Ookami Shounen

new chapter

Botan is gonna win in the end right?


The main heroine reminds me a lot of a chick I had bad experiences with. This chapter nailed that in and I got deja vu reading it.
Hope Botan wins.

post yfw botan loses

Why's the candy apple so tiny?


Looks fine to me

I feel like I've been having this problem a lot.

At this point, who knows? I'm kidding, first girl is fated to win.

I want Botan to win, partly because I haven't seen main girl in so long I forgot her name.

Botan's cool, main girl barely even knows the non-crossdressed MC.


It is time for the Botan reaction face dump ?

That's what these threads always become.

Oh shit, I forgot that today's Botan day. Gonna dump.


>Captcha: CALLE BOIS








I fucked up.


Still convinced she's primarily about girl-Itsuki. Why else have him crossdress?

People still thinking Botan can't win are also seriously not paying attention.

Same image as in OP






I think this was the most reasonable approach.








That's all for this time, folks. Next chapter on the 8th.

And so Botan lose, said the mangaka

if 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 Botan wins



That settles it.

Confession drowned out by fireworks?

Botanfags being BTFO.

She's going to ask him to undergo a sex change surgery, right?

This is it my brothers, it was good while it lasted. Botan will remain best girl in my heart.


This face

probably not, author been on point with the pacing of the story so far.


She will confess during the fireworks, realise what Botan would do and confess again, then.


>Openly thinking and speaking about Botan while on a date
My lad


I'm done

It's not fair ;_;

What's the easiest way to send a firebomb to the mangaka's house


Objectively speaking he's keeping his composure around her and her slutty hand holding much better than post-Botan kiss. Botan still in the lead.


"I am a lesbian."
... then that


Botan and Botan only.

fuck you


receive bacon



Should I just go ahead and drop this and pretend Botan won or face what may be an unfortunate truth

Stay for the ride. There may be still be a chance.

More than a chance, honestly.

Repeating myself cause I wanna:

Tokujira's entire arc has been about growing as a person, not romance. What romance there has been has been technically homosexual. Itsuki has constantly since chapter 1 been worried over his looks. Tokujira has not accepted his looks, nor did she accept him. Itsuki never had serious feelings for Aoi. This was immediately brought up and highlighted in chapter 1 and recently he too admitted his feelings were a crush. Botan has seen Itsuki for who he is and accepted him. He likes her as well, as they have a genuine and fostered connection. Unlike Aoi, Botan's arc is about romance and friendship. She mended the relationships after the fallout and she put herself forward as a love interest. Basically, if Botan doesn't win, everything to this point is meaningless. Despite the bitching and moaning, this was never a standard love triangle. Botan was a surprise love interest, so why anyone assumes cliche I do not know.


I guess this is the time to unplug the internet cable.

jinxed it famalam


Botan is going to win.

>Still zero

0 for 0% chance.

last two digits are % chance of Botan's victory.

Botan is the answer for anything.

All you faithless faggots can go to hell, Botan will win.




Way to fucking go.


gj m8

What the fuck

>Literally 90% to win
>Still lose

:Muffled ayylien laughing in the distance:

>Itsuki in swimsuit

Did anyone else notice the loli Botan on the second panel? What does it mean?

Easter egg for this?

>trap Itsuki in a swimsuit
I wonder how/if he'd have been able to pull it off. The implications are too lewd.

You missed some white spots.
