Walk in on your underage kid about to fugg

>walk in on your underage kid about to fugg
>"Whoops, I'll leave you two alone"
What the fuck, is this the normal reaction?

Do you expect her to stay and watch?

I don't see the issue so long as you taught them about safe sex.

your parents don't want you to reproduce???????

No, I expect her to join in.

Yes, obviously mom should stay in the room to make sure they use proper technique to maximize the chance fertilization and pregnancy. She want grand kids, after all.

The mom is kind of cute

Yes, believe it or not people don't stand in place, drop something then scream. That's what attention whores trying to exploit "purity" as a fashion statement do, and they should be dragged onto the streets and stoned.

You don't understand parenting at all, do you? She was clearly watching the doorframe to notice if the light in the room was turned off. Seeing that sign, she came in knowing that the event would place a cockblock on their relationship. There wasn't any further reaction needed. Now, every time her son's eyes meet hers, a powerful spell is cast that binds his actions.

Why wouldn't it be?

Pretty much, why would you want to cock block your own family?

both moms knew their kids were likely to fuck, her mom gave her condoms

America please, not everyone is braindead or trying to prevent their children from having fun.
Back when I was 15 my mother started putting condoms in my bag.

If it's your son.
If it's your daughter then a different reaction will occur. Also depends on which parent.

It depends on individuals.

Welcome to the 21st century.

Her mom was all for it too, from what I remember.

Unless you're northern European then you invite men into your home knowing full well what's going to happen. Even let her have a lock on her door.

Mom literally offered the girl birth control. On the spot.

my dad nearly caught me when I was about 15, but it wouldn't matter. i'm sure if he heard something, he would just turn around and not interrupt.

mom would've beat my ass.

Kek, if my father thought about that back when I let male friends in the house, he certainly didn't seem to mind.
grll btw

>walked in on my sister and her bf about to fuck
>"oh shit. My bad." And close the door
>tfw she thanked me for walking in when I did because she told me she was scared and out pressured into it
It happens. Fortunately it will never happen to me.

She wanted her first time to be with you.

They grilled you? Ahahaha he must've known you were in the closet.


Oh, just finished Kamichu! Comfy that was, anyhow I'm not going to derail the thread.

What's the context? Are they young?
All I know is sons get more leeway.
You'd have to be some dipshit "modern" parent to actively encourage that.
Get a job and get your own place then you can fuck whenever you want.

Now that you mention it, I've been suspecting my father thinks I'm a lesbian. Not that he ever said it out loud. Still, this would explain that.

>Appeal to Novelty

I'm starting to believe that all women are lesbians. Here me out right, I was watching an episode of Friends (I'm obliged to since I recd someone Kubrick, I'm not a queen don't worry) and one of the things that I noticed was that whenever one of the girls were upset the other two would start leaning onto them and rub them as if they were cleaning a vase, so what I thought is that these women are all getting off on it right - there's Monica whose like lesbian but she doesn't know it so she jerks Rachel's knees whilst Penelope strokes her arms rapidly, focusing her eyes on the susceptible area so she's obviously getting those funny thoughts. And this isn't like a one-off thing either they do this all the time, they're proper having a go at it and all, anyhow to cut to the chase I've been noticing since that girls always seem to touch each-other like crazy and as we all know people are never as they are on the surface, which leads me to this conclusion; these women are all getting off on each-other but passing it off as sympathy so they have a license to grope each-other, frothing on the inside and perverted in thought, bunch of twisted sickos if you ask me. On the other hand guys are way more... well, not really physical. If a guy tried to rub my arm or something I'd probably squeal out of surprise and smack 'em in the gob. It'd really freak me out to be honest yet girls do this continuously so it would seem, so they're clearly getting some sort of bizarre sexual pleasure out of it. I mean you don't just altruistically touch someone, that's just silly really.

Also Kamichu was super comfy, don't know what anime to watch next, probably Ga-Rei Zero.

I don't care if you really are a girl or a roleplaying neckbeard, but no one needs your "im gril btw" shitposting.

>I mean you don't just altruistically touch someone, that's just silly really
user please, some people do. Hell just the other day I had to back off because I forgot someone I was talking to didn't like to be touched. I didn't really mean anything by it though, I just did it spontaneously.

Maybe you're right and every girl is a lesbian, who knows. I've been thinking more than once that if men indeed left the women in caves while they were out for months chasing mammoth then surely lewd things must have happened in those caves.
Still where I come from this amount of physical contact between girls is normal. Hetero guys touch one another too, though it's more the shoulder, the cheek, and hugs. Those can be really lewd when mixed with tender stares and I witnessed those more than once but I never doubted the sexuality of these guys because of it. Even though I'm a filthy fujo.

It shows that I know I'm not supposed to out myself like that and that I'm only doing it for the sake of having a meaningful conversation.

>Hetero guys touch one another too, though it's more the shoulder, the cheek, and hugs
>guys touch each others cheeks

They're french heteros. That's just how it is.

Now that you think about it I do sorta see where you're getting at. I've kinda repressed memories of someone squeezing my backside and the numerous time I've been tickled against my protests, traumatic at the very least. Usually guys are really obvious about it though - either they ironically touch you and beg for hugs or they hang around with the "ladies" and talk in a lispy voice, generally making polava about Mean Girls and Orange is the New Black. Then there are some gay people who are more shy, though you can tell when they start shaking the second you get in their radius, don't know if its like that with girls. Geez all these memories are flooding back to me now, really weird.

Did you watch Hetalia by the way? Every single female anime fan I've met loves it, and admittedly I liked it too. Not that I'm gay but I do appreciate male aesthetics and there are times where I can't help but feel kinda, well, you know about a guy.

>hugs too
They're puffs

>Did you watch Hetalia by the way?
I watched a few episodes yes but I'm not that invested. It's alright I guess. Still I'm really glad I watched it if only for the god tier doujins.
It's not really anything to be ashamed of watching though. Sure everyone sees it as fujobait but really it's just comedy.

>Then there are some gay people who are more shy, though you can tell when they start shaking the second you get in their radius, don't know if its like that with girls
Never noticed that, but then again I kinda suck at those things. Maybe it's just me.

Not the user you're talking to, but your Hetalia comment is spot-on. There was an all-girl circle of nerds at my high school who absolutely loved Hetalia and shared fanfiction every day at lunch. I was the first boy to ever talk to them, and they strongly recommended I read the manga and join them. I had never smoked the anime before, so I passed. They were always brushing up against me and asking me personal questions. One of them liked to come to school cosplaying in sailorfuku. She was Asian, in shape, and orthodox cute except for the cystic acne that I really didn't mind at all. She gave me a drawing of a Pokémon for my birthday. It's still on my wall.
But yeah, girls love Hetalia.

Yeah, that's a normal reaction and what the fuck is going on in this thread?

That happened to me once but instead of her mother was her schizophrenic brother.
That kills the boner.

Japan NEEDS babies

This anime seems to attract blogposters of the worst kind.

They are not all lesbians. In fact, it is likely the opposite. History has far less lesbian women than gay men. Lesbianism is more of a modern convention, and I that I'm convinced it's more of a social aspect than anything else.

Women tend to be more malleable in their sexuality, and I believe this may stem from early evolution where the head male of a tribe had a harem and women needed to get along with each other, even sexually.

No thanks.
We don't get along on that level user. I'm just her older brother, and I saved her that one time.

This show makes me feel even worse about not being a normalfag

>sitting alone at night feeling sad cause I'll never find love cause I'm a fucking autist
>while watching a show about normalfags finding love

god fucking lord damnit


tfw those condom was you're dad's, she gives them to you cause their marriage is dead

Haha nah no way, my mother had those condoms for free, they were gifts from medical equipment companies to a liberal midwife. And I know for a fact my father has been impotent for +20 years.

I mean, have you seen Japan's birth rate? This woman is a patriot!

She'd be a true patriot if she joined.

This user has a point.

I doubt she has any fertile eggs left in her ovaries.

We're in orbit.

The only time it's abnormal is when a dad walks in on you dicking or getting ready to dick his princess.

Then you learn how fast you can run while pulling your pants up.


My mom's basically like that.
Parents want their kids to get married and have babies. Sex is a step in that somewhere.

My mom doesn't even acknowledge sex.
>don't bring girls into your room, user
>uhhh because...

My mom used to wash my cumstained sheets and try to tell me to masturbate differently.

Really? When I was growing up my parents both told me to tell them if I was bringing someone home so they could get the fuck out of the house.

When you live in a literal Christian conservative 3rd world cunt, it's nothing new.
Pretty much why we're overpopulated in the first place.

>Not artificially inseminating your favotite anime girl



You get to kill druggies and have a small scale civil war to oust muzzies, I'm almost jealous.

You guys are overpopulated? That's news to me.
Didn't know you guys were kind of biggots either. But then again I should have guessed, a distant cousin of mine is married to a finnish guy, and they have like 5 kids.

depends on your mom i'd imagine
moms were teenagers too, remember

user, please.

It's really a joke at this point.
>propose bill that gives access to sex ed, contraceptions, fertility control, etc.
>b-but muh Christian values!
>now currently 100mil

Contraceptions and fertility control is unironically half of what caused/causes the decline you're seeing in first world countries these days.

>friend was about to have sex with bf
>his dad comes home and walks in on them right before they start
>doesn't get mad but instead offers to buy them condoms & lube

There are cool parents like that. I lost my fucking sides at her smug ass voice though.

>older brother
>saved her
Dude you're a fucking anime main character.

She will be punished by Abe later

Lacking in assertiveness leads to bad ends. She's lucky to have you and your "bad" timing.

I'd be disowned outright for it.

I don't know that feel, I like the show its nice and heartwarming.
Couldn't care less about an actual relationship have no interest in it.

Kinda. My mom drove me to a "friends" which was actually a 22 year old girl when i was around 17 and just encouraged me to practice safe sex if i did anything.

Its the opposite if its a girl most likely but as a guy your parents in my experience with myself and friends are much less give a fuck.

its normal in Japan

they need to have the people fucking to raise the birth rate

>rescued her from another man

If you don't fuck her I'm going to fuck you.

Why would you have to get dragged out to the street to get stoned? Sounds like a weird way to get high.

>walk in on underage kid in bear suit
>"Whoops, I'll leave you alone"
What the fuck, is this the normal reaction?

Depends on whether you are in an American TV show or not

I'm a beaner.

They fucked up. ALWAYS lock the door first

I want to say that's not normal, but I kind of worry about how I'd deal with that myself if I were in the mother's situation (Or rather, if I were the father walking in).

My sister and I know hookups and the like are bad and AFAIK both she and I are virgins despite having been in romantic relationships. I need to ask my parents how they nailed that into us.

Also, my therapist thinks I need to actually get laid before I feel ready for it. This concerns me.

Welcome to Sup Forums and to anime.

Erokasan is best archetype.

true, the parents should be out there with pom poms cheering them on for the future of grorious nippon

It's really not a big deal, it feels really good around your junk for 30 seconds to 15 minutes usually and then you're still the same person afterwards. I guess that's what your therapist is getting at is there isn't any "being ready" for it, it's not some huge life event.

Thanks for the blogpost you retarded tripfuck attention whore.

>Also, my therapist thinks I need to actually get laid before
I'm hearing a volunteer

Definitely something charming about her.

Same. When my parents thought I kidnapped and raped a 14year old girl in their house, only after a lot of pressure my father uttered the words "sex" for the first time in his life towards me. then i laughed and brushed him off

>be teen.
>too dumb to actually lock the door.

>be anime character
>too dumb to actually lock the door

>my parents thought I kidnapped and raped a 14year old girl in their house

> about to fuck through thick blanket

She left to not die from laughter.

Sup Forums is not your fucking blog faggot.

>fucking your own sister
that's gross user.

>grll btw
Kill yourself.
Mods and jannies will be getting a lot of work tonight.

Is this the normalfag show of the season?

You let it happen.