and open up their borders for refugees as well.
>The kike shows his true colors.
Not even remotely shocked. These fucking greedy sand monkeys act like Poland just bombed them or something. I just want America to wake up already.
The second image is false. There's no article on any Icelandic news service that I can find.
Kek kys
the holocaust never happened!
haha jk (even though it didn't). i'm just a burger here on business and my #1 takeaway is that jewish women love my black dick. fucked 3 girls and i've only been here since friday. too bad i'm about fly out
oy vey its like anudda shoah
But Europeans love Muslims. So it's a win-win if we give them all to you.
This is your work.
You're conquered mutt and there is nothing you can do about it. You can't turn the clock back with millions of refugees flooding all of europe. It's even more ironic that you mutts are part of cucking of wuropeans and don't realize it.
No. Jews are forcing refugees into Europe.
the jew cries out NAZI as he attempts to genocide you
But most whites want refugees. All polls show it.
Look at how many whites are against multiculturalism. So we are actually doing you a favor. /po/ doesn't represent real life.
Kamerad Kamerad
Alle Mädels müssen warten!
Kamerad Kamerad
Unsere Sturzkampfbomber starten
Kamerad Kamerad
Es lautet der Befehl
Ran an den Feind
Ran an den Feind
Bomben auf Israel
Fuckin' Greece, LOL
why are you spamming the same pic kike?
Congrats based brotha. Did you find them on tinder? Do jewish women love choking on BBC?
I'm finna take a trip down to the holy land, give these bitches a holy dicking
I always noticed that the less white a country is, the less cucked they are. That's why Greece and Italy hate multiculturalism the most. They are the least white.
Even in Israel, most people on average have the same shade of skin as italians or greeks. But go to any pro lefty or pro-refugee protest and it's always full of the pastiest people you can imagine. Most of them blond and ginger. The only exception is niggerish white people like Russians who also hate refugees.
Polands gdp per capita is actually 30k