Jury awards more than $37M to family of Korryn Gaines

> A Baltimore County jury on Friday awarded more than $37 million in damages in the civil lawsuit brought by the family of Korryn Gaines, the 23-year-old Randallstown woman who was shot and killed by county police after a six-hour standoff in 2016.

> The jury of six women said the first shot fired by Cpl. Royce Ruby at Gaines, killing her and injuring her then-5-year-old son, Kodi, was not reasonable and therefore violated their civil rights under state and federal statutes.

> The jury awarded more than $32 million to Kodi in damages, and $4.5 million for his sister, Karsyn. Gaines’ father and mother were awarded $300,000 and $307,000, respectively, and the Gaines estate was awarded another $300,000. No punitive damages were awarded.


That's an expensive nigger.

Other urls found in this thread:


>niggress posts hundreds of videos talking about killing police
>final showdown and is armed
>bodycam shows her armed and using the kid as a shield
>her final twatter upload is her telling her son that they are going to die today holding a shotgun
>cops are at fault

Fuck that tribe of Balti niggers

>37 million dollars in free gibs to agitator that confronted policeman just doing his job
>this won't encourage hundreds of other hoodrats to do the exact same thing

>can't build a wall because that's too expensive
>let's give 37 million dollars of taxpayer money away just because a darkie got shot for obnoxiously agitating a police officer

No you really hit on it. It's that blacks are being brainwashed by the media to hate cops. I don't like cops, out of the number of interactions I have had with them none have been positive, but here is a case where racial tensions that are being deliberately inflamed in this country are having real world consequences. What's going to end up happening is white cops will move to white areas, because no white cop is going to do his job if it involves getting on a jury in front of blacks that are going to convict him based on the color of his skin. See: South Africa.

>getting on a jury in front of blacks
That's the thing, isn't it. The Jury of Your Peers is not working if it's a bunch of nogs looking for a chance to fuck with whitey.

Mmmmm........ No.....

The jury system works insofar as a system will ever work. "Peers" doesn't mean people who look like you or even YOUR peers. It means "Peers of the Community", and its 100% OK legally speaking if a black man on trial for his life gets a 100% white male cop jury, or if a cop gets a 100% black woman turboliberal jury.

There are deeper issues at work here than the 300 year old jury system this country has. It worked fine for literal centuries. It's older than the nation itself. The jury system isnt the problem and legally speaking is probably the most redpilled system still in this country.

The issue here is community and racial division.

>Jury of 6 women
choose one

Jury selection isn't random. The author just knows nothing about the legal system. Voir Dire is the process of jury selection and each side gets to kick a certain number of candidates out for no reason at all. The reason there's no men is almost certainly in part the fault of the defense.

$37 million worth of it.

>The issue here is community and racial division.
No shit.

> Family attorney J. Wyndal Gordon donned a Colin Kaepernick jersey before speaking to reporters. He said he was “filled with pride” that the jury made a decision to make the family whole.
> “Royce Ruby was nobody’s hero. He wasn’t a hero to his comrades or fellow officers. He wasn’t a hero to the community. He was a coward,” Gordon said.