Boku no Hero Academia

Will stainlets ever recover?

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lol stainfags thought stain was gonna kill them all



>one (1) punch


Why is the writer for illegals so bad

t. stainfag

There are Grapefags?

>doesn't include whiners about le pacing

0/10 biased bullshit

> you'll never fuck Toshi's depression away
> you'll never fondle buff Might's chest
Why go on living

Reminder that Grapechad will have a loving relationship with Mt. Lady and Midnight, not that loser autismomo

I haven't liked illegals since the 4th chapter

Is there any sales data for Vigilantes? Has there even been a volume release yet?

Mt. Lady is for Woodboi you scrub.

Mt. Lady is for Grapechad only


Yeah, but even after passing OFA on he still had the power to shift into AM mode and had Nighteye's prediction that he'd die during a battle against a villain (and probably assumed that he'd die as AM fighting them), so that's what was his "planned" future, not getting a dog to spend twilight years.

This will trigger a change, this is not the Stain we know, the Stain we know would never call Crawler evil

Dunno, after they wanted us to feel bad for a rapist I stopped caring, that was a cheap move, I was hoping for a character similar to Kongou Banchou.

grape is afraid of mt. lady

>Be shouto
>Expel your every class because you are too lazy shit to actually teach them anything
>Most of them turn into villains

Jirou is a pretty cool girl



Anyone got that image of Grown up Midoriya next to old All Might?

>Villains are villains
>Pro heroes are mostly pro attention whores and nothing else
>Vigilantes are illegal/attention whores as well
>Stain has the right idea but shit execution of it.

Anyone can try to translate? Knowing context can help guessing what will happen next

Could they have beaten Stain? Could Deku's fat mom beat Stain?

Aizawa certainly knows what he's doing, so obviously all 154 kids deserved it.

>Be Aizawa
>Expel 154 students because they are "shit" and "weak" heroes.
>Get stabbed


In Vigilante chapter 6+ we learn that it takes place after All Might and Sir Nighteye had their falling out, which according to the wiki was about 6 years before the events of the story.

All Might with no teaching experience and a shitty self-guide book is a better teacher than Jobberzawa.

This one?

>Could Deku's fat mom beat Stain?
probably, she could just float him into a prison.

> 154 students he didn't saw as heroes
> but goddamn Mineta

No, I think they are bumping fists in the one I'm thinking of.

Stain vs Aizawa: who loses?

All Might without blonde hair feels so wrong

> all the little stick-its marking important pages
He really wants to do a good job...

AIZAWA SHOUTA- He can erase your quirk! (and career)

Aizawa since stain can just cut him up.

That's because All-Might actually tries and he wants what is best for his student. Aizawa looks for any excuse to give up on students, then sits back and pretends to teach while his student improve on their own without his help.

>Mineta is better than all of these since he wasn't expelled

Mineta defeated Midnight. Aizawa knows he just needs a little push.

Was it by the same artist I posted or another style? Because the only art with older Deku and AM is the one I got like this, and a fistbump between teen Toshi and teen Deku.

Ah yes, Aizawa's only weakness, sharp things.

We need to make a list of characters that can beat shitstain.

>beats the crap out of enhanced Quirk users with nothing but analysis, fisticuffs, and regular brass knuckles, not even any potentially useful gadgets
>regular combat training is enough to let him keep up with a high tier professional hero (who believed he was a villain and was attempting to beat him)
>absolutely blows Stain the fuck out
Meanwhile, Deku did nothing but whine until he was promised a Quirk. Why do we consider him a good protagonist again?

The Best

Stain was a vigilante before, but he wasn't really Stain back then

>That fucking face on Deku

Not for long

Fair enough, especially since Mineta isn't a complete idiot, he gets good grades and all. But I think maybe his next internship should be with Best Jeanist to iron out his leecherousness before it fucks him over. One slut villain and he's done for.

They both have quirks that are useless against each other (Stain and Aizawa can still fight properly even without the use of their quirk) but I think I'll go with Aizawa.
Stain is a huge shitter as evidenced by the Illegals chapter, losing to a literally quirkless old geezer. You could make an argument that he got more skilled as time passed, but he STILL got blown out by scrubs without hero licenses, literally 15 year olds.

He's just some faggot with a weak quirk that only goes for small prey and can't stand up to actual heroes.

Because Deku was handed an out before he could come up with one for himself.

Stain can beast most characters in a 1v1

He won with aizawa only because his quirk was to remove quirks which knuckleduster never had to begin with

>One slut villain
I can't wait for that. I really like Mineta, i find his pervert stuff funny.

Just no over 50 years old it seems.

Don't tell me that Knucleduster is the one who took his nose off

>not frogfags
>not minafags
Make you poll again you shitface

It was his mother's fault. Had she said "Yeah, you can become a hero, just work hard!" you can bet your fucking ass he'd be on the path to nuckledu before he met All Might. Easily sporting 20% by now.

He did lose to 3 students that were attacking him at the same time, while he was holding back, come on, Stain could have killed Shiggy back then if he wanted, Stain can beat Aizawa if it's a 1v1, it may be hard, but he is probably going to do it.

Wow Hoshi sensei, didn't know your English is that good.

More like, the shattering of the mask damaged it beyond repair and Stain just decided to take it off completely.

Yep. broke his glass mask on his face.

He was still shown as on par with Aizawa physically, and wasn't caught by his bandage things, which Eraserhead has used to easily defeat villains even without his Quirk in play.

How many years was he a teacher in order to get to fucking 154 expulsions?
Assuming there is a maximum of 20 students per class, he would have to at minimum 8 years in order to expel that many, and he's only 30 years old. And somehow he still has a job despite several years in a row where he just got rid of everyone for dumb reasons.

He wore a glass mask, what the FUCK did he expect to happen? Get a proper fucking helmet kids, safety first kids!

Probably not.

To be fair with Shigaraki, he was still recovering from being shot two times

Deku was a 14 yo bullyied kiddo you dumbass
Still knuckleduster a best

Ochako will always be there for Deku

Current Stain, Stendhal looks naive, and he did attack again and did hurt Kduster's hands, and we still don't have a translation to know why Stendhal did leave.

I'm using google translate!

By the way, Bakuchaco will happen.

>got rejected from college
>gets injured in a conflict of great significance to him
>goes to prison for his extreme beliefs and rebellion against the system
>his imprisonment causes great societal change
>not particularly a strong fighter
Stain is Hitler.

Truly the best flavor

Or he teached for nine years and only kept the most promising three.
OR they fill his classes up with Common Study students like Shinsou, who he also expelled.

>Stain literally gets Gut's treatment

Iida is the only hero in this series smart enough to wear a proper helmet and armored protection.

So will Todoroki and Iida.

Dang Stain had good hair.

4 times, one in each limb, wasn't it?

Don't care for the kiddies, as long as Toshi survives.

>got rejected from college
he dropped out willingly

So was the first Ingenium, but he still got crippled by Coldsteel.

Autism Trio is best trio. Hopefully Hori lets them do more stuff together soon.

Yup. Stain slashed his face but his helmet protected him.

Which is especially funny considering that his quirk is going fast, excess weight would be bad for that.
However, RR and TetsuTetsu don't need armor, nor heroes who have more ranged attacks like Mic.

one day she will confess

Yeah actually, just reread chapter 21 and he did get shot in each one of his limbs
Poor Shiggy

How will Hori redeem this shitter?

Bakusquad BTFO

> dark mysterious bishounen Stain before
Good lord

Where is this from?


not in the same way
she will be his shoulder to cry into, the one he seeks for comfort, the person he will always be able to count on to love him

He gets Kittan whitewashing treatment

so do those things replace her ears or not and if yes how does she hear

>over 200 votes

Nice reddit proxy.