Hey guys, 18 y/o at Douglas High, where the most recent school shooting happened

hey guys, 18 y/o at Douglas High, where the most recent school shooting happened.


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You're aware that this was a staged drill gone live right?

no, it definitely was real and could have been prevented

Were you friends with Cruz? What grade are you?

yes it was real but the shooter was not cruz. he was a patsy. i have yet to hear anyone talk about them seeing cruz shooting. even the blonde said she was talking to him when she heard the gunshots being fired.

hoax= did no happen (staged)
false flag= people died but the perpetrators were not who the media say they are

was there more than one shooter?

Did you know every one of you who makes anti-inflammatory comments has been added to our list of traitors to the republic?

conspiritards need to be thrown off of cliffs

Were you scared, user?

Assuming that you are a Sup Forumsack, are you out there on the street counter-signaling all of the emotive gun grabbing faggotry? We need gen-Zyclon to step up against your leftist peers who are getting all of the media attention.

Do you suck dicks?


out of 3,000 ppl how many have you seen? not everyone in our school is a pro-gun control nut but anyone who isn't definitely can't speak up about it now

Why weren't there any good guys with guns around to stop the bad guy with a gun ?

no, never knew of the guy even. 12

It could have been prevented by a teacher who knew how to shoot.
It could not have been prevented with more gun control.

When will you finish what el goblino started?

>even the blonde said she was talking to him when she heard the gunshots being fired.
you are such a larping shit, please kill yourself. your life is so fucking terrible you have to bring out your delusions onto 4chin, holy shit son

>anti-inflammatory comments

it didn't seem like it. I was right by an exit when people were running and one of the first out

But user, there is video evidence of this being said.

You sound like CIA, nigger.
>I'm just going to pop on over to Sup Forums and ask what they think of the florida shooting because I'm a normal 18 y/o that thinks this is the right thing to do besides licking pussy and anything else that most highschool kids would be getting into...

lets see it

Shhh...let the truth be known.

fuck yeah imagine walking back to class from bathroom and and hearing g people start running out of classrooms scared as hell, fire alarm going. all you care about is gtfo asap

tell us your story

no, I don't think anyone wants to do that yet. I'll see back at school but it's still really emotional


Would you want to go back there for normal school if they didnt choose to tear down the school?

Why didn't you direct his anger at the Jews?

What was on the lunch menu for that day? Are there any gender neutral bathrooms there? What is the assistant principal's name?

The media will exploit you and your friends like the vampires they are if they can. Be careful around them, they are ultimately corporations and you are commercial sales.

Wow, you are a faggot. Are you too dense to use Google?

How many crisis actors died that day?

Did you get any fake blood on your clothes? Write that off on your taxes as a business expense.


In your experience, which size cock do you prefer to suck on the most?

Answer these fucking questions you kike...
or GTFO.
>hurr durr, I'm gonna believe anything here on Sup Forums
>hurr durr

literally a twitter video is all you have for you proof that it sandy esque hoax? go ahead, waste more hours of your life pouring through this. Jesus christ user, get some perspective and clean your room :)

knock knock knock

When do you guys start going back to school again? Will all the seniors be transferred to another high school to continue their senior year?

>still in HS
Fucking pleb, kys

Tell us about these activitist students on news, what's wrong with the buzz cut female

im tired of it here and that was even BEFORE all this shit. it was the end of the day and I was walking around the hallways wasting time after asking to use the bathroom and then I hear the fire alarm go off and I'm like "ok it's kind of late in the day for a drill...who pulled the fire alarm" and then I hear classroom doors fly open and a bunch of OMGs and people running out of classrooms. I said I was right by the exit so I left n found out from the first few out that someone was shooting people on the other side of the school. I fucking ran away fast as possible from the school. Nachos for lunch that day

Who said anything about a Sandy Hook-esque hoax? Who said I even thought this was a conspiracy besides you denying that what was in the video was being said?
Look, I know ShareBlue is paying a few cents above minimum wage these days, but demonstrating your lack of critical thinking skills for the world to see is rather pathetic. Maybe you should clean your room, kiddo.

read the thread

Proofs or gtfo fuggot

>im tired of it here

Larping faggot. Is that his nose your sucking on er?

Curious question, older dude here, what is it about you guys and documenting stuff like this on snapchat?



How many times have you been butthole-blasted this week?

You faggot cocksucker

why wouldn't you run to help.. also


12? Wasn't this a high school?

A "twitter video"? No.

A legit interview done by a local reporter, that was not aired. The reporter then uploaded it to his twitter so that we could hear that there - as always - is more to the story.

Try again.

Tell us about Holocaust class.

grade 12. senior

grade 12 = high school senior numbnuts

post proof nigger

what's up with the snapchat of the dead black chick yet she isn't on the list of 17 casualties?

Since this event seems to have drawn you into politics. Are you considering going into it because of this?



Post picture of school id and time stamped.

How old are you and what school do you attend?

>nachos for lunch that day
the shooting happened near the end of the school day retard
>t. someone who lives 20 minutes away from the shooting

you came to Sup Forums to claim you'e been there
what do you have to tell us that would be substancial ?
let me guess :
>i was in, ran out, saw nothing
WHY are you on Sup Forums to do an AMA ?

>this event seems to have drawn you into politics
>posting on pol is getting into politics

Do you know either of the girls who claimed that there were multiple shooters?

You need to get in front of a microphone and demand control of antidepressants and antipsychotics. 90% of shootings have two things in common: 1) They are in an actual (or perceived, like a theater) gun free zone, and 2) The shooter is on prescription happy pills. If you really care you will discuss this with your (no doubt retarded) peers and try to get in front of a mic. The media will never touch these facts. Way too much ad revenue from pharma.

Does everyone at your school glow in the dark?

>heh i don't accept video proof because it was on a platform i don't like

What's it really like living in Florida?

>Nachos for lunch that day

the blonde one isn't really that smart. she probably honestly does the no there were two but she's probably the worst witness to ask


>no, never knew of the guy even.
Perhaps YOU were part of the problem then?

Are you a fucking kike? If so, why should we trust you? If no, how do you feel about going to school with a bunch of shitty fuckn kikes?


Do you believe that Cruz actually ditched his guns and blended into the crowd after shooting?

any proof you're not larping?

these larp slide threads need to be saged. how fucking hard is it to write Sup Forums and a time stamp on a local newspaper or piece of junk mail with your address? the absolute state of this board i swear.

you'd think he'd wreak of gun powder

No shit

Amerimutt education, folks.

he didnt say hoax you shill faggot

The school has over 3k people retard

Time-stamp + Student ID card or you're counterfeit and homosexual

This is why the refugees come to your country. You can't just sail pizza boats on your shores without the consequences!!
Do not feed the wild life

Who tf is this? I've been poring over forums all day trying to figure this out, I reached out to Ed Snowden and cnn for answers. I gotta know!

You’d think in 2018 100p video wouldn’t exist anymore


was your school as corrupted by commies/marxists teachers like most schools in the western world?
were any of the kids that died indoctrinated by the progressive cult?
If your answer to both questions is YES then don't bother answering since I really don't give a fuck about your school and the people that died.

I saw the video during the initial news frenzy. It is an injured student. She was carried out by a police officer at the end of the video. I am assuming that she survived because there were no black students listed among the dead.


>infiltrated by commies and marxists
The school is 40% Jewish, what do you think?

Pics and time stamp with school ID or you are a flaming larping faggot and should kys

OP is full of shit guys come on.

god damn whats the sauce on the pic

Woo us with your wares, Mr. Pieman, or GTFO.

Please leave and never return.