Kek was found on Easter Island!

A frog deity (Kek) from Easter island was used to frighten of Devils therefore safeguard the people from evil.

This is probably how he got there. Around the year 232 B.C., Captain Rata and Navigator Maui set out with a flotilla of ships from Egypt in an attempt to circumnavigate the Earth. The Maui expedition was under the guidance of Eratosthenes, the great scientist who was also the chief librarian of the library at Alexandria. Could this voyage have demonstrated Eratosthenes' theorem that the world was round, and measured approximately 24,500 miles in circumference.

This Egyptian connection in Easter Island is evidence that an Egyption expedition did enter the pacific more than 2000 years ago, this expedition was shortly after The death of Alexander the Great when his land was split up between his generals, Ptolemy was awarded Egypt and for 300 years Ptolemies ruled over the Greek/Egyptian people.

The Library at Alexandria was in Egypt at this time and said to contain 700,000 scrolls from the ancient world. Through this library one of the Ptolemy kings used the information to draw a world map from sources unknown earlier on. This map was to help the expedition to navigate around the earth.

Aristotle the teacher of Alexander the Great also had the theory the earth was a sphere, stating "The shadow of Earth on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is round" How could the earth be flat if the shadow was curved… Flat earthers BTFO by Aristotle 2300 years ago.

Further evidence is the pacific people oral history of Maui, In Maori Maui was said to have fished up the north island.. etc Also physical evidence on the Rongo Rongo writing glyphs on Easter island a now extinct language has a 5 pointed Egyptian hieroglyph.

Other urls found in this thread: & Thor/Bes&Taranis.htm Island/Easter Island 1.htm



double trips. Impressive. Kek confirmed.

checked for KEK


Go back to the_donald faggot

Point emerging, probably entering.


Cool post, thanks op. Refreshing!


>700,000 scrolls from the ancient world
Vatican has them and they all of them need to be grated to death by cheese graters for keeping the knowledge from us
yes, grated to death



What I find funny about all the Kek worship is that his will is being served right now. This nation is now engulfed in chaos.


Kek is the bringer of light. Out of chaos only truth can emerge. The light of truth.







Trips of truth. Interdasting indeed.






Q predicted this.




Yeah you like that, idiot.

>lol it's our frog god kek! xDDDD


>meme flag



>pointing at the fucking icon next to my post to distract from me calling out idolatry and false deity worshipping

>meme flag
>still pretending he isn't an israeli shill

whoa dude, really got me!

Here's something for you to idolize.

Praise KeK!!!!!


He was Puca in Old English, Puki in Old Norse, Puke in Swedish, Puge in Danish, Puks in Low German, Pukis in Latvian and Lithuanian. The pre-Christian Greeks represented him as a pipe playing, fun loving, mischievous little dwarf-sator god, associated with fertility. Whether Pan of Greece or Puck of Britain (also known as Robin Goodfellow), he retained many attributes of the dwarf god Bes from Egypt. In Egypt he protected mothers and children from snakes, scorpions and lions and was often depicted as holding a snake in his left hand and a short sword cleaver in his raised right hand. Some European portrayals of Puck show the snake in the left hand. Much later the Roman Christians denounced the all-too-popular little Greek sator-shepherd god and represented him as the devil (Satan), thus destroying the adoration and high esteem formerly vested in him by the common people. & Thor/Bes&Taranis.htm

> commie
> talking about idolatry
> talking about false deity worshipping

>tfw you've ridden on a horse around Easter Island.
Magnificent place, AMA.

>pipe playing, fun loving, mischievous little dwarf-sator god, associated with fertility.

>false deity worshipping

>Telling others to go back to plebbit
>Using a commie memeflag aa



Will I ever get a nice gf?


delusional meme worshipping retards


Some holy stones

Fuck yourself, humorless turdmuncher.


Found this


Delusional commie shitstabber.

What do you mean "found"?

They let you take that?


Most of the statues and buildings are destroyed, so stuff is scattered all over the island. Look closely at the picture.

I sailed :)

'found' lol
good to see the Norwegian viking raiding spirit still lives on

communion wafers aren't tendies

one job

It was part of a mound around my campsite, the stupid polynesians hacked up statues and temples to build stonehouses because there's almost no trees on the island. I'm preserving it. It was only after Heyerdahl came that they began to raise the Moai again.

You sailed there? I too have a sailing yacht, how was it getting in and out with the regulations and such? Island/Easter Island 1.htm

Aka thoth


Our lord is here

You sailed there
You retrieved some treasure
You are Norwegian.

I'm carving a runestone and writing a saga right now. What do you want your viking name to be?

Notice everyone had large noses?

t. White nationalist with large nose who doesn't want to be gassed on the dotr.

Hope you at least have a tender. The seas are very rough and it was very hard getting in even with a small boat. It's part of Chile, so you have to seek permission. The worst part is getting there without stopping by Galapagos, which has very strict regulations, so good luck 40 days at sea.

Is that not what would necessarily be required to take back from those who have stolen from/oppressed you?

They wont very well just lie down and let you leave without a fight; without chaos.

Digits confirm kek is with us
Faggot, kek got us Trump or are you blind to magic

Yeah I've got a tender and a boat that I can go anywhere I want with. It's the permission to get there that's a pain.

devils eternally btfo

Where would you sail from? Maybe north from Hawaii and south towards the Marquesas? You can't enter Galapagos waters, so this will be the easiest and best route. Also the most scenic.

How far must the Antithekira mechanism have taken the ancient Greeks?
And they knew the earth was round to make it.


It's just a stupid bird. I'm sure it's not old too.

From Seattle. Wife would want to go to Bora Bora actually, would probably go that route.

If you go then, i recommend you to enter through Anakena beach.

That looks easy. I'm in the Puget Sound, we have really trick sailing conditions here, it'll be a piece of cake if I ever make it there. I'm used to some of the most powerful rip tides in the world and fickle, capricious wind and waves.

requesting easter island head wojaks

Double trips. Fucking. Witnessed.

I think we'll let the experts make that determination, thief.

>frighten off Devils

Ever notice there's no Jews on Easter Island? Hmmmm, what was Kek really protecting against?

Also holy shit trips.



>The Library at Alexandria was in Egypt at this time and said to contain 700,000 scrolls from the ancient world.

I don't think it's hard at all to imagine how far we have fallen when you consider what we know happened to the ancient and the modern world. IMAGINE ALL THE DAMAGE THE SECRET APOSTATE ORDERS HAVE DONE TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF WORLD HISTORY. I hate kikes and this world they created so much.

Bumping because this is a good thread and may KEK's light guard us from the coming scourge of paid shills and schizo kikes.
Another Connection with Egypt and the Pacific can be seen in the Egyptian Dwarf god Bes. Tikis are very similar Tongue sticking out and short in stature.
Bes (Bisu, Aha) was an ancient Egyptian dwarf god. He was a complex being who was both a deity and a demonic fighter. He was a god of war, yet he was also a patron of childbirth and the home, and was associated with sexuality, humour, music and dancing. Although he began as a protector of the pharaoh, he became very popular with every day Egyptian people because he protected women and children above all others.


O mighty Kek. Gas the kikes

Our Kek who art in memetics
Hallowed by thy memes
Thy Trumpdom come
Thy will be done
In real life as it is on Sup Forums
Give us this day our sacred bread
And forgive us of our baiting
As we forgive those who bait against us
And lead us not into cuckoldry
But deliver us from shills
For thine is the memetic kingdom, and the shitposting, and the winning, for ever and ever.
Praise KEK

Stop this Idolatry.