Guns are useless
just turn them in
fully autimatic assault AR-15 with extended clips are too much
you can't protect yourself from governement tyranny, they have drones
america is the only countrie with mass shootings, it's embarassing
Guns are useless
just turn them in
fully autimatic assault AR-15 with extended clips are too much
you can't protect yourself from governement tyranny, they have drones
america is the only countrie with mass shootings, it's embarassing
My kids right to own a gun when he is of age is more important than your need to be comforted by the state
>Guns are useless
They're pretty useful for massacring students in a public school.
>Survives day of brainwashing and Jewish subversion at school.
>Gets raped and murdered by niggers or illegal spics on the way home.
>It just does.
wtf i hate guns now
What an argument, im turning mine in as we speak, he convinced me
>trying to bait this with the Gadsden flag
that thing looks jewish