Sup Forums seems wide open for a Kumiko thread right now.
Sup Forums seems wide open for a Kumiko thread right now
Your Kumiko is looking a little out of focus.
There's already one, unless this is a straight thread.
pls no bully octopus
Let's not do that tonight
>despacito threads every day of the week
Reminder to filter the cancer
I want to smell Kumiko's fluff after a long practice session.
another thread that will occupy space for two days despite only being used by one person, just what we needed
I love reina.
Cry us a river manchild
>Sup Forums seems wide open for a x thread right now
did i miss a new meme?
My guess is it's a newfag who saw this thread and thought it was something that could be use with any series.
Only newfags use the word newfag actually but nice hunch.
I can't unhear.
>using filters
I wish I could filter filterfags.