Baki Dou 169

He goes, and now she's knows he'll never be afraid. Dee, dee dee dee dee dee.


















End scene.

Next week is break; I don't know what week this issue is technically under, so I don't know when the break will be.

Why is everyone trying to commit Sudoku with musashi?

maybe the authors gotten sick of writing it

This entire series started with the introduction of Musashi. The last series ended at a real end. If he didn't want to write Baki, he didn't have to make a new series.

it's been a few years since dou began though,could be he's since gotten tired of it, or that this is intended to be the last part, it's also possible he was dragged backed in by the company somehow

There was a 2-year break between the end of Hanma Baki and the start of Baki Dou. Itagaki chose to come back.

maybe he ran out of cash

All this is Tokugawa's fault. He wanted to solve the boredom of his fighters, and now he is getting his beloved sons killed. Anyway, didn't expect Hanayama to win, but yes to survive this fight. Need to read the next chapter.

"Live perpetually bored for another 80 years, or die with some excitement after a couple months?" That might be around where they're all thinking. Or where Itagaki's gonna say that they're thinking. Dunno.

Fuck Musashi, he needs to go.

Honestly Baki went to shit when it started to introduce opponents "unbeatable by anyone that's not a Hanma" like Pickle and Musashi.

Back in the convicts arc you could never be sure who would wind a fight but now everything is just so predictable.

The only way I will be satisfied is if Itagaki pulls another Ali Jr were every character proceeds to utterly crush Musashi.

Also bring Retsu back from the dead to deal the final blow and send Musashi to hell.

>bring Retsu back from the dead
I think he might, but I don't want it
and I was also thinking that maybe the memetobe fight be a truing point with ever character finding away to best Mushashi and teach him something before he fights and loses to Baki

>Honestly Baki went to shit when it started to introduce opponents "unbeatable by anyone that's not a Hanma" like Pickle and Musashi.
But Memetobe beat Musashi.

He """""""""""beat""""""""""" Musashi.

Is this chapter late or early?

>maybe the authors gotten sick of writing it
If this was true he wouldn't be dragging it out so much. There's a shitton of recent chapters that weren't needed, including most of the cop massacre.

There aren't even spoilers available for this chapter available to the Japs, so I'm assuming extremely early - meaning that it's probably supposed to be out next Thursday. It's also possible that it's just an irregular publication date. I can't verify that either way yet, though.

What if the entire current part of Musashi Dou is just An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge? Wouldn't that just be something?

I refuse to believe Yujiro would've lost to Musashi. Fuck that dumb shit scene for making people believe otherwise.

There's no way in hell Yujiro would lose to Musashi, even Kaku couldn't make Yujiro go all out.
I feel like Pickle would've been beaten by the people like Olivia
If pickle can't beat Musashi there's no way Hanayama will

Yujiro is gonna lose round 2 and come back for round 3 stronger than ever.
Musashi is here to show the characters their way and setup for part 5 with aliens, demon bloodline and more legendary clones.

Why is that lion doing pullups?

Knowing Itagaki writing as well as I do, I'm certain that it's "Wild animals naturally have strength. To have someone like him exercise... is like having someone like *him* exercise!"

Something like that; explaining why Hanayama doesn't train.

bump, once



dis better begood

that's DBBG



Jesus Christ ! Those are ugly arts

why do I even bother...